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Season Tickets..


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How well are they selling, serious question... I'm curious! This little blip (well, I hope it's a blip) has come at a detrimental time for the board, the fans are apathetic in their masses and in all honesty, I don't know what to expect from next season - so who has renewed for next season, and who hasn't? I will try and get an official figure tomorrow from someone inside the club, but as well as that, if you haven't renewed yet, why not and are you?


I have more personal reasons at the minute, since I booked a 2,000 pound holiday last month, leaving me 2 months to pay it... means I am living within my means more than ever which luckily coincides with me being off work! I'm hopeful of getting a season ticket around july time! 


I consider myself one of the more realistic fans, at neither end of the spectrum.. I can honestly see why people wouldn't be interested in taking the leap so early on, we don't know the agenda as it were by the club, they will spout ******** to us and we all know that - but no-one knows what lies ahead in the summer months, and certainly not what next season will bring. I am very open to the fact that in 12 months time, Mason Bennett could be regular starter - as could Gjokaj, Freeman, Naylor, Hoganson... we don't know how players will develop, no-one predicted Hughes would be an integral part of our team, and perhaps people thought Naylor would of been more of a player for us... I certainly did.


We are still an unknown entity, especially as we have so many young players - and we know that a few players will be leaving this summer, but we don't know who... it's seemingly the only way we can conduct business, unless, of course we have moved the goalposts on budgets. 

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I've not renewed yet. Only because I am waiting until the end of the month when I get paid, but it's good to make them sweat


Am going to move to Cat E in south stand because they recategorised my seat and the Cat E offer is pretty much half the cost of my normal seat. It's gutting that they've done that to me, but as I see it next season is this Board's last chance with me, so I might as well minimise my stake. If it turns around then I'll move back to my old seat (assuming that Cat E will not be this cheap next season!). If it's more of the same old mediocrity then it's time for me to give up the ST for the foreseeable until something changes

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Having thought long and hard about S/T renewals, my lad and I have decided that, for us, enough is enough.

I am not happy with the Rams under the current combination of ownership and management and firmly believe that the only thing that will bring change is when they see gate receipts fall. After all, if we keep paying for whatever is dished up where is the incentive for improvements?

I can't tell you how hard this decision has been to make. :(

We will still get our Dad and lad afternoon at the football at Belper Town.

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Might go sit with Nick and Co. It's a cheap trial.

But I'm not paying much money to sit in that dump of a ground. Only sing when your booing, sing when your boooooing.

Horrible place.

Matchday experience! Lol

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Having thought long and hard about S/T renewals, my lad and I have decided that, for us, enough is enough.

I am not happy with the Rams under the current combination of ownership and management and firmly believe that the only thing that will bring change is when they see gate receipts fall. After all, if we keep paying for whatever is dished up where is the incentive for improvements?

I can't tell you how hard this decision has been to make. :(

We will still get our Dad and lad afternoon at the football at Belper Town.

Mmm, that's the kind of conversation going round our house at the minute. It's bad isn't it? :(


As it is though, we've not quite made up our minds one way or the other.


So get all your 'for & against' points down here please members. Convince us. It has to be more than the 'because Derby's your team' argument, because I'm not convinced that's enough. :(

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Getting mine Friday when I get paid, like someone said already its through loyalty to the club. I'm fed up with Clough and his negativity but I'll still support the team home and away. In truth I'd do the same in league one if it came to it.

Here before Clough and the board and I'll be here afterwards.

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Big decision for me. I work permanent lates and I struggle to make midweek matches. I can cope with the normal amount but the 3 extra Friday night games this season has made me think it might be better to just buy the weekend games in advance and pay as you go for the odd evening game.


I'll email the club and check if they are using  Digonex again (i presume they are), and if they plan to switch saturday games to friday nights again.

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Blackpool chairman Karl Oyston has cut season ticket prices for the next campaign as a thank you to supporters.

He's also marking the 60th anniversary of the club's famous 1953 FA Cup win over Bolton, when football legend Stanley Matthews spurred Blackpool on to success.

Oyston has set the prices for 2013/2014 at £195.30 to mark the year 1953.


Just read this on BBC. maybe Sam and the team could think along the same lines.

What do they want 5000 less people paying more or increasing the gate by being realistic with their pricing and getting more sales of other products in the ground.

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Blackpool chairman Karl Oyston has cut season ticket prices for the next campaign as a thank you to supporters.

He's also marking the 60th anniversary of the club's famous 1953 FA Cup win over Bolton, when football legend Stanley Matthews spurred Blackpool on to success.

Oyston has set the prices for 2013/2014 at £195.30 to mark the year 1953.


Just read this on BBC. maybe Sam and the team could think along the same lines.

What do they want 5000 less people paying more or increasing the gate by being realistic with their pricing and getting more sales of other products in the ground.

Pricing has got less impact than you think on attendances. The tickets in the SW corner have been really cheap all season but it doesn't sell out (or not in my experience). Even if it was free entry, i doubt some of the mid-week games would get 33k attendance.

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I'm renewing mine and my two lads, but not til the end of the month.


I haven't really enjoyed this or last season, I've been bored in quite a few of the games and ended up not really caring who wins, the atmosphere has been so bad I've even stopped singing, though remain about the only one around me who tries to constantly shout (encouragement I should add) and clap, until I lose interest!


My lads both love it - my eldest simply wouldn't countenance not going - but my main issue is that I don't take the younger one to night games, so if they're going to shift a load of games to a Friday night I might get a refund on his. Problem is though, if I don't take him in Saturdays I get an earful off him and the missus, so I think it's a foregone conclusion!


Other than that, it gets me out of the house on a Saturday afternoon and I enjoy the build up and a pint with my mates. And of course when it goes well, it's brilliant!


I will renew out of hope, not any expectation, but always with the thought in the back of my mind that maybe it will suddenly all go right.

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Oyston has set the prices for 2013/2014 at £195.30 to mark the year 1953.


If he was really serious they would have been £19.53... Now they're celebrating the year 19,530



Pricing has got less impact than you think on attendances. The tickets in the SW corner have been really cheap all season but it doesn't sell out (or not in my experience). Even if it was free entry, i doubt some of the mid-week games would get 33k attendance.


I agree... there have been plenty of games this season where they've advertised tickets at £12 including a drink and burger... which isn't mega expensive IMO... And that has barely increased the attendence...

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