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  1. Like
    kevinhectoring reacted to PistoldPete in The Administration Thread   
    There will not be Preferred bidder now, no periods of exclusivity. It’s a question of whose money gets in first I think. 
  2. Like
    kevinhectoring reacted to RipleyRich in The Administration Thread   
    Depends what "finders fee" he can achieve.
    Sorry,  just my cynical head. I just have the feeling that there are too many vultures hanging around now looking how they can benefit themselves from a dire situation.
  3. Haha
    kevinhectoring reacted to RipleyRich in The Administration Thread   
    Not that I'm aware of ?
  4. Clap
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from jimtastic56 in The Administration Thread   
    Of course q should be asking for Rooney’s view. (I’d think they have been getting it anyway) They then need to assess whether his preferred route is likely to bring the best result for the creditors (taking into account his likely action if they ignore his preferred route ) 

    The unanswered question is whether Rooney’s (and Stretford’s) power has been Q’s greatest asset or their biggest nightmare in this process. It’s now clear to us all how much the half baked appointment of CK as preferred bidder - Stretford’s choice - has damaged us. 
    Another unknown just now is whether Stretford will find a new investor to step into CK’s shoes. This talk of new bidders emerging suggests he might 
  5. Clap
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from David Graham Brown in The Administration Thread   
    Look at it from the point of view of an investor in Slyncio
    you've invested 10s of millions in a company that aims to get listed on the most highly regulated securities market in the world
    your CEO is jetting around the world pursuing his hobbies and runs into problems with anti-money laundering issues. Anti-money laundering !! 
    if I was the investor I would confiscate the keys to his plane, and tell him if he doesn’t get back to his desk and stop twattering around he’ll be on the wrong end of a massive legal claim for damaging his investors’ interests 
  6. Like
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from r_wilcockson in The Administration Thread   
    Exactly right. He knows the club’s potential, he’ll accept -15 because he understands how profitable this trade could be if he waits it out (at our expense). He paid too much for Newcastle and won’t do that again 
  7. Like
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from CBX1985 in The Administration Thread   
    Exactly right. He knows the club’s potential, he’ll accept -15 because he understands how profitable this trade could be if he waits it out (at our expense). He paid too much for Newcastle and won’t do that again 
  8. Like
    kevinhectoring reacted to Mckram in The Administration Thread   
    I’m clinging on to the hope that WR sees that CK had a fair shot at it and came up short, nobody else’s fault so is willing to see who it is and if the circumstances are right stay for at least another season.
    Might be dreaming, but fingers crossed. 
  9. Like
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from Ghost of Clough in The Administration Thread   
    Exactly right. He knows the club’s potential, he’ll accept -15 because he understands how profitable this trade could be if he waits it out (at our expense). He paid too much for Newcastle and won’t do that again 
  10. Like
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from CBRammette in The Administration Thread   
    You don’t think the first thing they looked at was a group structure chart ? it’s where you start. And on that topic, fundamental error, not advising MSD that 202 should file 

    We all knew about Boro. But despite that it was written about extensively on here, q chose to ignore the animus between MM and Gibbo and treat the dispute as one that would be resolved on commercially rational lines. Naive
    Not to mention the football creditors’ rule. Or the snail’s pace appointment of PBs  
    We should have been sold in January 
  11. Like
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from atherstoneram in The Administration Thread   
    Was it their choice? Or did they cave to pressure from Stretford and Rooney ? 
  12. Like
    kevinhectoring reacted to CBX1985 in The Administration Thread   
    With respect. 
    Business people buy brands. History and affection is what makes a brand. Why put 1884 on everything if it didn't matter?   I wasn't alive when Clough won the league for this team; when we were in European Cup.  
    We support the same team.  I live 80 miles from Derby, and have an array of choice in who I support.  It would be far more convenient for me to support a much more successful team that is much more convenient to me.  I don't.
    We are sticky supporters of a never to be remade brand.  That is value.
  13. Like
    kevinhectoring reacted to derby8 in The Administration Thread   
    turnover helped by efl membership, non league would be lower.
  14. Like
    kevinhectoring reacted to CBX1985 in The Administration Thread   
    That doesn't affect the fact they are valuable.  Kelloggs is not valuable for making cereal; it is valuable because it is Kelloggs cereal. 
    DCFC have a large fan base.  Founders of FL.  History.  etc.
    You can't manufacture that anymore. That is the value.  
  15. Like
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from derby8 in The Administration Thread   
    Main asset is significant turnover as a going concern   Long may it continue 
  16. Like
    kevinhectoring reacted to CBRammette in The Administration Thread   
    Its the hope that kills you
  17. Clap
    kevinhectoring reacted to B4ev6is in The Administration Thread   
    Sauce with thread above I not seen anything saying he is out.
  18. Haha
    kevinhectoring reacted to Elwood P Dowd in The Administration Thread   
    But can Q move that fast, I didn’t expect any new this afternoon as it would interfere with their afternoon nap ? 
  19. Like
    kevinhectoring reacted to Rich in The Administration Thread   
    This Nixon fella only  talks in passive aggressive riddles.  I truly believe he knows considerably less than he attempts to make out, to a point I’m not sure he knows any more on the Derby situation than the average fan.
  20. Haha
    kevinhectoring reacted to MaltRam in The Administration Thread   
    I don't want to be a killjoy, but can we all be a touch more considerate? All this page number/year based humour is not helping the majority of forum members who don't have time to waste wading through trivia and simply want to check the thread for the latest puns. Thanks.
  21. Haha
    kevinhectoring reacted to RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
    All fair points, but I'm driving a sinister agenda for shady forces of evil. Fortunately, I can cover my tracks by only slipping partial information to selected journalists and EFL board members.
  22. Clap
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from angieram in The Administration Thread   
    This was @RadioactiveWaste’s list. McGuire conspicuous by his absence and Gibbo will be disappointed to only make 4th. Is ‘coughing’ covid or Couhig ? Both deserve a mention. 
    I think Pearce has been making amends for being MM’s bag carrier - if he hadn’t done it he’d have been sacked and a n other would have appointed
  23. Haha
    kevinhectoring reacted to curb in The Administration Thread   
    Mr Ploppypratty will be disappointed he didn’t make the cut
  24. Haha
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
    This was @RadioactiveWaste’s list. McGuire conspicuous by his absence and Gibbo will be disappointed to only make 4th. Is ‘coughing’ covid or Couhig ? Both deserve a mention. 
    I think Pearce has been making amends for being MM’s bag carrier - if he hadn’t done it he’d have been sacked and a n other would have appointed
  25. Clap
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from RoyMac5 in The Administration Thread   
    This was @RadioactiveWaste’s list. McGuire conspicuous by his absence and Gibbo will be disappointed to only make 4th. Is ‘coughing’ covid or Couhig ? Both deserve a mention. 
    I think Pearce has been making amends for being MM’s bag carrier - if he hadn’t done it he’d have been sacked and a n other would have appointed
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