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Everything posted by Ram-Alf

  1. White Christmas was filmed in California, LA Rams play in California...Boom😁
  2. Nice Article It has gone past 10pm, Derby County have just lost to Crewe in the FA Cup and their head coach Paul Warne is in the background trying to explain to the media what happened. Some of the players are starting to leave and nobody could have blamed Kane Wilson for wanting to slip out of the side door with them rather than face the prospect of an interview. But once he finally emerges to talk to DerbyshireLive, any fears that he is in a hurry are quickly extinguished. For the next 15 minutes, he is engaging company - as fun to talk to as it is to watch him play. It is perhaps the reason why so many Derby fans have quickly taken to the wing-back whose brilliant cameo against Barnsley led the club's media team to post a video of his 'filthy' dribbling qualities. "I saw that," he laughs. "But that's how it's always been for me. I like to entertain the fans, and being here and playing in front of 28 to 30,000 of them every week is a dream. There weren't that many on Tuesday night for the cup game, but you know what I mean don't you? My favourite thing to do is to try to entertain the fans. I love doing that and I kind of see that as my job. "Obviously, you want to win games first and foremost, and the manager will always want me to do that as well. But hopefully, the way I play does help us. Playing football is what I love and I hope the fans can see that by how I play whether we win, lose or draw. I think every person in the stands as a kid would want to play for fun and that is what I do. "But I am not oblivious to all the love from the fans. My family looks all the time and if I can build a relationship with them and take them where they want to go, then that would be beautiful." It is certainly hard to disagree with Wilson's assessment of what he has brought to this Derby team since his move from Bristol City in the summer. Whether he has played as a wing-back, winger or a traditional full-back, the energy and drive to take players on is a natural instinct. That should come as no surprise given he played as a striker at an early age, but when he moved to West Brom they recognised his ball-carrying ability lent itself to playing in a wider role that brought with it defensive responsibilities. He made such an impression that he was taken to Austria with the senior squad at just 16. The manager at the time, Tony Pulis, wanted him to learn the position of full-back, and at that stage it seemed that he was on course to being considered a long-term first-team prospect. But while he was on loan at Exeter City to help with his education, Pulis was sacked. Alan Pardew came in and, as is so often the case when there is a change in manager, there were ramifications to deal with. "West Brom wanted me to be a centre-back at first because I was kind of big and I was good on the ball," he says. "But equally I was also really good at running with the ball too. They then put me into midfield until I was about 12 or 13 and then my mum and dad got pulled into the academy head office. They were told that they wanted to fast-track me into the first team at 16. "At the time West Brom had players like Darren Fletcher, Claudio Yacob and some big midfielders but they didn't have a right back. They were like he's obviously good at dribbling, he can defend, can we put him there? I was fine with that if I could get to the first team, and a year-and-a-half later, I was on the plane to Austria at 16. Pulis told me that he wanted me to learn the position. so I was loaned out to Exeter at 17. While I was there he then got the sack. "When I came back, everything had changed. It is pot-luck sometimes. Alan Pardew came in and I don't think he knew my name because I was out on loan. I came back in January and trained for a week but he was never going to call on me because he was fighting for his job in the Premier League. I then went back out on loan again because I don't like coasting. If I hadn't, I would have been in the stands." Spells at Walsall and Tranmere followed before Wilson eventually left on a permanent move to Forest Green Rovers. There he would become an integral figure under Rob Edwards, now managing Luton in the Premier League, as they won promotion playing what WIlson describes as "total football". He was voted League Two player of the year and made the team of the year too. It was enough to tempt Bristol City to move for him last summer when he signed a three-year deal. But he never made one start in the league at Ashton Gate, not helped by a knee problem that kept him out for several months. Wilson has no problems about his departure from City and instead feels that Derby may be the team to reap the benefits of his exit. "Bristol City was a good club," says Wilson. "I had no problems with them. I basically joined with the intention of playing and being a right back in the Championship. But I got unlucky with a cartilage injury, which kept me on the sidelines for like three or four months. When I came back from injury and to be fair to the other lads, they had taken their chance. I fell down the pecking order and didn't even start a league game. I never had a chance and I just think it was just timing really. "I was unlucky with the injury and for one reason or another Nigel Pearson just didn't take a fancy but that's football. Managers have to make a decision. They can't have three or four right-backs at one club. My face didn't really fit the picture and then they told me I could leave. When I joined them I was going there to be the number one right-back. I had just won player of the season in League Two and I just thought everything was rosy. In my head, I was looking at taking Bristol City to the