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Derby County v Notts Forest

Gritstone Ram

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Once again, no 'passion' = no good. Derby fans are idiotsFor the record, I thought Ward was ***** today. Despite the passionMartin did everything he could. One of our better players.

Ward showed a lot of good things. But zero end product as despite taking right decisions his execution in final third was shocking. Needs games and his touch back really fast !

Poor touch when Russell played him in in first couple of minutes. Over hit pass to Bryson, and slow to deliver when bursting away from them to by line in second half. Usual clueless booking.....yet was still our most threatening player !!

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Shan't read the rest until I've posted so I'm not influenced but what a disappointing second half, feel as flat as I have done all season after that, a real poor display lacking any kind of finesse or know how, and wouldn't win any points against any teams playing like that let alone in a local derby encounter.



Grant 6 - looked bit shaky on a few crosses, unsighted for the 2nd goal I think (went through Keoghs legs watching replay)

Christie 6 - an odd hybrid, looks good going forward (though can over-do it a bit) but very panicky when up against it

Forsyth 6 - mostly defended well bar one lapse, passing is not his forte however

Keogh 5 - involved in the concession of both goals, not clearing free kick and then not closing down scorer effectively

Buxton 7 - felt he won most of the aerial battles in the game, the most consistent player for me

Bryson 5 - less effective than some other displays of his

Hughes 7 - showed how much we missed him when he wasn't there, calmed the play down with his passing

Mascarell 6 - looks like a good passer playing the wrong role, poor challenge for their winner, gave free kick away for 1st goal

Martin 6 - effective first half but passes went by him in second half too frequently

Russell 6 - good first half but faded in second

Ward 6 - promising return though obviously bit short of top fitness, thought he did ok


Hendrick 4 - looked off the pace and out of sorts straight away

Bent 5 - not really his fault but never had any sort of service to play with

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Will Hughes made more tackles in the first half than Bryson did in the whole game.

Yet he went chasing the ball like it was made of gold.

That's "passion" , "effort" and "desire".

I don't mind the guy. But how many times do you poke yourself in the eye with a screwdriver before you think "I might stop that now".

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The game goes on around him.


The job of a midfielder is to make yourself available to receive passes. 


To say the game went on around Bryson suggests he was unlucky or something. He, along with Hendrick in the second half, simply didn't make themselves available for a pass.


It was so easy for Forest to just mark Mascarell and then it was a simple case of winning the second balls.


Sometimes you go away from matches just accepting that the better team won and you pcik yourselves up. I'm not really bothered that it Forest who beat us, I'm just bitterly disappointed in that second half midfield showing.

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Forest deserved it. That's all I have to say today.

Apart from - when they started pressing us fast and giving us no time we couldn't deal with it.

I think on balance of play forest certainly deserved a draw. I think they got the momentum 2nd half , but it was one of those where if it had gone to 2-0 which it would have done but for a worldly from de vries then it could have been a very different story. Not to be today, we missed eustace , and then Hughes 2nd half. The balance of midfield just isn't right without eustace Thorne and hughes and that's where we lost it. Wonder whether we need to tap the loan market for another midfielder. Wasn't impressed by bent's cameo either didn't seem capable of winning a header.

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Some folk are quick to undermine what is still a very decent group of players. Can always aim to improve squad. That's what we're doing!! We Are Derby... Remember that people!! In it together!! .... But please no predictions of 'demolishing' Chesterfield!!! Solidarity brothers ..... And sisters!! SSA!

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Using the word gay is not a joke

I put my hands up and apologised. If we'd not been in a fairly heated argument at the time I think you'd have seen it as a joke (and at no time did I say being gay was a bad thing by the way, I was just angling for a few likes from an amusing observation which was in no way serious), but alas as we were disagreeing on the subject of Martin it came across as an insult.

I'm not going to ignore you as I quite like the controversy you cause and your views don't offend me in any way, but in this instance, I think you're being ridiculous and totally overreacting.

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I think Alpha has nailed it for me. First half we controlled the game, and although I said to my boy at half time that midfield had been pretty much bypassed for 45 minutes you always knew that in Hughes you had someone central in midfield who could control the ball, look up, and use it sensibly.

Second half we were an absolute shambles in midfield, and whilst you might not, and should not, apportion blame my finger points at Bryson. In games like this you need experience to tell. Bryson 28, Hendrick and Mascarell 21 each I think. We needed Bryson second half to say ok I am in charge, I am your midfield anchor. But where was he? Running around like a hyperactive kid on smarties. A huge number will have a go at Mascarell because he is no Eustace or Thorne, but I dont think overall he was the problem - as Alpha indicated he had to ovr compensate for what was happening in front of him.

Oh, and whilst I am at it, next time anyone posts on here saying Dawkins doesn't beat his man enough, and slows things down, etc., etc., today was the day that you realise that guy's worth. Like with Hughes, holding, controlling and passing the ball competently, is a very underrated quality.

