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Away Support Getting Worse and Worse


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Why is our away support getting worse and worse? I've just read we have sold 300 tickets so far for Bolton away. It can't be the current financial climate because its the same for everyone. Even clubs supposedly a lot smaller than us are taking more away. 300 is an amount an average league 1 team would take away. We get 20,000 plus at home so what happens?! I'd love to do a survey on everyone to see why they don't travel anymore.

When I was growing up our away support was unbelievable and p1ssed all over Forest and Leicester. Now we are a laughing stock to them. What happened??

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It's embarrassing really. I can't knock the Bolton figure as i'm not going but 750 at Millwall and 1000 at Brighton is piss poor.


The past few seasons we've traveled well to Forest, Peterborough, Wednesday and whoever we play as the last away game of the season. I'd say 90% of away games the numbers and atmosphere are *****, which is a shame as when i started going away both numbers and noise were fairly decent. 


People will no doubt blame ticket prices, understandable for a lot of games, for example Leeds. However even well priced games we travel poorly, the likes of Wolves, Birmingham, Barnsley spring to mind. 

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Well mate i dont think that bad we took about 1900 too yeovil and thats a long way to go and london we took 700. We normal take about 5k to the red scum there being dick heads this season. But there still a lot of people not working because ******* goverment. But in derby now there very few jobs around so if people mouths to feed and getting food on the table more important than seeing mighty rams play. I never throught i say that mate.

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For me my away days have stopped (except Forest) since I became a Dad. When we're away now I take the opportunity to do family stuff.

Maybe we don't have enough young adult fans anymore? Maybe our home support is largely parents with youngish kids and older people, few of who travel to away games?

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Away days nowadays cost a ton quite easily nowadays, if I took my two lads and myself to one with everything included, I would be spending £150+ the reason we get the amount we do at home is because we get a lot of families in.

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I put it down to more under 25s wanting to walk round the Westfield than have a beer on the train with their mates and travel about watching Derby.


youth of today eh? Arse hole's lot of em. Agreed though, too many lads seem happy to walk about buying more hair wax so they can have their hair perfect all day long and stare at themselves in the gym to see if they've messed up the lovely hairstyles all the one directions want.
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What you are seeing now is Derby County's core support.

Beat Leicester and draw Arsenal away in the cup and watch us sell out even tho it's a Tuesday night in London and most likely getting spanked....why? Tourists.

Hey up Boycie Jnr, fancy going to Boro away and watch Derby this weekend....nah you're alright.

Do I blame him? No, you see all the kids in Man Utd, Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool shirts, you want the bragging rights at school when your team wins the Premiership, playing football at dinner pretending to be Roooooooooney! Football magazines full of Premiership stars, sticker albums, MOTD you want to be part of it all.

Girls/women, how many went to Old Trafford to get a cheeky snap and possible autograph of Cristiano Ronaldo as he walked in, where were they outside The Den on Saturday when Martyn Waghorn walked in?

Look at THAT season in the Premiership, we were ***** yet still packing out Pride Park and travelling in numbers, why? Staying faithful to the club, showing that no matter what we will always support Derby? ******, where are they now? What happened to singing Derby till I die at the Emiriates, and its Derby County, Derby County FC, we're by far the greatest team...oh please, you're only there to get a video on your phone of Lampard taking a free kick for YouTube.

I feel for the club, trying to come up with deals to get fans to travel, free bus to Leicester, brilliant from the club but did we need free travel to Newcastle?

Nigel Clough, quality of Derby's football, lack of investment, ambition, financial situation at home will only account for a few.

It is what it is, no amount if singing, offers or 5-1 wins will get fans going again until we reach the Premiership, when we get there and you look around and see faces you don't recognise remember, they are only there to see the Ozil.

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Its embarrassing really. I can't talk knock the Bolton figure as that's a bit far for me to get too from London, but in the past few seasons our away support is a laughing stock. I understand price's is a problem but its the same for every team! We have one of the best home supports in the division yet one of the worst away followings.

