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Jamie Hanson

Animal is a Ram

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Like the fact the exposure over the past two games will benefit him for the long term but as JW had pointed out, the three CM's we have are a lot better. I thought Hanson was scared to look forward and Hughes dropped deeper and deeper tonight.

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Reason Hanson was scared to look forward, was all he could see where red shirts down the middle of the Pitch!! He hot one long pass in first half that nearly out Ince in on goal. 

Massively over ambitious ball...but was all he could do if going to pass  forwards.

will could not venture too far forward as we had nothing up front.

bryson hardly ventured forward......all as a consequence of Johnny not being able to trap cement. Harsh, I know...but he had a stinker, against admittedly the league's strongest defence.

Hanson played fine and did exactly what he was asked to do. Very mobile and industrious and protected back four and moved ball relatively quickly.

however, in the pecking order he remains no4 at CDM ......

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Well I thought he was excellent tonight.  Allow for his age and that this was just his second game, and his second game in four days and I thought he was very excellent.

he won headers and tackles, played the ball simply and mostly to a white shirt, tried a bit of ambition when it was on, made himself available for a pass and didn't get caught out of position too much.  In a big game in front of a big crowd it was an impressive home debut.

He's got a long way to go and has to keep developing.  He's behind Thorne and Eustace clearly but closer to Omar. I think we have a good player in Mr Hanson

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Well I thought he was excellent tonight.  Allow for his age and that this was just his second game, and his second game in four days and I thought he was very excellent.

he won headers and tackles, played the ball simply and mostly to a white shirt, tried a bit of ambition when it was on, made himself available for a pass and didn't get caught out of position too much.  In a big game in front of a big crowd it was an impressive home debut.

He's got a long way to go and has to keep developing.  He's behind Thorne and Eustace clearly but closer to Omar. I think we have a good player in Mr Hanson

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Did ok, nothing more nothing less.

Felt sorry for him to be honest because when he got the ball all he could see was his team mates hiding, scared to show for the ball. Not quite sure why him and Hughes played so far apart.

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Hanson harsh as it may seem is not ready, not by a long way to play in this atmosphere and expectation. He made no impact at all. The holding role is pivotal, you have to play any of our usual three so Hendrick plays.

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Felt he did as well as could be expected in that role, would be a better option that Mascarell in away games I think as has a bit more strength in the challenge. Had to come off as we needed more attacking threat when we were losing I suppose.

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