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Let me give you 10 reasons why the summer is crap


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1) No football

2) Cricket is on

3) Too hot

4) Constant smell of sausages making me hungry

5) Kids outside screaming

6) Dogs left in the garden all day and night barking

7) Crap music played so you can hear it 10 houses down the street word for word

8) Chavs walking around topless with bottles of cider

9) Legs that make me look like a smack head with bites all over

10) All of the above

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You missed out not being able to sleep at night even with the windows all open


There are however benefits such as missing half of the traffic on your way into work from the school run by selfish parents who drive their brats to their school half a mile away from their own reisdence

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Move to Sweden Dav. Football all summer. No cricket..no chavs...dogs banned from barking..kids banned from screaming...bliss.

Any badgers?

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I on the other hand love the weather. I love seeing all the women wearing next to nothing.

I love the summer for gods sake we haven't had one for years.



The joys of my job.

Watching all the women in town with hardly anything on.

How I love my job at this time of year.

And yes I am a pervert, before anyone asks. ;)  :)

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