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The Fawaz Circus 2015


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Nigel will end up back at Burton at some point I'm sure. JFH has done a great job there but he won't stay forever and Nigel had a great relationship with Ben Robinson.

Given his sacking here and how Forest treated Brian in the end, Burton are probably the only club that Nigel has any real affection for.

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I'm fairly sure that if the job becomes available and it was offered to him, he'd take it.

He'd probably know he might only get 6 months and that Fawaz doesn't seem to be someone who backs his manager with time, but it's not every day a job at a club the size of Forest would come up and I personally think if he didn't take the Forest job then he might end up with a fairly small League One or even a League 2 side and how much potential is there to develop a club like that.

He's said already that he wants to get back into management and I think that would be about the best opportunity he'd get.

Of course personally, I hope he gets it. It would certainly make things very interesting if it happened before the derby game and I'd be keen to see if once they're out of the embargo he'd get a bit of cash to spend.



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I'm fairly sure that if the job becomes available and it was offered to him, he'd take it.

He'd probably know he might only get 6 months and that Fawaz doesn't seem to be someone who backs his manager with time, but it's not every day a job at a club the size of Forest would come up and I personally think if he didn't take the Forest job then he might end up with a fairly small League One or even a League 2 side and how much potential is there to develop a club like that.

He's said already that he wants to get back into management and I think that would be about the best opportunity he'd get.

Of course personally, I hope he gets it. It would certainly make things very interesting if it happened before the derby game and I'd be keen to see if once they're out of the embargo he'd get a bit of cash to spend.



He's already being paid a retainer by Fawaz not to take any other job before DF gets the chop

I was at their Burnley game last week, next to the Directors box (doing some undercover work of course) and it was amusing to see how many times Mr F jumped up to berate his own players and, by implication, manager who was stood just in front.

If he could live with this maniac, Nigel would actually do a very good job for that club and would be just what they needed.

So yes, on reflection, lets hope that doesn't happen.

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He's already being paid a retainer by Fawaz not to take any other job before DF gets the chop

I was at their Burnley game last week, next to the Directors box (doing some undercover work of course) and it was amusing to see how many times Mr F jumped up to berate his own players and, by implication, manager who was stood just in front.

If he could live with this maniac, Nigel would actually do a very good job for that club and would be just what they needed.

So yes, on reflection, lets hope that doesn't happen.

Wow, that's an incredible statement.

I won't deny I hope it's true. I hope he gets it.

With the life I had, I couldn't have wished for him to have two better jobs than the Derby and Forest gig.

You'll probably all forgive me for saying I hope he goes on to be really successful. Interesting and exciting times ahead if it's true.

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I'd quite like to see Clough go to Forest.

It would be rather ironic, especially for all of the Forest supporters who blasted him during his time here.

That said, I can see exactly why there would be high demand for the Forest job. Imagine being an out of work manager now? You get the Forest job, you work for about six months and then you get a big whopping payoff.

And the best bit of all. Nobody would actually look at the Forest part on their resume. Everyone knows Fawaz is an absolute basket case, therefore that part of the resume will just get overlooked anyway.

Someone like Paul Ince. I bet he'd love an easy $3+ million added to his bank account for very little work. I know I would.


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He's already being paid a retainer by Fawaz not to take any other job before DF gets the chop

I was at their Burnley game last week, next to the Directors box (doing some undercover work of course) and it was amusing to see how many times Mr F jumped up to berate his own players and, by implication, manager who was stood just in front.

If he could live with this maniac, Nigel would actually do a very good job for that club and would be just what they needed.

So yes, on reflection, lets hope that doesn't happen.

If it was anyone but Fawaz, I'd think you were pulling my leg.

A Chairman who doesn't even pay his current staff on time, paying a retainer to a prospective future manager while he dithers over sacking the incumbent, whilst still paying off at least 2 former managers, yet because it's Tiswas it's completely believable!

Still think a man as honourable as Nigel wouldn't be a part of some shady backroom deal to replace another manager, would he?



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If Clough ends up there, good luck to him, will always hold him high regard for the job he did with us.

Is he the right man for Fawaz though? He seems to want instant results, clough will do a job if he is prepared to take it slow and let Clough clear out the deadwood and high wage earners like he did for us.


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I'd quite like to see Clough go to Forest.

It would be rather ironic, especially for all of the Forest supporters who blasted him during his time here.

That said, I can see exactly why there would be high demand for the Forest job. Imagine being an out of work manager now? You get the Forest job, you work for about six months and then you get a big whopping payoff.

And the best bit of all. Nobody would actually look at the Forest part on their resume. Everyone knows Fawaz is an absolute basket case, therefore that part of the resume will just get overlooked anyway.

Someone like Paul Ince. I bet he'd love an easy $3+ million added to his bank account for very little work. I know I would.


There is no way NC would work for Fawaz. Polar opposites as people.

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