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Everything posted by Srg

  1. You might struggle to get that going amongst the other 12 of you dotted around Wembley.
  2. Look at me passing on a random twitter rumour that didn’t look obviously dodgy and it actually ending up true. I will take my throne as ITK now, thank you.
  3. No, it suggests those are the players the squad didn’t have. And it still doesn’t. We still lack pace and athleticism, and it got shown up badly against Posh.
  4. For me, what Warne says he wants has always appealed to me. He talks about high press, pace, athleticism, moving the ball fast, intensity etc. All of that sounds amazing. However, we don’t always see a lot of it… now, is that down to the players he has or him himself? More the former, it seems. As we see it here and there, but still not consistently enough. I feel we will kick on further if he gets some of the forward players he truly wants instead of the sticking plasters he’s managed to get in the summer.
  5. Potentially, as we should have more possession. Dont think he fully trusts anyone other than Nyambe at right back.
  6. It’s more the lack of a functioning midfield than the back three. Countless times they get exposed because there’s a chasm in front of them.
  7. Just invited a little too much pressure in the second half, don’t think the subs up until that point made the positive impact Warne hoped. Still, lots of positives too and a good win in a little bit of a tricky away game. Nice to bounce back after the Posh game, too.
  8. Maybe, but that kinda falls into the modern formation part. Unless we change what we are doing significantly. We don’t play a flat 442 with a right mid who tucks in. We want our wingers more in the modern 433 or as inverted wingers.
  9. Said this before, but he struggles as a right winger as he’s slow and can’t go past anyone or in behind. He’s pretty bad defensively, so right back only really suits if we are ball dominant. He is an old school right midfielder which don’t really exist in football formations in the modern game, hence he kinda ends up as a wing back.
  10. Yeah, fleeced them for him but they stole Ebiowei who was much better.
  11. He wants to play higher than league one. It’s that simple.
  12. As I say, no reason to believe him. Just saying, someone is putting it out there.
  13. Saying it in here because the reliability is heavily questionable, but there’s a random fan on twitter claiming NML has signed a new contract.
  14. Found the guy who’s proper fun on a night out.
  15. Best ability is availability. Riggott was always injured.
  16. It’s the fact it’s easy to join in on, pretty inoffensive and there’s actions to it to make everyone stand up.
  17. It’s a mixed gender sport anyway, with the likes of Fallon Sherrock.
  18. Because the only reason to really go to the darts is a piss up and a sing song, not like you can see a lot. Great final. Humphries deserved winner, think he was beating anyone with that performance. Littler will certainly be back, he only really wobbled in that final leg when he could’ve checked it out to go a set longer.
  19. With all due respect, he signed what, 39 years ago? Football is vastly different.
  20. The huge difference this year is the top 3 last year were so dominant they never really looked like faltering. This year is different in that regard.
  21. I don’t know, not bought football manager this year and FIFA has been crap for 10 years now.
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