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SIGNED: Alex Pearce


Alex Pearce signing prediction  

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The sh*ttest, laziest, most nonsensical, pure b*llocks criticism you can ever make of a CB is that they're 'too error prone'. What does it actually f*cking mean?!?

Is every time we concede a goal an error? In that case, you'd only be happy with 5/6 CB partnerships in the entire world, and even then, people say Cahill/Terry are the best PL CB's of an average lot.

And even then, there was a point before Bucko got injured that we'd conceded something like the 2nd or 3rd least goals in the league? Not a clue how we managed that being so bloody error prone.

Where do we draw the line between a goal being a defensive error or down to the quality of the striker? Was Messi's dink against Bayern his quality shining through or Boateng being error prone? You can examine every goal to death and say what a defender could have done better. If a Bayern player had stood on the goal line where Messi eventually put his dink for 90 minutes, he'd never have scored it.

Is Martin too error prone for not scoring every single shot he has?

I'm 90% sure that what most people don't like about Keogh and Bucko is that some times Keogh doesn't look entirely stable on the ball, even though he is, and that neither of them are 6'4 and built like brick sh*thouses.

Sorry have a worryingly Alpha-esque rant at you, but that phrasing really gets on my tits.

​Not even gonna bother reading that. Keogh makes far too many errors, don't really see how anybody can argue otherwise. Also, don't let yourself get so wound up by somebody else's opinion, makes you look silly x

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​Not even gonna bother reading that. Keogh makes far too many errors, don't really see how anybody can argue otherwise. Also, don't let yourself get so wound up by somebody else's opinion, makes you look silly x

Yeah, well I got more likes than you

My cock's also bigger

I have more followers on twitter

Idiakez was a poor mans Ben Davies

You smell


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​Not even gonna bother reading that. Keogh makes far too many errors, don't really see how anybody can argue otherwise. Also, don't let yourself get so wound up by somebody else's opinion, makes you look silly x

​Are there ANY bloody Derby players you rate?

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​Not even gonna bother reading that. Keogh makes far too many errors, don't really see how anybody can argue otherwise. Also, don't let yourself get so wound up by somebody else's opinion, makes you look silly x

​name me any goals we conceded that was soley down to keogh and not someone else's cock-up in our **** run of form

name me a footballer, actually let me rephrase that, name me a defender who can actually play football we could get in for the same amount of money we would get for keogh

I like keogh, i imagine im one of the very few people that would actually be dissapointed to see him replaced, no he isnt the best defender in the world, but hes a lot better than what most people make out how bad he is, he contributes so much to the team that people ignore, against watford keogh sent a through ball to bent that split open the whole watford team, it was thorne-esque yet people dont seem to remember keoghs distribution

what about the games where we had forsyth and albentosa together in CB, they are both good defenders, strong and in forsyths case mobile, yet our out ball from the back which we rely on so much was absolutely abysmal. hoof it forward straight to the opposition, rinse and repeat, remind me, how did we do in those matches?

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While we had a thread of togetherness and round pegs in round holes, our defence notched up 8 clean sheets in 9 games. Bucko and Keogh at centre half. They're perfectly sound. We all want better, in all positions, but lets not be too critical of good honest professionals like them.

​Keogh and Bucko is great partnership, at least good enough to get us promoted. Together they are greater than than the sum of its parts (or however it is said?)

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Keogh needs a fresh start for his own sake.

Last season frustration was evident to see, with the berating of team mates and clashes with fans, even his wife got in on the act.

He isn't a leader, not someone who motivates the players and gives them a lift when we need it. Martin, Thorne and Hughes seem to be the only ones out there who show the attributes to be a captain.

Pearce wouldn't be a bad freebie, he is no worst than Keogh surely. Younger, free, Prem experience too.., 

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​name me any goals we conceded that was soley down to keogh and not someone else's cock-up in our **** run of form

name me a footballer, actually let me rephrase that, name me a defender who can actually play football we could get in for the same amount of money we would get for keogh

I like keogh, i imagine im one of the very few people that would actually be dissapointed to see him replaced, no he isnt the best defender in the world, but hes a lot better than what most people make out how bad he is, he contributes so much to the team that people ignore, against watford keogh sent a through ball to bent that split open the whole watford team, it was thorne-esque yet people dont seem to remember keoghs distribution

what about the games where we had forsyth and albentosa together in CB, they are both good defenders, strong and in forsyths case mobile, yet our out ball from the back which we rely on so much was absolutely abysmal. hoof it forward straight to the opposition, rinse and repeat, remind me, how did we do in those matches?

​It's not my job to drum up a list of names for each position is it? I think we already have someone for that... 

Ooooo Keogh's distribution is good, that makes up for everything doesn't it? Where on earth will we find another defender that can kick a ball properly? We'll struggle to find a player that "isnt the best defender in the world" but can pass 10 yards, you just cannot replace that. Idiot

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​It's not my job to drum up a list of names for each position is it? I think we already have someone for that... 

Ooooo Keogh's distribution is good, that makes up for everything doesn't it? Where on earth will we find another defender that can kick a ball properly? We'll struggle to find a player that "isnt the best defender in the world" but can pass 10 yards, you just cannot replace that. Idiot

​Are you Hans in disguise?

