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Leicester City v Derby County


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Just would add though had we pulled it back to 2-2 I would have backed us to go on and win it with the momentum that we were creating..

Feckin Nugent the party pooper ruined all that..

If we'd have done that, we would have 'robbed' them (in your eyes)..

can't win with you sometimes, Bris.. 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

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Sammon is such a poor footballer

The difference in control and movement between Waghorn and Sammon is huge.. And they both cost $1mill

Defensively we've been poor.. Keogh has had a bad game, O'Connor was rubbish.. Any momentum we had has been destroyed by poor defending and poor control in the final 3rd from Sammon..

Wes Morgan has had it so easy.. Sammon's poor control just allows him to put himself between the ball and man..

i may be wrong but didn't Waghorn cost around £2/3million from Sunderland? If so then money well spent judging by that game and we've missed out on a good player because he gave our defence a new bottom hole! Agreed on Sammon he's so poor at times but he's a decent asset in this division by his other performances! Clough prefers his players to run into the wall rather than have the ability to kick the ball over the wall and into the back of the net..
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I dont really class Leicester as one of our main rivals, i dont even look for their results on a weekly basis. Leicester are on par with Leeds as our second rival. None of the other east midlands teams seem to care much about them either. Leeds bring more to away games and fill their ground at home. They may not class us as a big rival but we sing more about Leeds than we do about Leicester.

I think derby fans voiced this by not turning up for the game. The main reasons are :

£30 a ticket...where did they get this price from? Thats a pound less than Forest!

Its cold

We always play poorly

There is no atmosphere

Its on TV

The home attendances have been lacking as well and i place the blame on the dynamic ticket pricing.

The problem with the pricing is that they start off cheap and get more expensive, the price increases based on demand when demand will obviously be high at £14 a ticket. If they have only sold 20,000 tickets at £14, the price should go down to £10 for 5,000 tickets. Unfortunately this is never the case and the price only seems to go up. This means you have to plan your matches over a month in advance to get the best deal. They are pricing out impulse buying a few days before the match by increasing the price by about £5 on the day.

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Our recent record against Leicester, rival or not is an embarrassment. I live in Leicestershire and its getting very tiring.

Agreed, it's like the appalling record we have against Peterborough.

Given that it's the norm to weather the storm for the first half hour away from home, we really crumbled and were lucky to be only 2 goals down. There's something seriously wrong if we play like that only to turn the game around in the same half.

We missed Barks yesterday and a CDM who can put a foot in and marshall the midfield. The goals were soft but the defence was creaking under pressure from an absent midfield.

We are great attacking albeit not finishing our chances like the oppo does, we can get away with this at home when we dominate the possession but our recent away record proves the point.

Nigel started with 4-4-2, which most of us wanted but it was no better than still losing the midfield battle with 4-5-1 like the other away games. I'm not one for singling players out, especially when the current crop give their best but we only have one CDM and he's struggling for form. We need a CDM who can cope with having the likes of Hughes, Coutts, Jacobs, and Bryson alongside him.

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This post was about as inevitable as tonight's loss. You really do have Bryson on quite the pedestal. I have nothing against the player but let's be realistic even if Bryson had played tonight, he wouldn't have made the slightest difference. We have been outclassed and comfortably beaten with him in midfield before, only two weeks ago in fact!

The only reason Bryson is deemed such a big miss on nights like tonight is because Clough seems far too content with Bryson, Hendrick and more recently Hughes as his midfield options and has refused to invest in a quality central midfielder during his tenure and opted to spend the money elsewhere.

If we had some genuine quality and competition for places in central midfield and we were still having this problem, then your post might hold more weight. But it's been a problem area for years and as good as Will Hughes is, I don't think he alone is the solution.

Clough said he thought we missed Roberts more than Bryson. I thought we won the midfield battle dominated possession but were let down by poor defending. So yes Bryson wouldnt have made any diffrence to that , I thought Hendrick was OK and Coutts too apart from his final ball. Hughes was the stand out player.

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Right, this is fairly simple to summaries...

Schmeichel Legzdins

De Laet Brayford

Konchesky O'Connor

Morgan Buxton

Whitbread Keogh

Drinkwater Hendrick

King Hughes

Dyer Jacobs

Knockaert Coutts

Vardy Sammon

Waghorn Theo

Logan Fielding

Moore O'Brien

Marshall Davies

James Hoganson

Schlupp Freeman

Fuctacs Bennett

Nugent Tyson

Goals 4 Goals 1

Better team won.

