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I'll axe TV shows if licence cheats escape court - BBC boss Danny Cohen


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BBC boss Danny Cohen was accused of ‘holding viewers to ransom’ yesterday after he threatened to axe programmes if licence fee evaders are no longer sent to court.

The director of television warned that the Corporation would probably have to cut entire services – such as TV channels or radio stations – if non-payment of the £145.50-a-year licence was decriminalised.

In a surprisingly combative move, Mr Cohen also threatened the government over proposals to force the BBC to give the licence fee free to the over-75s.


I feel it's only right that we give Mr Cohen a helping hand in what shows to axe.

Strictly Come Dancing

Doctor Who


The Voice

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I don't really get why non- payment of a debt, which may well be a disputed debt given the changes in which we view tv shows, should be a criminal act. That may have been the case 200 years ago, when debtors went to gaol, but that sort of thing should have ended before tv even started leave alone now that TV as we used to know it is ending. IF BBC thinks people,owe them money there are well,established ways of recovering that money through the civil courts. As for cancelling shows... What no more repeats of Dads army? No more cookery shows, sewing bees, the one show, dancing shows etc etc. no more top gear... No wait, that's finishing too anyway. No more football league show, oh wait that's gone too. Cricket ? Oh no that's gone too. Actually the bbc is only for women isn't it? So why should we care?

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The thing is though McRam, we have a choice whether we want to subscribe to those providers you mention. Is it not time the BBC got with the beat and was subscription based as well ?

I don't like Chelsea Football Club so I don't subscribe to Chelsea TV, it's there for me though should I have a change of heart one day (like that's gonna happen but you know what I mean)

We've got the technology for the BBC to do something similar and it's about time they utilised it and stopped holding a gun to our heads.


Out of interest, does anyone know if people in Southern Ireland with Sky can pick up the BBC ?

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Licence fee dodgers should be taken to court, Virgin,  Sky, BT would come after you if you failed to pay

Wouldn't they just cancel the service first and foremost. 

There has to be a better system than an arbitrary tax on everyone. The bbc is a good service, with all the multimedia stuff they do, but there's got to be a better way of funding it. 

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When I worked for the council, I used to like to think about my salary in terms of Council Tax. I worked out that I could just go round everyone in my building, and collect the tax directly, cut out the middle man. Only that would be too much like work, it was much easier just to sit at my desk and post on here all day (probably got something to do with why I don't work there any more).

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Let it go commercial FFS. It's a relic from the mid 20th Century and the model is no longer viable.

I never watch (as broadcast) TV anyway, so a few more channels to FF through the adverts isn't much of a hardship.

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Another thing.  I often wake up in the middle of the night and I find this girl on my screen, sitting perfectly still supposedly playing noughts and crosses with a clown puppet.  Truly, she never moves, not a flicker.  I know I've watched her for hours. It's exploitation. You would think after all the child protection problems they have had in the recent past the BBC would do something about this. Perhaps Saville scared her stiff? Makes my blood boil the more I think about it.

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I know what people are saying about the BBC and it's unfair to compare with sky as sky subscribers pay treble the license fee every year. 

Consider if the BBC went commercial and turned into ITV. Possibly the worst channel of them all. You might not like dance and talent shows but ITV is Jeremy Kyle, Judge Judy, stupid world's worst shows, reality TV and everything else that is wrong with the world. 

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