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What makes you happy?


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DCFC winning, and kittens obviously. But what else? 2000 people with obviously very little to do, and a low pleasure threshold, came up with the uninspiring list below. Surely to God there is more happiness out there to be found?

1. Finding a fiver in your jeans pocket

2. The sun shining

3. Heading to the till and finding out the item you picked up has been further reduced

4. Getting into bed with fresh sheets

5. Getting something for free

6. Performing a random act of kindness

7. Booking a holiday

8. A compliment from a stranger

9. Favourite song comes on the radio

10. Completing a long list of jobs

11. Eating chocolate

12. Looking at old photographs

13. Your car passing its MOT

14. Driving through a crowded car park and finding yourself behind someone in the first spot who is just leaving

15. A cup of tea and a cookie

16. Making plans with an old friend who you haven't seen in a long time

17. A slice of cake

18. Avoiding traffic

19. Someone making you a drink

20. Receiving praise from your colleague or boss

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Its uninspiring to some but if you work in low paid industries then some of that stuff is important. 


Take things like the car passing the mot. Thats life or death for people who need it to get to work and can't afford a new one.




it makes me happy when we are on the minibus coming away from the ground after a great Rams victory and hear that the gumps, Stoke and man ure have all lost.

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Winning the bets (well sometimes)


See my beloved Rams play home and away


Derby finests


Travelling places anywhere in the world


My lady


My family


England mates


Work (something I enjoy to do)


Deaf mates


People that can sign


I can go on but won't bother to put it on here it might bore you to death anyway lol.

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The house being empty and being able to stick a Beatles album on and listen to it in peace, George Martin was a great producer.


Turning the pillow over to the cold side when I wake up hot and bothered.


A box of Maltesers.


A tin of Roses.


The Mrs when she's all dolled up, been together 32 years and she's still a smasher.

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