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Burnley and QPR attempts to sign Craig Bryson


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@reluctantnicko @DfdsMichael @adamrusty15 Hmm, PFA & Bryson's legal  to hold Derby to clause value to push a move through or better contract

Alan Nixon ?@reluctantnicko 
@glbullen @DfdsMichael @adamrusty15 All correct until last three words ...

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So, seems to be some differences in the interpretation of the 750K clause, with Bryson and team suggesting that is the price needed to pay and Derby arguing that it is just the offer needed to allow a team to talk to him? Could get a bit ugly....

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I for one like Bryson however i have a funny feeling we should sell.


Based on 3 points;


1, Yes he just had a great season, however can you see him doing that again? I would love him to stay and score 16 goals again and a couple of hatricks but he is no Frank Lampard, and cannot see him consistently performing like last season. This then maybe the time to sell him. Remember Rob Hulse? Didn't we reject a 3mil offer from Boro for him only next year to get a few hundred thousand of QPR?! Hate this to happen again!


I absolutely agree with this - I feel that Bryson would be a good player for us next season, but I doubt he will reach the same heights again next season. 


The obvious question here is that we may not get good money for Bryson, we may only get 750k - I guess it depends on what happens with the supposed lawyers and PFA. 


2. Jeff Hederick and the team performance against Brighton. Having just signed a new deal it is clear Mac and co rate the lad. Can't be trusted in the holding role but could definitely step up to taking Bryson's attacking role. Younger and i believe more potential.


I agree, we wouldn't need a straight replacement IMO - Hughes and Hendrick will be as good as you can find in this division, hopefully add Thorne to the mix and we'll be laughing. 


3. The role he played this season. I admittedly haven't watched every game this season but i watched a fair few at the Ipro and the televised ones. It seemed to me that with Martin having such a holding the ball up role Bryson had chance after chance to score!! From what i saw he was most often the furthest player forward after Martin had held the ball up. (except Forsyth FFS!) Obviously his return of 16 goals was great but the amount of chances he wasted i thought was amazing, in contrast to Jonny Russel who im pretty sure tucked away a far higher percent but had a fraction of chances in comparison.


I'd disagree with this, he had a fantastic conversion rate - he was attacking, but he produced an incredible amount. 


It would therefore in my humble opinion be far better to sell him off and trust Hendrick who seems to have the same finishing ability or go completely the other way and buy somebody very attacking minded like Mccormack (maybe cheaper and foreign?!) or play russel in the hole. I know im going to get Crucified for this but bring back that chap who went to Shef Weds that came to us from the SPL, god his name eludes me!! (scored a int goal straight from kick off) Or a similar mould, Commons, Giles Barnes to name a few ex players that played a similar role. 


Chris Maguire? Having watched him play last season, he had a decent record but he is still the same player - he wastes the ball a lot, incredibly limited but constantly has a go, completely detrimental to our play.  


Hope that made sense to a few of you at least!


That's my take on your post, bud.

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I for one like Bryson however i have a funny feeling we should sell.

Based on 3 points;

1, Yes he just had a great season, however can you see him doing that again? I would love him to stay and score 16 goals again and a couple of hatricks but he is no Frank Lampard, and cannot see him consistently performing like last season. This then maybe the time to sell him. Remember Rob Hulse? Didn't we reject a 3mil offer from Boro for him only next year to get a few hundred thousand of QPR?! Hate this to happen again!

We didn't reject it we accepted the offer. Hulse wouldn't go. Big difference.

wouldn't sell bryson for that money less than a million sooner let him rot than get robbed by feckin burnley

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I only want Bryson here if he really really wants to be here. I've been getting the impression that he doesn't. He just doesn't seem to have the emotional investment a lot of the squad do.


Looks like he's not happy and if he thinks Burnley is the club for him then we should get rid of him as soon as possible.



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Clearly hasn't got much faith in us getting promotion, if jumping at the chance to join Burnley (highly possible for a mere season).

Bigger stadium, bigger fan base, better facilities, arguably a better 'head coach'...

Certain he tweeted after Wembley about going "again next season".


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I don't think it's as much as 'I want to leave Derby'

I beleieve its more 'I want to play in the Prem while I have the chance'

I don't blame him for that, but can't help feel that he's not helping us out very much by getting this pushed through by his legal team. Bit of a kick in the balls.

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Just got to look at Brayford to see why it's not always wise to join a team being promoted. A big if now, but if play off final day had gone the way we wanted, Derby would be thinking about Prem football while Brayford was on loan in league 1. Got to look at the bigger picture sometimes. 


If a team like... WBA, Villa, West Ham etc were to come in for him, i would say fair enough, go and prove yourself. He'd be on better money and would have a good chance of making an impact and establishing himself for Scotland. A season of struggle with Burnley (he might not even get in the team like Brayford) could be a massive step backwards in his career.

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If he doesn't want to be here I don't want him here

Don't think we'll miss him as much as some are saying, this is the season for Hendrick to burst into action

I'd be happy with 2-3million for him, which i think is a reasonable fee for both sides

I think he just wants to make sure he will play premier league football in his career, if he goes, then good luck to him

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