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Is Clement a motivator?


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3 hours ago, Inglorius said:

Someone's already beaten me to it but the excuse about fatigue doesn't hold much water Forest played the same number of games over the same time span.  With our supposedly superior squad it's even less of an excuse. 

.......and picked up 3 fewer points! What would you prefer - the 6 points and a loss to the Forest rabble or to have lost both home games but beat that lot? I know which I prefer.

I'm as disappointed as anyone about not just the loss of 3 points last night but the sterile performance but in the whole scheme of things, beating Forest doesn't matter as much as accumulating points.

Bring on Cardiff

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I fookin hate it when people start questioning players attitudes. 

Who out of you lot goes to work and has zero pride in their job? Now imagine if thousands upon thousands of people are watching you work. Then imagine if 20 television cameras are pointed at you and millions more are watching at home.

Imagine if you performed badly you could be released or sold and have to work on the other side of the country. 

Players care about their careers and reputations. Otherwise they'd settle for playing for the local club or clubs they support. Instead of going on trials and training they'd have gone on holiday with mates. 

You always get this when teams lose a big game. Could it be that the team just lost? Like what happens in football.


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10 hours ago, CumbrianRam said:

Din't see a lack of effort last night, just lack of footbaling intelligence.

And not the first time, we cannot compete with against a team that just wants to sit back and counter attack us, we have no idea how to break down two lines of 4, Forest had done their home work.

Not the first time this season we had a very poor performance...........

I only hope PC actually learns from this, otherwise we'll struggle against Cardiff and Hull........

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14 minutes ago, Ewe Ram said:

Seems to me PC can't win. If he swaps the team about he has no clue what his best team is and unfairly treats the players. If he sticks with a winning side he should have swapped it about for fresh legs. 


I thought that PC had picked the right team, possibly with the exception of Butterfield for Hendrick, but at the time I agreed with it. Hoped that Jeff with Thorne and Johnson behind him would be able to break those 2 banks of 4 down by driving through them. Unfortunately Jeff and too many others just had an off night. I actully was pleased about how we went about the 90 minutes. Not the performance but the manner. We didn't resort to long hopefull balls into the box but persisted with our patient posession football. On the night it didn't work. Forest scoring so early on was probably the main reason for that. They got their tails up and fought for everything. Against QPR it worked. On another night when we're not carrying 5 or 6 players it will also work. Take on the lessons and move on. Two defeats at this stage, even if they were against Leeds and Forest, would have been accepted by 90% (well, this is dcfcfans so 25%) of our fans. Another good run and this result will just be a blip and that gap will just keep on growing. COYR!

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As has been pointed out by others, the key thing I took from watching the fans forum online, and also recent interviews with PC and MM, are the repeated use of words such as learn from the performance, develop and improve.

From his background and qualifications PC is obviously an educator, so hopefully he can show he can do it with Derby!


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Being able to educate and have an audience buy in to what you are saying is a definite skill. I certainly had teachers at school who were never going to make me listen. 

Before they made changes there was a huddle of PC, Peacock and Kevin Phillips. So he obviously doesn't run a dictatorship. That's another good thing 

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I sense this thread will rear its ugly head after each defeat. I look at the team now and see a lot of confidence, vastly different to the start of the season. Over confidence hindered some of our players against Florest. Surely we want our players to be confident, to believe in themselves and you have to give credit to Clement for that. But the players have to be smarter. Christie seemed devoid of confidence for so long, to ******* the kid for trying too much could have a big negative affect. He'll learn.


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I think everything Clement has said post forest game has been completely spot on. No crappy I thought we showed character, we were unlucky not to etc, he has told it exactly how it was, not good enough full stop. He is clearly setting a high standard for the squad and so should he with the players we have. Personally think we will see a much improved display against Cardiff. Since we beat forest 5-0 we seem to go into the games against them with a little too much arrogance. 

I think Clement is doing a great job, hopefully we react to this defeat like we did to the leeds defeat. I certainly won't mind winning 8 of our next 11. 

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How about this for motivating the lads, keep it on and endless loop before the game and at half time, a bit like physco used to play the sex pistols on full blast for the red dogs, :D


Wow just found the same amazing song being performed in a pub in California !!

its worth a watch for just the absurdity of the moment, I mean can you imagine being in that pub having a pint and he starts belting it out !! You would fall of your stool !!


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