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Do you believe in evil?


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Many years ago on my daily walk to work I used to pass a man who frightened me. I'm not  a coward but I used to have a feeling of horror as I approached this man. He never threatened me or even looked at me. There was just something about him that I can only call evil.  

His face seemed to a fixed look of hatred and menace. This was around the time of the punks and from his appearance I could see he was a member of that tribe. Even in those days I was middle aged, in mind if not in years, but it wasn't his dress that offended me. I just thought punks were silly confused thick kids. It was the look on his face that frightened me. I was so worried by this person that I asked around to find out who he was. His name has long gone from my mind, but I can still see that face.

When the news came about his murder the only thing that surprised me was that he was the victim and not the murderer. It wasn't just any murder. It was disgusting and shameful. It was like something out of the worst horror movie. But the killer has probably been wandering around as free as a bird for several decades so I don't want to go into any details. In fact, I tried looking on the net about it and there was nothing. It would only be in a local newspaper behind a pay wall. The defence was that the victim was a very bad man and the killer was acting in self-defence.

I seem to have an antenna for sensing trouble and what I call evil. A lot of people have or are trouble magnets but the evil ones have stronger trouble magnets and they never feel guilt about whatever harm they cause. I suppose the modern trend is to call them psychopaths but that suggests that they can't help themselves.  Perhaps some are born with faulty brains but I think some of them just choose to be evil. I can sense evil in people who on the outside seem pleasant but who are rotten inside. As soon as I saw Blair, for example, I knew he was evil. I get the same feeling from Cameron.

Have you known any evil people? Do you believe in evil?

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Is someone evil if they can't help being bad? - whether it's via nature, nurture or combination of both


I wouldn't have thought any "right minded" individual could ever choose to be evil, as the very act of wanting to decide to be evil would suggest some sort of mental or personality disorder. Therefore they cannot truly be evil if it is not a concious, free choice.

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Hitler chose to kill all the people he did,so in my view he was evil.

What if it were shown that he was a paranoid schizophrenic and therefore did bad things because of his condition. No idea about Hitler's brain issues, just using it as an example.


Are you evil if you can't help it?.


I don't know either way.

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PeterSimple your life seems far from being simple. Perhaps you could change the pattern by something as (ahem) simple as changing your name to PaulChaos?

There are very many evil people out there. Once you accept that, and also avoid the places where you know evil to generally exist, statistically you would be pretty unlucky to come across it too often. For the record I have no great truck with Cameron nor Blair, but based on what I know of both, neither can be considered evil in my definition of evil. Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot, and Jihadist John would be but a few on my evil list.

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No (David Cameron) he is inept, flacid and basically a glove puppet for the tory machine, and that machine is fundamentally evil.

I am no card carrying Tory McRamFan, indeed I have no real political allegiances, but what you have said strikes me as the most fatuous comment I have read on this forum for some while. I really hope you never come across fundamental evil, but if you do please report back about the differences you found.

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I am no card carrying Tory McRamFan, indeed I have no real political allegiances, but what you have said strikes me as the most fatuous comment I have read on this forum for some while. I really hope you never come across fundamental evil, but if you do please report back about the differences you found.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

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PeterSimple your life seems far from being simple. Perhaps you could change the pattern by something as (ahem) simple as changing your name to PaulChaos?

There are very many evil people out there. Once you accept that, and also avoid the places where you know evil to generally exist, statistically you would be pretty unlucky to come across it too often. For the record I have no great truck with Cameron nor Blair, but based on what I know of both, neither can be considered evil in my definition of evil. Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot, and Jihadist John would be but a few on my evil list.


I have been a very lucky person. Most things have gone OK for me, but part of that is the result of being careful. A retired policeman recently told me he didn't know anyone who had been killed. He meant friends or acquaintances. My life has been far less eventful than his and yet I have known at least half a dozen people who have either killed or been killed. I think most people underestimate how much danger there is around them.

Cameron's dream is to leave Syria in ruins like Iraq. He and his puppetmasters want to do as much damage to Syria as Blair did to Iraq. They don't care about all the misery they have caused.

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I also think their is a vast difference between being evil and just being a piece of ****.My cousin constantly cusses out and generally treats those around him like garbage.However,I do not consider him 'evil'.


hm , your 'Stoke' supporting cousin ..

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I thought it was fairly common knowledge at this point that Hitler was a bit of a mentalist. Beyond his "world view" and slight dislike of Jewish people, there's that 'tache and that barnet. Clearly, off his fooking rocker.....

Charlie Chaplin had the same tache, apart from being a Yorkshire man he didn't seem that evil.

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