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Shaun Barker


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They were Shaun Barkers words, not the clubs. I got the impression from the way that Sam Rush was speaking that they don't hold any great hopes of him playing again.

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Would be incredible to see him back. If we can get him back to a fraction of the player he was he'll be vital for us this season.


Would ge great to see him back in a Rams shirt.


The reality is though, rather than being a fraction of the player he was, he's going to need to be a better player than he was as we have moved up a level now and are aiming higher. Given his age and the fact he's been out for such a long time and with the sort of injury he's had, that's a huge ask.

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If Barker returns to play alongside Keogh there's an element of fairy tale about it.

Think if we are up top next season: "Keogh, the man who cost us the play off final, and Shaun Barker, returning after 18 months from a carreer threatening injury to lead Derby into the promise land"

That's got an element of fairy take about it

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If Barker returns to play alongside Keogh there's an element of fairy tale about it.

Think if we are up top next season: "Keogh, the man who cost us the play off final, and Shaun Barker, returning after 18 months from a carreer threatening injury to lead Derby into the promise land"

That's got an element of fairy take about it

Don't forget Bucko, the former non-league centre back with the grace of Franz Beckenbauer who was unemployed and given a year to find employment or give up by his wife!
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Don't forget Bucko, the former non-league centre back with the grace of Franz Beckenbauer who was unemployed and given a year to find employment or give up by his wife!


lol, bl00dy women, what do they know about football?  :ph34r:

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Don't forget Bucko, the former non-league centre back with the grace of Franz Beckenbauer who was unemployed and given a year to find employment or give up by his wife!


bet shes not complaining now, haha


like finding a crisp note in a coat pocket in a wardrobe!!


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Bet she is. He would have doubled is salary if we'd have won at the weekend.


yeah but then comes into question is would bucko still be here and there would be that stress,


If it was upto me he would, just saying!!


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If Barker returns to play alongside Keogh there's an element of fairy tale about it.

Think if we are up top next season: "Keogh, the man who cost us the play off final, and Shaun Barker, returning after 18 months from a carreer threatening injury to lead Derby into the promise land"

That's got an element of fairy take about it

what about Buxton?

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Just get rid of the bloke never gonna be as good as he was waste of space

Ok, let's get rid of our captain who is under contract. Explain how we do that? Pay off his wages? So what's the point exactly... What a great example to show of a player. What's the point of giving him rehab for 2 years only to bin him when it seems like light is at the end of the tunnel?

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