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The Fawaz Circus 2015


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Bolton 0-1 Burton as well, so Forest not the only ones to go out of the league cup to lower division oppo tonight. 

Something like 6 or 7 championship clubs got gumped out.

Sorry, dumped out.

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Thought I'd search #nffc on twitter before I logged off. Possibly the saddest (and there in it's context best) tweet I've read in a long time:


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Fawaz is so good for Derby fans because I don't know if he'll ever COMPLETELY ruin them, just keep them treading water and being a constant laughing stock. He's not quite Oyston level or that'd be sad, to see any football club ruined like that. That would be too much. He makes them just enough of an embarrassment but he's not really going to get them relegated or make them go properly bust or anything like that.

Sorry but I disagree Tombo, it wouldn't be sad to see them ruined, a while ago I'd have agreed, but years of living and working amongst them has made me realise they deserve everything possible Fawaz can inflict on them.

Almost to a man, they love Fawaz, they think it's funny how he let's small businesses go to the wall rather than pay them(it's the Arab way), they lap it up when he poses with a dead ram, or in front of a 'we hate Derby' flag.

The few with a brain cell post their misgivings online, and are instantly met with a heap of abuse for daring to criticise.

Fawaz himself posts 'love me please' tweets by the dozen and the stupid inbred ******** flock to supply him with the ego boost he is so obviously is missing in his day to day life.

They live in their glorious past, long gone, and are too dumb, blind or scared to see where Fawaz is taking them, they'd rather stick their heads in the sand than face what everyone else can see, like lemmings they will follow the head lemming off the cliff into oblivion, and I for one won't miss them.

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Well, seen as we couldn't match the figures you were offering Shackell but we're reported to be able to offer £23k+ to Lansbury I'd say it's safe to say Shackell will be on £25k at least.  

Bent, no doubt, will have taken a pay cut but would have been on £50-60k at Villa so assuming he takes a 50% pay cut (being generous) then you're looking at £25-30k there.

Weimann was on a reported £15k in 2013 prior to signing a new deal which you would imagine would include an extra £10k given his age and first team status.  You're looking at not much, if any, pay cut for him at his age and time remaining on his deal so could assume £23k+ there.

Bryson was set to sign for us on approaching £25k a week in the Prem but, if reports at our end are to be believed, stayed because you matched the offer and offered extra years.  So £20-25k there.

Am I wrong? (Honest question, those would be my read of those players contracts but I'd be interested to hear otherwise)



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The funny thing is that they'll sack Dougie and be on the look out for yet another new manager

But Fawaz had it right with SOD. THAT was a good manager. He couldn't get someone like that now.. They're much worse off than where he started.

They were excusing all his ridiculous business blunders. They were so far up his arse you could only see their smug little faces when Fawaz coughed.

I don't even feel slightly sorry for them. 

Like Cardiff. All that fuss over shirt and badge soon died down in the PL. They were filling that ground. As soon as they were relegated they started harping on again as if they'd never stopped. 

When the warning signs were there, they ignored them. When the chance to knock it on the head earlier came, they turned the blind eye. 

There's been many dodgy thongs happening to them. Going back months and months rather than weeks. 

That's why I don't feel sorry for them. I don't wish to see the club in ruins but I'm not going to support them when they start protesting. I'm finding them dropping out his arse quite hilarious.

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