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Derby County v Blackburn Rovers


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People rating Ward a lot higher than I would. Thought the only difference between him and Dawkins was he got in the game straight away.

Don't think he beat his man more than once. He took him down the line but that's it.

Think he's getting a higher rating because he ran a fair bit and got a lot of the ball.

But then I've heard a few fans say "he was *****" and "he's useless"

Nobody was ***** or useless. Average was the worst anyone was. Unfortunately the most average performances came from the 3 forwards.

But still, we looked like winners from kick off. Nobody really seemed worried at any stage.

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My ratings for what it's worth...

Grant - 8 - for that save

Shotton - 8 - got turned once second half but brilliant other than that.

Keogh - 7 - made a few good blocks

Buxton - 6 - oddly struggled to win a header against King

Forsyth - 6 - did nothing badly but nothing great either

Omar - 7 - one phenomenal block, decent throughout

Hughes - 8 - dragging us through a patch where we are struggling to get flowing football going

Hendrick - 6 - showing versatility when bent came on

Ward - 5 - seemed to run out of steam after 5 minutes. Slow, lethargic and unwilling to track back at times

Martin - 6 - didn't have too much influence

Dawkins - 6 - looked tidy as normal, felt we were too quick to attack down the right rather than left first half. Was coming into it centrally before he went off

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Just got home from the game, A52 what a jam. shout out to Fredrick from Norway at Frankie's, top man!


Player Ratings


Grant - 8 - top save first half, even better one second half. one dodgy hoof out of bounds otherwise perfect. 8 is probably stingy.

Forsyth 8 - sold, great game both defensively and offensively. 

Buxton 7 - didn't win all of his headers but didn't really put a foot wrong to be fair

Keogh - 9.5 - a great performance from the skipper. headers blocks distribution everything and that's 2 in a row. Keogh critics need to go jump in the Derwent ;)

Shotton 8.5 - a superb performance from Shotton. solid defensively and a good passer of the ball. his long throws were a menace with one leading to one of our goals

Mascarell 9.5 - class performance, clean solid tackles, no shirt pulls, and basically ran the midfield. if he plays like this every game, Thorne won't get in the side! 

Hughes - 9.5 - He just gets better and better; some of his stuff today was, dare I say it, far too good for this league. it was champions league stuff. swivels, mazy runs, a cut above

Hendrick - 6.5 - meh okay performance, I notice it takes him 2-3 touches to get the ball under control and he's not quite as clever as some of the others in his passing choices. Defensively he was fine though.

Ward - 6 - and that is generous. he looks rusty still to me, and although he looks dangerous his tepid shot in the second half was very disappointing as was when he tonked the ball out of touch after beating the defender

Dawkins - 6.5 - very good control, and some good link ups but looks a little short on confidence. Once Bent started to warm up he turned it on for a few mins, but it was right to take him out

Martin - 6 decent, but missed 3-4 chances. He was far better in the second half and he does look livelier when Bent's out there. 

Bent - 9 ... a menace and a poacher of the highest calibre. all his goals are close range poaches, but one thing he has is extremely leggy speed. Great acceleration for a big man. McClaren has a headache because he seems good for more than a goal a game for us right now

Bennett 7.5 He was too slow too make a pass or just run to goal on his first major play in the game, but his speed and effort created goal #2. The kid is lightning fast.


MOTM: Take your pick between: Hughes, Keogh and Mascarell. All 3 superb

I was impressed by the fact that every Derby player gave their best; Blackburn outworked in every area. We should be proud.

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Hughes looked to have the arrogance/confidence of a proper class player tonight.

Trying things he had no right to do and often getting away with it.

He's really starting to live up to the hype which can only be a good thing.

Special mention to Mascarell, who I've doubted so far, but thought he looked good tonight.

Still have my doubts about Hendrick though. He's not terrible, but just seemingly inneffective for large parts of the game.

Generally a gritty and hard fought victory.

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Which idiot organised those road works on the night of a big match.

1.5hrs to get home.....7 miles

Nothing seemed to be happening but the cones were very neat.

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Did we switch to the diamond formation when Bent came on?

Not quite sure tbh.....

Martin dropped deeper.

But ward stayed wide.

I think hendrick went right.

A diamond with a winger?

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Not quite sure tbh.....

Martin dropped deeper.

But ward stayed wide.

I think hendrick went right.

A diamond with a winger?

Yes. it was a 4 4 2 diamond. Hendrick on the right, Hughesy in front of Omar. 

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Grant 8

Shotton 7

Keogh 8

Buxton. 7

Forsyth. 7

Mascarell. 8

Hendrick. 5.5

Hughes. 9

Dawkins. 6

Ward. 6

Martin. 7

Bent. 7

Bennett. 6

Excellent performance , but a bit worried when we didn't score despite having lots of possession ..Hughes and Mascarell could become awesome as a midfield pair when Thorne is fit enough to take his place as defensive midfielder .. Bent looks good enough to start ( with Martin tucked in just behind him ) , and we could sacrifice one of our wingers to accomodate him ..

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Grant 8- Dat save. Great organisation as well, gave the shouts to his defenders and they complied. We made it look easy to defend at times and that's down to Granty.


Shotton 6- Honestly think he gave the ball away far too much. Defended fairly well but he struggles with pacey players still.


Keogh 7- Rock solid. Captains performance. Looked so much calmer


Buxton 6- Steady on lad, you're looking like a pub centre half again. Don't be a laughing stock, you're better than this.


Forsyth 7- He made it look easy when it wasn't always that easy. Was good at turning defence into attack rather quickly. Didn't have much to do though.


Mascarell 8- Heroic at times, It's very rare that Mascarell has an imposing presence in the midfield but he had it today. Looked in control and was in control


Hughes 9-.... and if you thought OMG was in control... Embarrassed some defenders at times. Just try to get the ball off him, you've got no hope mate. You might as well go home....


Hendrick 4- ...you might as well go home...


Dawkins 6- eh... I've seen worse. At least he kept the ball and had some relative calm... Other than that miss...


Ward 7- Active? The word is more 'Hyperactive' I think. Ran around like a loon but he's made a career out of that and he's quite dangerous like that. Ruffled a few feathers at least.


Martin 7- Looked much better went Bent played next to him to relieve some of the pressure on him. Anonymous before that.




Bent 8- Ghosting in all over the place. His timing, running and positioning are impeccable. Top striker. I have a good feeling about this loan deal...


Bennett 7- Raw pace and power. Surprised me a little bit because he's often so ineffective in these little cameos at the end of games.

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But I thought you said we'd never change the system (peeps)? 

Zzzzz. What did we start with? That's what my point was. Tried and tested. 

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