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The numbers are worse than they were a few years ago, but the actual support within those numbers is worse as well. Lots of folks aren't so bothered about the match anymore, more everything else - flags, fags at 40 minutes, starting new songs - that goes around the match. People have different reasons for going to football, but it wasn't always like this, I'm sure.


There'll come a tipping point with me - probably next season. Going away has basically become a darts match.

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We used to have a hardcore of lads that would follow Derby away.

Just that the hardcore ran into nearly a thousand, and was then supplemented. Reason for so many i believe was it was a whole day experience, and there ws loyalty and great support to a great team ( not necesarily a great team on the pitch ) but still heroic players to ourselves.

The premier league season under Arthur Cox when we were relegated with very low points ...... being at Sunderland down the toch line chatning ooh Mark Wright. In fact every where,  QPR away, so many grounds we had a great atmosphere, so many uprising songs. We appeared to take over the atmosphere at grounds and the surrnding areas, drinking in pubs, seeing many familar faces in any pub near away grounds you chose to go in, bar one or two really "local unfriendly" pubs.

Sunderland away first game of season in 1991 I think, sunny day behind goal, then stoes raining down on us from their scum fans. Then half time down pour, queu shirt off, signing as players came out ......then lots of trouble afeter game ....instigated by their fans and finished by .....

Great days out.

Czech players standing at back of terrace away at Middlesboriugh as Maxwell tried to sign them, class days out .....peeing in unrofed toilets at Ayresome park .......ALL never repeated experiences.

NOW ........ perfect grounds, "perfect" food, ahem, perfect seats, loads of sace, perfect to take kids ......

AND , next to no-one to sit with ....AND worse language froom the younger singing away fans we do take ?

Yes we sung "bad" songs   ( Child molesters at Middlesborough" springs to  ) but it was the age ......

Yes we sung "Cyril give us a smile" as the lights went out at Coventry away in 1986 ....... and he laughed and smiles at us .......

Followed by Cyril give give us a wave and cheers .....

Luton away ...... getting in and having 100 on a home terrace singing away when away fans were banned, and there fans shaling our hands for creating an atmosphere ( admitedly they won 3 nil!! )


Now ......the older fans in their 40's dare I say it 50's have other commitments BAR THE FOREST LEICSETR  and visit to YEOVIL's and BOURNEMEOUTHs is left to the younder fans and the truly loyal fans and the truly loyal families who I admire


The old days are gone, all clubs away fans are similar ...Just some ( Palace and Millwall for example) have kept a generation, or renewed themselves to repeate the their predecessore ..we have not

That was football ......

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For me it's quite simple, I usually get a good 10-15 away games in, this has dwindled during the Clough reign. I remember plenty of depressing trips to Middlesbrough and Preston, and Sheffield, and Burnley and all these depressing northern towns, but it wasn't the place that depressed me as much as the sheer lack of enthusiasm shown by the team and manager to actually contribute to trying to win an away game.


Yes, admittedly we've got an awesome away record thus far this season, but it'll take more than three away wins to tip the scales for me when one of the lads says "Mostyn, you fancy <insert team name here> away in a few weeks?", and I think to myself "shall I go and play golf (£10-£30), go to the match (£50+), or go and play pool all afternoon (£10-£30)", in recent times, going to the match has been the least appealing and least rewarding.


I was quietly relieved when I couldn't get a ticket to Forest away!!

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So many factors in my opinion:-


1 - Money, way too expensive in relation to any other leisure activity. Families are completely priced out of away days


2 - Sky, so much football on tv that a lot can't be arsed to go out and support their local team


3 -Technology/Parenting, too many parents are happy for their kids sat there for hours upon end with a computer in front of their 

     faces. Football was absolutely everything to me when I was young, would spend all day talking about it, rush home from school

     and then play it until it got dark. Nowadays kids rush home to their bedrooms to play on PS2 or Xbox


4 - Apathy towards football in general, the community feel has completely gone, it is so hard to relate to people that are earning

     such obscene amounts of money when so many give so little back


5 - In our particular case ambition, we have stagnated and the floating fans have gone. They'll be back one day but for the time

     being we edge closer and closer to being left with just our core support

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