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​It's not my job to drum up a list of names for each position is it? I think we already have someone for that... 

Ooooo Keogh's distribution is good, that makes up for everything doesn't it? Where on earth will we find another defender that can kick a ball properly? We'll struggle to find a player that "isnt the best defender in the world" but can pass 10 yards, you just cannot replace that. Idiot

​Well Albentosa can't.

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​Well Albentosa can't.

​Or Forsyth...

Shotton and Whitbread weren't especially bad on the ball (for centre-halves), but after so many games the biggest criticism of them was that they didn't move the ball on quick enough. Groans galore whenever Whitbread was on the ball when we played Cardiff I remember. 

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​Or Forsyth...

Shotton and Whitbread weren't especially bad on the ball (for centre-halves), but after so many games the biggest criticism of them was that they didn't move the ball on quick enough. Groans galore whenever Whitbread was on the ball when we played Cardiff I remember. 

​Whitbread hardly ever makes a bad pass and hardly ever losses the ball. He isn't as creative as Buxton or Keogh in where his distribution goes, but at least he makes it a point not to lose it. 

Shotton, as you said, isn't a bad footballer but makes Keogh look like the epitome of solidarity. He will just pass it straight to an opponent or play a pass that quite simply isn't there.  In the cup game against Reading I wanted to rip my eyes out. 

Albentosa against Chesterfield looked okay, he made a couple creative passes out wide and generally kept the ball well. However, he just keeps playing it long more often than not. He definitely needs coaching this summer and a good DM is vital if he is to play. 

Buxton and Keogh are as good as it gets in this division for ball playing CBs, I am afraid. They aren't the most composed, I agree, but they both can spray 60 yard balls with great accuracy more often than not. When we're being pressed high, Buxton will clear it to a winger waiting on the byline and we will retain possession - we missed that quite a lot when he wasn't in the team. Keogh does look to break through and play, too. 

The more CBs at this level we bring in, the more you will begin to appreciate the Buxton and Keogh partnership. If you search for CBs in this league who are universally rated by fans, it's not a huge amount, I tell you that. 

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​Whitbread hardly ever makes a bad pass and hardly ever losses the ball. He isn't as creative as Buxton or Keogh in where his distribution goes, but at least he makes it a point not to lose it. 

Shotton, as you said, isn't a bad footballer but makes Keogh look like the epitome of solidarity. He will just pass it straight to an opponent or play a pass that quite simply isn't there.  In the cup game against Reading I wanted to rip my eyes out. 

Albentosa against Chesterfield looked okay, he made a couple creative passes out wide and generally kept the ball well. However, he just keeps playing it long more often than not. He definitely needs coaching this summer and a good DM is vital if he is to play. 

Buxton and Keogh are as good as it gets in this division for ball playing CBs, I am afraid. They aren't the most composed, I agree, but they both can spray 60 yard balls with great accuracy more often than not. When we're being pressed high, Buxton will clear it to a winger waiting on the byline and we will retain possession - we missed that quite a lot when he wasn't in the team. Keogh does look to break through and play, too. 

The more CBs at this level we bring in, the more you will begin to appreciate the Buxton and Keogh partnership. If you search for CBs in this league who are universally rated by fans, it's not a huge amount, I tell you that. 

​A big part of him hoofing it forward is the lack of other options, teams like to press high against us now and restrict our time on the ball because they know it causes problems. With no proper DM and the midfielders not looking to receive the ball he had to just punt it up field, not useful when the only person up there is Bent

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​A big part of him hoofing it forward is the lack of other options, teams like to press high against us now and restrict our time on the ball because they know it causes problems. With no proper DM and the midfielders not looking to receive the ball he had to just punt it up field, not useful when the only person up there is Bent

​That's my hope too. 

Clement will be a good choice for him as it will stop the language barrier getting in the way. I've got semi-high hopes for him for next season. He wouldn't be the first player to have bedding in issues. 


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​That's my hope too. 

Clement will be a good choice for him as it will stop the language barrier getting in the way. I've got semi-high hopes for him for next season. He wouldn't be the first player to have bedding in issues. 


​I saw enough from him defensively to believe he could be coached into a very good defender, strong in the air, strong in the tackle, seemed to have a fairly good read on the game and has teliscopic legs! Just hope he can improve on his all round game.

Hardly surprising hes struggled to settle in. New country, new language, new team, new system and his wife/girlfriend is apparently still in Spain. Cant be easy.

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Buxton and Keogh are as good as it gets in this division for ball playing CBs, I am afraid. They aren't the most composed, I agree, but they both can spray 60 yard balls with great accuracy more often than not. When we're being pressed high, Buxton will clear it to a winger waiting on the byline and we will retain possession - we missed that quite a lot when he wasn't in the team. Keogh does look to break through and play, too. 

The more CBs at this level we bring in, the more you will begin to appreciate the Buxton and Keogh partnership. If you search for CBs in this league who are universally rated by fans, it's not a huge amount, I tell you that. 

Its not ball playing centre halfs we need....its ball grabbing and squeezing centre halfs.

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