I said this before the game, I will say it now - apathy is not the reason most of us were downbeat about going to Leicester, it's not that we DON'T care about the game. We were just coming up against a good side, a very good home side with a very poor away record. Ultimately, I would probably have 5 of their 7 subs in our first 11... how many of our subs would get in their first 11, and how many of our first 11 would get in their first 11?

Saying that, we gave a good account of ourselves for 40 odd minutes, I don't know why people are singling out Coutts, admittedly if you watch a game on TV you can analyse it a lot better than when you're at the game but I thought when we was on top, he was a major part. Sammon I also thought had a good game, defence was poor. Leicester brought on Ben Marshall and David Nugent at the same time, they're fantastic players, and that swung the game back into their favour. I thought Dyer who is usually a ******* nightmare against us, was average... I genuinely cannot remember Vardy touching the ball (there is a 1million pound signing you can compare with Sammon, if you wish) Waghorn was outstanding, first 20 minutes he looked outstanding, i noticed Bris said he cost ONE million pound, he actually cost THREE million pound - bit of a difference.

Overall, I think we need to be sensible and realistic as fans of Derby County - teams who have spent the money to be better than us, should be better than us we can only give a good account of ourselves. I will only be-rate the players if they're not performing against teams who are on lesser money, and have spent less - then there is no excuse.

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If we'd have done that, we would have 'robbed' them (in your eyes)..

can't win with you sometimes, Bris.. 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

Not really buddy as had we scored and continued with the momentum we would have been on top for a good 60 minutes of the game.. But in reality Leicester dominated the last 30 minutes..

It was a game of 3 thirds.. 2 thirds were dominated by Leicester in which they had numerous more chances to score and we were on top during the middle third where we had a good opportunity to equalize..

Leicester deserved to win, no-one can argue with that..

Also if it's true NC said that we were too 'attacking' then he's had a mare.. We were let down by poor defending for every goal especially Leicesters 2nd and 3rd..

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Right, this is fairly simple to summaries...

Schmeichel Legzdins

De Laet Brayford

Konchesky O'Connor

Morgan Buxton

Whitbread Keogh

Drinkwater Hendrick

King Hughes

Dyer Jacobs

Knockaert Coutts

Vardy Sammon

Waghorn Theo

Logan Fielding

Moore O'Brien

Marshall Davies

James Hoganson

Schlupp Freeman

Fuctacs Bennett

Nugent Tyson

Goals 4 Goals 1

Better team won.

I said this before the game, I will say it now - apathy is not the reason most of us were downbeat about going to Leicester, it's not that we DON'T care about the game. We were just coming up against a good side, a very good home side with a very poor away record. Ultimately, I would probably have 5 of their 7 subs in our first 11... how many of our subs would get in their first 11, and how many of our first 11 would get in their first 11?

Saying that, we gave a good account of ourselves for 40 odd minutes, I don't know why people are singling out Coutts, admittedly if you watch a game on TV you can analyse it a lot better than when you're at the game but I thought when we was on top, he was a major part. Sammon I also thought had a good game, defence was poor. Leicester brought on Ben Marshall and David Nugent at the same time, they're fantastic players, and that swung the game back into their favour. I thought Dyer who is usually a ******* nightmare against us, was average... I genuinely cannot remember Vardy touching the ball (there is a 1million pound signing you can compare with Sammon, if you wish) Waghorn was outstanding, first 20 minutes he looked outstanding, i noticed Bris said he cost ONE million pound, he actually cost THREE million pound - bit of a difference.

Overall, I think we need to be sensible and realistic as fans of Derby County - teams who have spent the money to be better than us, should be better than us we can only give a good account of ourselves. I will only be-rate the players if they're not performing against teams who are on lesser money, and have spent less - then there is no excuse.

That is what I thought pretty much word for word.

We had a good spell either side of half time and were unlucky not to get a 2nd.

Also was their 2nd offside? Looked like Waghorn was, but couldnt tell from the where we were sitting.

