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Jon Parkin


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No - don't worry! Nothing to do with Rams transfer rumours this one ... did anyone see him come on for Fleetwood against Burton at Wembley this afternoon? Must weigh at least 17 stones - no kidding! Always was a 'big lad' in his prime at PNE etc, but good Lord .. his appearance on the hallowed turf must give hope to all us pub players with more than a hint of middle-aged spread wink He has to be the 'biggest' lad to ever play in such a momentous match.

Got me thinking about some of the larger than life lads I've seen turn out for DCFC over the years. None in Parkin's girth league, but Kenny (spit!) Burns came to mind; no fat, but who remembers Floyd 'muscleman' Streete?? Any other offers fellow Rams .. come on, need a laugh after Saturday!

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Agree about Evans ... thought he was going to have a heart attack during his 'Mouinho-esque' run down the touchline after Rotherham's equaliser at Wembley!

Bet he used the lift to get the presentation yesterday

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