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The term top dog comes from plank makers who used to saw a tree into planks over a trench. The top dog or senior craftsmen had one end of the saw above the trench whilst the other bloke stood in a trench with shavings in his face.

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Which is top dog?

A bloke.

We assume that an office structure is a meritocracy, and that everyone is focussed on the development of logical ideas and strategies to achieve the task in hand.

But actually its a structure with a pecking order which is riddled with office politics.

The bloke at top is the alpha male.

You then seem to often get one or more women who get close to the alpha male and vie for attention.

This might be a manager or a PA.

They may use every trick in the book to become his 'mate'.

They become empowered as a result of his approval and favour.

The social structure also empowers individuals - wherever they may be in the 'official' hierarchy - based on status within the troop/ group.

Hard work, logic, good ideas etc are not necessarily what its about.

Its about a pecking order, who's face fits, who is friends with who.

Think of them all as monkeys and it might start to make some sense.

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Any idea or strategy only has a limited life.

Give it 6-12 months etc, then the group will be following the next big idea.

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