This was my 1st time to the king prawn and outside looked quite nice but inside was a bit naff. Reminded me of a slightly bigger version of Donny's. And the screens were naff, adverts every 2 mins with a super slow mo replays.

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It's no different over here, last season the club did some groupon deals to boost crowd numbers. it was, I think, £15 a ticket, and it had an effect. To my mind, and without knowing the break even profit/loss figures, a full ground at £15 a ticket is much better than selling at 25-35 but having 13,000 empty seats every week. There are people on here much better at the maths than me, but with the extra spend on food, merchandise etc, plus a full ground so better atmosphere (despite what Bris thinks) it would be viable. Though I presume not, seeing as they don't do it.

We are not alone, I was charged £22 to see notts county the other week. Ridiculous.

15 x 33000 = £495,000

20 x 25000 = £500,000

Our average gate is over 20000

Looks like current pricing would produce more revenue for the club than a blanket £15

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Agree with what everyone is saying about Hendrick, i said this a long, long time ago that he's not that great. People were claiming he would be a solid Premier League midfielder, ye ok then, never in a million years.

Cant understand how Sammons performance gets rated so highly when he constantly gives the ball away, was watching him especially to see if i was missing something, and no i wasnt, inside the first 10 minutes he had already given the ball away 3 times. Everyone i was watching with thought he was a right donkey as well.

Thought Jacobs was decent, dont really think he knows what's he's gunna do, but he's unpredictable and he's capable of doing something special that will create a goal.

Another poor away performance, 12 conceeded in our last 4 trips. We cant defend and we cant score goals away from home. Leeds is a must win, with 3 away games in 4 after that i cant see us picking up any points on the road unless Nigel finally learns something and makes some radical changes.

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Agree with what everyone is saying about Hendrick, i said this a long, long time ago that he's not that great. People were claiming he would be a solid Premier League midfielder, ye ok then, never in a million years.

Cant understand how Sammons performance gets rated so highly when he constantly gives the ball away, was watching him especially to see if i was missing something, and no i wasnt, inside the first 10 minutes he had already given the ball away 3 times. Everyone i was watching with thought he was a right donkey as well.

Thought Jacobs was decent, dont really think he knows what's he's gunna do, but he's unpredictable and he's capable of doing something special that will create a goal.

Another poor away performance, 12 conceeded in our last 4 trips. We cant defend and we cant score goals away from home. Leeds is a must win, with 3 away games in 4 after that i cant see us picking up any points on the road unless Nigel finally learns something and makes some radical changes.

Just got beat by a better team, I thought the willingness to go out and attack them was a lot better than previous matches. I can't see what Nigel could of done yesterday in all honesty, it's unfortunate that just saying 'defend better' and 'score' doesn't work.

Beat by a better team, end case and point.

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This post was about as inevitable as tonight's loss. You really do have Bryson on quite the pedestal. I have nothing against the player but let's be realistic even if Bryson had played tonight, he wouldn't have made the slightest difference. We have been outclassed and comfortably beaten with him in midfield before, only two weeks ago in fact!

The only reason Bryson is deemed such a big miss on nights like tonight is because Clough seems far too content with Bryson, Hendrick and more recently Hughes as his midfield options and has refused to invest in a quality central midfielder during his tenure and opted to spend the money elsewhere.

If we had some genuine quality and competition for places in central midfield and we were still having this problem, then your post might hold more weight. But it's been a problem area for years and as good as Will Hughes is, I don't think he alone is the solution.

Jordan just look at the results when bryson isnt playing , that's all I'm saying on the subject , n the reason he's on a pedestal he does the work rate of 2 players in there ,I'm not saying he has the class of will hughes but he is the best team player derby have at this moment in time , just ask his team mates who they miss the most when they are not playin n I'm sure the answer will be craig bryson ,anyone who averages 11-12 km a game n can play too is a huge asset to any club

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Just got beat by a better team, I thought the willingness to go out and attack them was a lot better than previous matches. I can't see what Nigel could of done yesterday in all honesty, it's unfortunate that just saying 'defend better' and 'score' doesn't work.

Beat by a better team, end case and point.

I suppose Peterborough and Millwall are just better teams?

We've been **** away from home for so long now, the excuse of being beaten by better sides doesnt really wash now. We were getting beaten by better sides 4 years ago, and here we are, the same things still happening.

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