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Do you believe in evil?


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Evil is from Satan. -_-

Lol Cisse :o....noooo , I thought we had sorted this out in the Paranormal thread...


The horned God... is the god of nature & certainly not evil... His image has however, has been decimated by the Patriarchal religions that replaced our earlier less inhibited religions..... Lucifer, Herne, Pan or whatever other name you choose to call the Horned God...he is certainly not evil...Promiscuous maybe...but evil no...


Now if were talking about some of the atrocities carried out by different branches of the new Patriarchal Religions in the name of the new god...we do start start nearing the word evil.... :p

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I also think their is a vast difference between being evil and just being a piece of ****.My cousin constantly cusses out and generally treats those around him like garbage.However,I do not consider him 'evil'.

He seems a little tinker that cousin of yours. Perhaps find a secure place for him when you build the foundations for that hot tub.

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It can be a combination of the two.I have taken several courses on psychology as it was my undergrad degree,and have attended several seminars also.

A traumatizing upbringing can lead to one becoming serial killers and their target victims can come from that also(I read a case about a killer who murdered six women in Maine because they looked like his mother who had sexually and physically abused him when he was a child).

It can also occur due to parts of the brain not working the way they are supposed too and a person's moral compass is damaged which can lead to sociopathy or psychopathy.

I do not believe in a sense that people are born evil,but rather chemical functioning and horrific,abusive upbringings are the linear causes.

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What about the ones who say 'God told me to do it' - like the Yorkshire Ripper did.

Fack. Owf. Did he ******.

It's interesting that - sometimes, they will be using it as an excuse or justification for the atrocities they've committed. But, at the same time, there's must be loons who kill because they (incorrectly) think God has contacted them and said to do so.
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Surely for that plea, in any case, the defence must first prove that God exists ?.

Then they would have to get him to give evidence :unsure:

Before his claims of it was God, he said he used to hear voices coming from a dead Polish mans grave. Then it was God.

Phsychiatrists(sp) declared him insane and chucked him in Broadmoor - but is he insane, mentally ill or schizophrenic? Maybe all 3.

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What about the ones who say 'God told me to do it' - like the Yorkshire Ripper did.

Fack. Owf. Did he ******.

The yorkshire ripper is a manipulative shiit who worked out his paranoid schizo defence weeks AFTER he originally confessed and never mentioned voices etc.

His wife had suffered from mental illness years earlier and he copied her symptoms when he realised there was a possible route to a cushier sentance.

The judge was having none of it and asked the jury to decide if he was mentally ill.

They concluded that he was sane and guilty of murder.

Having gone to prison he managed to wangle his way to Broadmoor after all.

Someone who is mentally ill will exhibit strange behaviour so that others are aware that they have problems etc.

Peter Sutcliffe had never exhibited any symptoms at all.

His 'story' that he targeted prostitutes was also concocted to fit with the 'divine mission to clean the streets' defence.

He had attacked girls, students, professional women, anyone really.

Prostitutes were just easier targets.

Even Ian Brady took the piiss out of his supposed defence asking if God had a Yorkshire accent.

Its a pity he has been given a softer sentence and is treated as a celebrity in prison.

Because he is one evil bastaard if ever there was one.

Evil in the sense that he knew exactly what he was doing, he planned it, he went prepared and tooled up,

He would smack the victim over the head with a hammer to subdue them, then pull their clothing up to reveal their breasts and pull their pants down, before stabbing them with a sharpened screwdriver, and wa..king off over them.

He enjoyed killing and it turned him on.

He even went back to one decomposing corpse and kicked it around before trying to hack the head off.

He revisited the scene after a house warming party and giving his parents a lift home.

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I am no card carrying Tory McRamFan, indeed I have no real political allegiances, but what you have said strikes me as the most fatuous comment I have read on this forum for some while. I really hope you never come across fundamental evil, but if you do please report back about the differences you found.



Ask the disabled community who are being forced out of their homes because of the spare room subsidy (aka The Bedroom Tax) feel, to them what him and his government is going is evil.


He vitoed the mansion tax, so mansion tax is a bad and thing bedroom tax is a good thing?  Funny how the weakest in society suffer under a tory lead farce.

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Ask the disabled community who are being forced out of their homes because of the spare room subsidy (aka The Bedroom Tax) feel, to them what him and his government is going is evil.


He vitoed the mansion tax, so mansion tax is a bad and thing bedroom tax is a good thing?  Funny how the weakest in society suffer under a tory lead farce.

McRamFan I am happy to debate politics, and the up and downsides of policies, all day long, but I don't think anything I would say would change your deeply entrenched hatred of the Tories - and for the record I wouldn't want to if they are your beliefs. The point I was making however stays on the table - you seem to have no awareness whatsoever as to what is or what isn't "fundamental evil".

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Evil is profound immorality.  Evil has no scale it can be small and seen as spite, or it can reach the scales of Hitler.  Any act of immorality is an act of evil imho.  Anytime another human inflicts pain, suffering or hardship on another is an act of evil.


You may have the opinion I do know what 'fundamental evil' is, which is fine, my limited intillect has evil as just evil.

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