Premier League. "But I never want to sit around and not play so I really tried to push for Derby where they can hopefully be the beneficiaries. For me it's beautiful. I am back at home and the goal is to be with Derby in the Championship and then the Premier League. I know we are a long way off from that at the moment, but everything for me here is perfect. "There is competition. It's a big club, it's a big squad and I really believe we can go up and the idea of being with Derby in the Championship was something I couldn't turn down. When I look around, it would be nice to be a Craig Forsyth kind of thing. He's had an unbelievable career. For me, he is the epitome. He's been here at Derby, a massive club, for 10 years. He's had his testimonial and everything. That's beautiful. He's seen the good times, the bad times. It's been a real journey. But come on, I am miles away from being the new Craig Forsyth but you have to aim for something. If I could have a career like him I would be happy." Derby's head coach Paul Warne has lavished Wilson with praise for some of his performances this season, but he is yet to establish himself as a bona fide first-team player. You sense, however, it will not be long before he is one of the first names on the team sheet. He is a popular member of the squad and is part of a car school with Nathaniel Mendez-Laing when their music tastes can range from hip-hop to indie to house music. He accepts, however, that there are elements of his game that he needs to improve. "The manager has been good with me," continues Wilson. "When I first joined, he was honest with me and just said you've come in later than everyone else but if you work hard, you'll get your chance. I got my head down and obviously, I'd had a year of not playing, so I wasn't match fit at all. For a few pre-season games I was blowing a little bit. He says that he sometimes falls out of love with me because sometimes I can be a bit sulky if I'm not playing. "But he's good and always honest. And you have to bear in mind the competition here is really good. You've got Ryan Nyambe at full-back, you've got Joe Ward. If I'm playing winger, you've got Tom Barkhuizen and you've got Nathaniel Mendez-Laing. There are good players out wide and I'm probably the youngest out of all of them. I've got to kind of work double hard because I've got the experience ahead of me. I keep working hard and hopefully, I can break in there one day and be like a Derby player full-on. "I know I need to improve the dirty side of the game, like heading, positioning and winning big tackles. But being here is honestly everything I could have dreamed of."
  3. It was a cold and wintery Christmas Eve, Paul Warne meets Ryan Nyambe at a windswept Moor Farm. PW, Hello Ryan RN, How's things Boss PW, Ryan have you thought about the offer we made to you. RN, Yes boss, I sat down with my agent and we discussed your offer, As you know I had other offers that I told you about. PW, Yes Ryan you did, Now that's why I called you in for a talk, Where are we with the other offers. RN, The offers were good, Can you tell me boss...are you signing any other players. PW, As you know Ryan I can not talk about those that have been approached as altho things are looking very promising there's always a bend in the road that's not expected, But I'm very optimistic on that front. RN, In that case boss myself and my agent Alf have decided to sign the contract you offered. PW, That's great news Ryan, I'd like to thank Alf for all the good work he has done, A gentleman I was pleased to do business with, You will not be disappointed I'm sure. Merry Xmas Ryan and Alf ☺️
  4. I spent 6 months in North Sea Camp in the mid 70s, A couple of Lincs lads in there, Carrot crunchers get older and thicker as the wind blows off the Wash, The crabs on the marsh down there are more intelligent πŸ˜‰
  5. I'm a Collins fan, The work rate he gets through far out weighs the negatives of his Mrs 😁 in front of goal, A sort of battering Ram, A player that gets in the faces of the defenders, Some one who's there as a minder, Yes he could have 5/6 more goals than he has, He's in the box and not hiding, He doesn't miss on purpose, And I like the way he blows kisses to the South Stand when he scores πŸ˜‰ 1st one on the team sheet for me☺️
  6. ThisπŸ‘ If we can stop the silly penalties, If we can fly out of the gate from minute 1, If we can dominate a team for 60mins, If we can put more of our chances away, If we can put the fear of God in the opposition...then automatic promotion is on πŸ‘ We sort of flatter to deceive without dominating, We're doing just enough instead of being the dominating team, As I've said I follow the games on here, You get a fare balance of play and thought, Up until our second goal even on here I could feel the angst, I or 2 posters were optimistic but a good few were as we are at times frustrated. I think we know we have a very good squad if not the best squad in league1, I think the squad also believe this, 3 tricky games now to come, We're more than capable of 3 wins if the players are at it, From what was a big gap a few weeks back has now closed so I'll leave this post with one quote. "Portsmouth we're coming for you"
  7. My thoughts too Bob, In Sicario 1 and 2 he was very very good...and not forgetting Frankie Four fingers in...Snatch 😁
  8. Reptile with Benicio Del Toro of Sicario fame and Justin Timberlake...Netflix. Female realtor is murdered and then the games begin of who done it 8-10
  9. As we know all officials are mic'd up, I doubt the linesman said penalty he's to far away and a crowded area, Welch is to far away to be 100% sure...imo(are you reading this kevinhectoring?) for me the above in bold was are the reasons. Is there any other video evidence from a different angle to suggest contact was made by Ward?
