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Chris Martin has become a fans favourite


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Of all people to be talking about fitness...


Haha! Did you see the vid on the BBC sport site about pre-season training? Martin made a comment on pretty much exactly that! said he'd be happy if he finished somewhere in the middle of the squad on fitness levels. 



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Love the guy. Should have won POTY. Been quality.

But let's be fair, he's not the last man to the buffet table is he?

If he is like me he is, just pull up a chair and not worry that nobody else hasn't had something yet :lol:
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Of all people to be talking about fitness...

I think they've told him that he would be more effective if was to build muscle, not carrying body fat like he has. Hence why he is stressing the importance of fitness, because the coaching staff have stressed the importance of fitness to him and he has fitness on the brain.


And that's the only place he's got fitness  :p

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Only needs to be half as fit as everyone else, seeing as he spends half the match lying on the floor, as someone remarked before the leeds game at the end of the season!

Towards the end of the season he stopped going over as much though because ref's weren't giving him anything. 

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Towards the end of the season he stopped going over as much though because ref's weren't giving him anything.

True enough, think the original thread was who should we rest against leeds, someone posted not Martin, he's already spent half the season lying on the floor! Fwiw he was my poty, our whole system revolved around his control and ability to find runners with a lay off, goals were the cherry on top.

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Halfway through last season I had Martin down as our best striker since Steve Howard. I was wrong. He's even better.

Been a long time since we've had a player up front who can link things together as well as Martin can, his finishing just continues to improve (his goal against Brighton in the home playoff - by rights he should never have got there. I don't think anybody expected him not to) - in the mass hysteria over Thorne it's easy to forget that Martin is the key man in our team.

Should also be over every free kick within 25 yards of the target IMO.

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Should also be over every free kick within 25 yards of the target IMO.

Agreed, after that one he stuck in top corner I'd assumed he'd take every one after, but can't remember him taking another after that.

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True enough, think the original thread was who should we rest against leeds, someone posted not Martin, he's already spent half the season lying on the floor! Fwiw he was my poty, our whole system revolved around his control and ability to find runners with a lay off, goals were the cherry on top.

Nail on the head. He is the key to our whole structure and why I rate him as one of the best strikers in the division. His ball control and vision are sublime and I think he is the reason why Bryson excelled last season also. Bryson was being fed by Martin most of the time and this allowed him to push forward more and consequently score more goals.

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Also I've never seen a player use his chest so effectively, swear he's better at laying a ball off with his chest, sometimes flying thro the air to do it, than some players are with their feet!

That's why I'd like to see him get new terms too.

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Sometimes I think too much emphasis is placed on players' fitness in the English game often at the expense of skill, technique and natural ability.


Players like Martin, Gazza, Franny Lee can/ could carry a few extra pounds at no detriment to their natural game.

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Sometimes I think too much emphasis is placed on players' fitness in the English game often at the expense of skill, technique and natural ability.

Players like Martin, Gazza, Franny Lee can/ could carry a few extra pounds at no detriment to their natural game.

They'd have been better if they didn't though.

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