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    FlyBritishMidland got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in Who is looking forward to league one   
    Love your positivity B4.  I’m looking forward to next season.  Personally, I think football’s more honest the lower down you go.  By that I mean less about the money, razzmatazz and all that.  It’s why we all follow the game.
    League 1 will be 3 ‘o clock on a Saturday afternoon, no messing about for Sky TV.  I’m looking forward to some different teams, different grounds, the 1st round of the FA Cup, no international breaks and even the Papa John’s trophy - a cup’s a cup and we should try to win it.
    The last couple of days have been great with CK’s tweets about the progress made and a huge relief to many of us, not least yourself.  We’re at the end of this long road but through adversity it’s brought us all together.  Let’s keep that mentality and spirit next year cos we really can be the 12th man ?!!
  2. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to LeedsCityRam in The Administration Thread   
    The stadium sale (or value of the stadium to be more precise) was a factor but I don't think that was the only trigger.
    With regard to Gibson, believe there were 2 main aggravating factors - most obviously the fact we finished just above them in the playoffs that year with an expensive 'new' squad (by April they were collapsing & we were on the march to 6th) and the previous summer we'd bought Waghorn having outbid Boro, which seemed at odds with Morris' intention to wind down the spending that spring. Had the stadium sale still gone through the 17/18 accounts & we'd have finished, say 9th in 18/19, I'm certain Gibson wouldn't have started his legal threats.
  3. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to LeedsCityRam in The Administration Thread   
    This reads like Morris was a victim of circumstance & acted like a 'reasonable person' thereafter. I would argue that is a very generous interpretation.
    Reality is Morris knew towards the end ot 2017/18 that we'd overspent as a club. He publicly told Rowett we would be reining it in & relying more on Academy graduates and that was part of Rowett's rationale for jumping ship to Stoke. 
    Had Morris kept to this strategy, we'd have been fine. What he then did though was to bet the house on one last attempt at promotion...got blinded by a celebrity appointment (Lampard) & spent money every bit as frivolous as his first 2 years. It was this season that provoked the ire of Gibson & interest of onlookers who couldn't reconcile his earlier statements with the approach thereafter.
    Once we lost to Villa & he decided to sell having lost his gamble, he had a responsibility to manage the club prudently. Instead he doubled down with our biggest ever signing (Bielik) & a massive PR stunt (Rooney). Gibson served notice of intent to sue us May 2019 but Morris did not deal with this until 3 months ago (and even then there are suggestions he's just lumped it onto the price of PP). He said he would fund us until we were sold but cut his losses by dumping us into administration & left us to the mercy of rival clubs & a vengeful EFL. 
    He also had a bid last summer from the Binnies (reported in the Athletic) which seemingly he rejected in favour of administration & a certain relegation. That sound like someone who had no option but to do what he did?
    To your point about fans supporting us at Wembley and then turning on Morris, how would you expect the average fan to know the situation at the club when Morris was so secretive about the real picture & his true intentions?
  4. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland got a reaction from Gisby in Who is looking forward to league one   
    Love your positivity B4.  I’m looking forward to next season.  Personally, I think football’s more honest the lower down you go.  By that I mean less about the money, razzmatazz and all that.  It’s why we all follow the game.
    League 1 will be 3 ‘o clock on a Saturday afternoon, no messing about for Sky TV.  I’m looking forward to some different teams, different grounds, the 1st round of the FA Cup, no international breaks and even the Papa John’s trophy - a cup’s a cup and we should try to win it.
    The last couple of days have been great with CK’s tweets about the progress made and a huge relief to many of us, not least yourself.  We’re at the end of this long road but through adversity it’s brought us all together.  Let’s keep that mentality and spirit next year cos we really can be the 12th man ?!!
  5. Like
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to IslandExile in Who is looking forward to league one   
    My main feeling is relief.... That we still have a club.
    But, yeah, I am starting to look forward to the new season - with a clean slate. Going to be exciting for the right reasons.
  6. Like
    FlyBritishMidland got a reaction from archram in Who is looking forward to league one   
    Love your positivity B4.  I’m looking forward to next season.  Personally, I think football’s more honest the lower down you go.  By that I mean less about the money, razzmatazz and all that.  It’s why we all follow the game.
    League 1 will be 3 ‘o clock on a Saturday afternoon, no messing about for Sky TV.  I’m looking forward to some different teams, different grounds, the 1st round of the FA Cup, no international breaks and even the Papa John’s trophy - a cup’s a cup and we should try to win it.
    The last couple of days have been great with CK’s tweets about the progress made and a huge relief to many of us, not least yourself.  We’re at the end of this long road but through adversity it’s brought us all together.  Let’s keep that mentality and spirit next year cos we really can be the 12th man ?!!
  7. Haha
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Day in The Administration Thread   
    So now any chance of liquidation looks extremely slim, you’re moving on to WW3 and let me guess, Derby getting nuked by Putin to scupper our plans of starting the new season? Gotcha.
  8. COYR
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Animal is a Ram in The Administration Thread   
    LET'S F'N GO.
  9. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Ghost of Clough in The Administration Thread   
    The rules at the time stated we must stick to FRS102. Some people believe our policy was compliant to FRS102, others didn't. Unfortunately, the 3 people who had the final say (with no accounting background) determined it was non-compliant.
    The rule change doesn't automatically mean our policy was acceptable, but it does mean there will be nothing other than a common approach for all EFL clubs going forward. As I said very early on in the P&S case, the pragmatic approach would have been to change the rules and get the Club to change back to a straight line method.