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I put my hands up and apologised. If we'd not been in a fairly heated argument at the time I think you'd have seen it as a joke (and at no time did I say being gay was a bad thing by the way, I was just angling for a few likes from an amusing observation which was in no way serious), but alas as we were disagreeing on the subject of Martin it came across as an insult.

I'm not going to ignore you as I quite like the controversy you cause and your views don't offend me in any way, but in this instance, I think you're being ridiculous and totally overreacting.

Ok. I appreciate that you took out time to explain your answers. I'm not particularly offended by you using the word gay but other forumers might be.

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The job of a midfielder is to make yourself available to receive passes. 


To say the game went on around Bryson suggests he was unlucky or something. He, along with Hendrick in the second half, simply didn't make themselves available for a pass.


It was so easy for Forest to just mark Mascarell and then it was a simple case of winning the second balls.


Sometimes you go away from matches just accepting that the better team won and you pcik yourselves up. I'm not really bothered that it Forest who beat us, I'm just bitterly disappointed in that second half midfield showing.

I'm talking about how ineffective he has become when the opposition have the ball.

Two seasons ago Brysons workrate was phenomenal and he would harry, chase and close people down.

Now he can't do it.

He either doesn't bother or he doesn't get close enough.

He wasn't the same player at the end of last season as the player who was so impressive at the start of it.

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I was trying to make a joke to diffuse the tension a bit but I'm frustrated, tired and a bit wound up by the bullshit he's spurting so it came across a bit aggressive. Looking back it was probably a bit past the line. I do not believe gay is an insult at all and as I said I was just trying to use it in a jokey manner, but that was stupid of me, sorry.

You gay! Man up.

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Can someone explain to me the thought process of Bryson and Hendrick?

If I threw a stick in the dressing room now would Bryson chase it?

If they built a statue of Hendrick would it be less static than the real thing?

When Bryson goes for a **** later, will Hendrick follow him?

How many times do Forest have to win a header in their own third that beats the pair of them and leaves 4v5 before they start to think

"Hang on, I might stop running around like a ******* idiot and set my stall out"

Bryson went running off so much that Mascarell had to be in 2 places at once. You're chasing shadows. It's not passion or working hard. It's stupid.

How many times does it take?

Huge massive ******* gaps all around Mascarell. Huge. 2v1 what it the guy supposed to do?

Just like the Nigel Clough days.

Neither are a patch on Will Hughes. Not a patch.

When we have control they both look decent. They have NEVER and will NEVER be able to grab hold of a game when we've lost control.

Either is fine with Hughes. As a pair they're a luxury.

The formation for the 2nd half was


Quick!! A stick!!


Well said. Although I still see Mascarell as a liability when were not going forward. He's powered puff in the challenge, CDM is such an important position for this team, it's the position that holds things together when we are struggling. But your right Bryson was bad and I think that's the worst I've seen Hendrick play.


We missed Eustace big time today. 

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There's a lot of really negative stuff on here, based purely on the second half perfomance. (Which I agree was dire)

But the first half we were good. Sure, we've been better, but no one would've thought at half time that we wouldve played as badly for the next 45 mins.

Hughes offers so much defensively that it's gonna have an effect on how we play if he goes off.

Not defending Bryson and Hendrick in the 2nd half as I do believe they couldve been better (based upon previous performances)

But we lost one half of a game.

I thought Russell was brilliant in the first half.

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Really confused about what McClaren was thinking tactically at 1-1. He put best on and we seemed to play 2 up to, yet Russell was still playing on the left and we had no right winger? 


Can blame the players for the result today but I think Steve had a fault in the result too. Bringing on a second striker hasn't worked once for us this season. And playing no RW but a LW just seems rediculous to me.


The last 15 minutes of the second half we were playing:



Christie Keogh Buxton Forsyth


Henrick Bryson


Bent Martin


And the Forest second came down our right. All wrong for me.

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To be fair to Omar who was barely average he had huge ground all in front and a down his sides. He was left for dead


He was, but this is where we missed Eustace who would have got hold of Bryson and Hendrick and pulled them in to shut up shop so to speak. We need a player with presence and the experience/ability to read the game, see what needs to change and relay the instructions in that position. 

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There's a lot of really negative stuff on here, based purely on the second half perfomance. (Which I agree was dire)

But the first half we were good. Sure, we've been better, but no one would've thought at half time that we wouldve played as badly for the next 45 mins.

Hughes offers so much defensively that it's gonna have an effect on how we play if he goes off.

Not defending Bryson and Hendrick in the 2nd half as I do believe they couldve been better (based upon previous performances)

But we lost one half of a game.

I thought Russell was brilliant in the first half.

Russell played well all game.

But whilst we were ok in the first half, i didn't think we were as dominant as schteve seemed to suggest.

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