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FC Utrecht v Derby County


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Anyone waiting to see me in the Belgian Beer Café - apologies. The leg isn't good today so after the game we headed back to Den Haag.

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I've not seen any pre-season games so far but the scores Bent is getting ain't been good. I hope those rumours from other clubs about once he has a contract, he becomes lazy aren't going to prove true.

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I don't think Bent is lazy, I've just mentioned a million times before that he's not the sort of striker you'd want in a possession-based team. He won't come deep for the ball because he's not good at that.

So unless we're looking at breaking forward quickly, getting players like Russell, Hughes, Weimann and Ince on the ball between the lines and ready to thread Bent through, he's an utterly pointless signing.

Unless of course he, Clement and DCFC fans in general know he's only going to be a bench player.



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somebody shoot warnock 

I am guessing that you posted that the first time he made a mistake (mis-controlling the ball out for a throw-in)?

I'm sorry, but it really is rather pathetic that we have fans who have their own personal hate figures. The boneheads who criticised Keogh earlier in the thread - what was that about? He was pretty well faultless today.

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The one thing I dread above all this season is that Forsyth gets a big injury and we have to play Warnock for an extended period of time. he is bobbins.

He did one thing wrong (ok, he wasn't on for long) - but I note that you were hammering him even before the game. Sorry, but that's not really on in my book.

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This is beginning to look like a proper preseason with a new manager and new faces .. Tentative early on, finding who and what we are, bit disjointed and slowly slowly it starts to gel because we have some good players and some good pro's and a positive vibe. 

Really looking forward to wednesday as the cement starts to set. I wonder if he has a starting 11 in his mind 

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And if we put many of them in a pile they would be about as much use as a single Warnock.

Jeez, you really are coming across as someone who is really upset with Warnock - in fact, he seems to be your only topic of conversation. Did he run over your cat?

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Watched the game via stream, but thought I'd post my ratings


Carson - 6 

Christie - 6

Keogh - 7

Shotton - 7

Forsyth 6

Thorne - 9 

Hughes - 8

Hendrick - 6

Ince - 8

Bent - 4

Russell - 8



So many subs there's no real point, although Martin and Bryson were impressive 

What probably didn't come across on the (so I'm told) dreadful quality stream you would have watched was the number of runs that Bent was making, pulling their central defenders all over the place. He was picked out only once (twice if you include the back-pass) - but he should have done better with that.

For me, I thought that Hendrick was really impressive, as were Russell, Hughes and Thorne. I don't actually think that anyone of the original starting XI put in a poor performance - and Christie really stepped up after a shaky first 15 minutes. Utrecht's No 20 was outstanding early and late. 

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Thanks for all the posts guys. Brilliant. They create an atmosphere of their own which is excellent. I have Ramsplayer so will see the game soon. fantastic goal by Will. Thorne is going to have a field day when he is fully fit. He is going to have so many options to pass to, it is very exciting. The Management has put some serious thought into this season. Like taking Candy Crush from a baby.Thanks Mel, what a guy! 

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