  10. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to CBRammette in The Administration Thread   
    Thanks for spending so much time on here today.
    The last couple of years have been horrendous for our fans and particularly for those of us living away from Derby this forum has been a lifeline and means of venting/panicking/laughing/guessing/discussing amortisation and insolvency law. At times the wellbeing of some fans has been concerning.

    You spending time answering questions feels as if someone has bothered to appreciate the effect on fans and given a welcome relief from arguing technical points with those who have pontificated with each other, at times very angrily (or boringly) around in circles for many months. 
    I know its your specialist area but I think most Derby fans never want to discuss football finances again if this is ever over. Thanks again.
  11. Like
    FlyBritishMidland got a reaction from I know nuffin in The Administration Thread   
    Agreed.  Contrary to the no update, I think that’s really positive.  There’s no way CK would have put anything like that in a tweet a month ago.
  12. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland got a reaction from CBRammette in The Administration Thread   
    One chop got in first.
  13. Cheers
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to RoyMac5 in The Administration Thread   
    Free to read:
  14. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to BucksRam in The Administration Thread   
    And when subtly challenged by a fan asking for precisely when....
  15. Like
    FlyBritishMidland got a reaction from IslandExile in The Administration Thread   
    Agreed.  Contrary to the no update, I think that’s really positive.  There’s no way CK would have put anything like that in a tweet a month ago.
  16. Like
    FlyBritishMidland got a reaction from Crewton in The Administration Thread   
    Agreed.  Contrary to the no update, I think that’s really positive.  There’s no way CK would have put anything like that in a tweet a month ago.
  17. Like
    FlyBritishMidland got a reaction from Kathcairns in The Administration Thread   
    Agreed.  Contrary to the no update, I think that’s really positive.  There’s no way CK would have put anything like that in a tweet a month ago.
  18. Like
    FlyBritishMidland got a reaction from Ken Tram in The Administration Thread   
    Agreed.  Contrary to the no update, I think that’s really positive.  There’s no way CK would have put anything like that in a tweet a month ago.
  19. Like
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to IslandExile in The Administration Thread   
    Thanking Mel - reading between the lines, that could be significant.
  20. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Eatonram in The Administration Thread   
    Most important bit of the tweet
  21. Like
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to The Baron in The Administration Thread   
    I think you’re overstating my position though.
    Whilst have to accept have a high profile in the football finance side of things today, in 2018 that was not the case.
    The EFL told me to get stuffed as took the view I was a tin foil hat wearing nobody crank. 
    The one thing I got most spectacularly wrong was in relation to Morris.
    Thought that he was trying to game the system with the unusual policies but never thought that he wasn’t really a fan and would put the club (but not the stadium) into administration. No one of that wealth, who is genuinely a fan, would take such an action. 
  22. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to The Baron in The Administration Thread   
    Hi HB
    I will try and unpick the different elements.
    In respect of the 12 point deduction for going into administration, it seems fair, Wigan were subject to a similar deduction when they went into admin themselves. The claim that Covid was the sole reason for administration is a weak one as (a) why did it not happen to other clubs? and (b) there were already significant sums owed to HMRC prior to Covid. 
    For the stadium issue, whilst the rules seem daft, they were still the rules. I'm not qualified to value stadiums, but have spoken to people who are, and so think the club was correctly found not guilty on this issue.  
    As far as amortisation is concerned, it's a tricky one. Neither Mel Morris nor Stephen Pearce were the architects of the change to the accounting policy, but they were happy to utilise it and the short term benefits it gave to the club's P&S calculations. 
    IMO, I think the new policy was in breach of FRS 102 and reduced losses by about £30m. I have had a discussion with Stephen Pearce in relation to this, and we professionally agreed to disagree. 
    It is then the responsibility of those prosecuting to put the case put forward for the EFL at the IDC. The case presented was weak, their expert witness put forward a muddled explanation, and if you lose, as they did, then they should have accepted it with good grace, and not appealed the first ruling. 
    As for having an agenda against Derby, I would defend myself on this. I monitor and comment on social media in relation to all clubs in England and Scotland (and Wales) because I'm very boring and have no friends. The aim is to be objective and non-partisan, I have even been known to say positive things about Crystal Palace, who as a Brighton fan, I loathe. I've provided assistance (unpaid) to staff members affected by the administration, contributed £92 to the 'buy a ticket' crowdfunder for DCFC fans, and whilst I fully understand that some people are sick and tired of hearing my voice on t'radio and comments in the written press, the media contact me, not the other way round. More than happy to take on board criticism, although the death threats on social media (not this forum) are not pleasant to receive. 
  23. Haha
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to roboto in Said no Derby fan ever   
    Really looking forward to the next post from Onechop in the admin thread.
  24. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to CBRammette in The Administration Thread   
    Probably because their former owner did not tie the corporate structure in knots which are incredibly difficult to unravel, they have assets and cash, huge premier/champions league future income sources, they have not played Boro or Wycombe in their recent past, said owner has had no say in the process and probably more importantly they are not in the EFL, who as we know do everything to help their members.
    Its a good job though Angie as no other fans have suffered like Chelsea for the last 12 weeks. not sure how they would have coped with a 13th week as they need to get on with squad changes for next season! Seriously the position on this taken by the media has annoyed me more than I could ever put in words
  25. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to TuffLuff in The Administration Thread   
    There’s a bit more context for Eds response to the thread here 
    Now let’s stop making deadlines, getting other worried and pretending we know everything?
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