  10. I was a Dad at 19 years of age, Daughter now 47 and Son 42, I had no lifetime experiences and her Mother was the 1st girl I had been with, So advice...be aware there's advice and there's advice, You are now in a different time to others, Grandparents can be a help and a hindrance, They'll tell you that "we did it this way" so what she's ours and we'll do it our way πŸ‘ You'll spend Eva's 1st 2 years teaching her to walk and talk, Then the rest of her life to shut up and sit down πŸ˜‰, You'll have every tool available at hand there's no excuse to say...I can't find owt, Sleeping will be fractious, Your other half will be the one I guess doing the heavy work, If she's breast feeding the joy of having the left overs is a bonus 😁 Children are great especially with mint sauce ☺️, You'll be the proudest Dad on earth when pushing her in the pushchair to your local park. So no advice from me other than be a great Dad, Take time to listen to your other half, Children will test your patients they're cunning little feckers...but Eva will be your little bundle of joy 😁
  11. For as much as I dislike them mother feckers down the road this is one hell of a sideways move, Cooper is a manager I like, I don't think all those useless turds that signed were his by choice. The firestarter will have burnt a few bridges with this decision, My one and only wish for Xmas is this great run they are on continues.
  12. I take my hat off to you and yours for a sterling effort and to give those 2 boys for the time being a steady home life, There's been far too many Children stuck in the Social services who then get put with another family and then...well you know...the kids suffer or worse. Social services have taken a battering this last few years, Over worked and underpaid, I see those hoops your jumping through are never ending and you ask yourself...why bother, Then you look at those 2 young uns...that's why πŸ‘ I have a lot of time for those who do the right thing by bringing Children into their homes, Unfortunately this now comes with all the hassle that you are having to deal with. I wish you and yours and the 2 little ones a great Xmas ☺️
  13. I send a picture to my email account, Open link, Curser on picture...click copy image, Back to DCFCFANS, Click paste...job done See...😁yes that is my left hand, My right hand was busy....holding the phone ☺️
  14. It had nothing to do with football, The conversation was about whether the Office of Budget Responsibility were right to criticize Liz Trusses economic policy, As he overheard 2 DCFC supporters behind him in the dug out saying they were wrong
  15. Paramilitary group claims platoon of Russian troops destroyed in cross-border attack An Ukraine-based paramilitary group of Russians who oppose Vladimir Putin has claimed to have destroyed a platoon stronghold of Russian troops in Belgorod. The Freedom of Russia Legion claimed responsibility for the cross-border attack near Terebreno village. It did not specify whether it had destroyed infrastructure or killed soldiers, but it did say it had left mines behind. The group, which has been designated as a terrorist group by Moscow, was formed back in 2022 to fight Mr Putin's forces from within the ranks of the Ukrainian army. On Sunday, the governor of Belgorod Vyacheslav Gladkov said Terebreno was under fire from Ukraine's Armed Forces and that a "shooting battle" was under way. He said no civilians had been injured, but three houses and power lines were damaged.
  16. David Coote having a busy day yesterday at Brentford...12 yellows and 2 reds 😁
  17. Brentford Vs Villa...cracking highlights on MOTD2, Watkins taking abuse from one fan behind the goal, Watkins scores the winner then points to the fan, The fan who you can see with his hoodie up just stands there with no come back...great stuff. Martinez then gets clipped on his shoulder by Maupay and Martinez looks to be shot from far away as he falls to the ground, A little later, Martinez clips Maupay in the back who then proceeds hit the floor like a sack of spuds, Martinez then goes up to Maupay and grabs him by the shirt to lift him up, It all then kicks off with pink and yellow handbags at dawn 😁 12 yellow cards and 2 red given out ☺️ As Kevin Keegan once said...love it just love it ☺️
  18. Bambi Dumbo Snow white and the 7 little men Cinderella El Cid The 10 Commandments My Mum worked as an Usherette at the Gaumont on London Road Derby which then became the Odeon when that closed down, We'd get 2 complimentary tickets every week to watch the latest film releases πŸ‘
  19. You've seen these instances too?...this takes me back too...this😁
  20. It was something I read on tinternet last week...we have to take with a tablespoon full of salt I know...but πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1846108/russia-soldiers-revolt-ukraine-war-vladimir-putin
  21. There was an incident in the film that actually happened in real life, In the deep sea around Japan by China. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/67461081 Could all in the film happen, I doubt it as the USA would have to sleepwalk into a mega disaster by taking their foot off their security gas pedal, But as we all know...there are dark forces out there who wish to control the Worlds resources πŸ™„
  22. Forgot about this no hoper...the dogs released him and he's not played since April this year, Wow the dogs spunked some loot on that pile of horse sh!t 😁
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