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What becomes of the brokenhearted?


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Jeez. Where has RLACML's heartbreaker gone. Google cannot possibly have found her image in anyway tawdry. She was lovely and sweet, nicely attired and her image was an essential part of this thread to know how we might support our forum member. I am not sure I want to live in a Google controlled world.

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if we could pick the people we fall in love with, I wouldn't have picked one so far out of my league that I can't even persuade her to go for a coffee! It's just the way of the world I'm afraid. Human Nature. "I want the one I can't have... and it's driving me mad.."

Have you been on a very long drive with Miss Daisy......phroar!
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"I had to look in the dictionary

To find out the meaning of unrequited

While she was giving herself for free

At a party to which I was never invited"

- Billy Bragg

There is no real substitute

For a ball struck squarely and firmly

And you're the kind of girl that wants to

Open up the bottle of pop

Too early in the journey

Our love went flat just like that

Billy Bragg - A Lover Sings

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Quite lucky myself, never really fell for a girl until I was 26 and met my now wife. Played the field at University then went stale for pretty much 5 years with the very odd intermittent fling. I had begun to resign myself to a life of celibacy as I had little interest in marrying off the drunken messes rolling out of clubs (pretty much the only environment I met new women in) and my life was pretty dour with a long-hours poor paying job in a city I knew noone. I then met an upstart Barrister and convinced her to take my case on, she gave me the kick up the arse only a woman could and never looked back.

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There is no real substitute

For a ball struck squarely and firmly

And you're the kind of girl that wants to

Open up the bottle of pop

Too early in the journey

Our love went flat just like that

Billy Bragg - A Lover Sings


Billy Bragg. Didn't he used to manage Forest?

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