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  1. Like
    Bubbles got a reaction from Alph in Boxing Thread   
    Yes that makes sense,
    I'm one who will always root for the underdog in matches like these though, not saying Ruiz is the underdog because he's far from it but would love to see him win again, you could see how much the last win meant to him. it's great to see.
    However if Ruiz does win again that could put AJ's match(es) against Fury/Wilder at jeopardy, surely?
  2. Like
    Bubbles reacted to Owen87ITK in RamsTV Feedback   
    We were just as frustrated as you, trust me. Sorry it wasn’t up to the usual standard. 
  3. Like
    Bubbles reacted to Alph in Boxing Thread   
    If he loses again I don't think he'd be able to sell out Wembley against the sort of fighter he'd face next. Would he even have headline PPV appeal?? 
    And considering he's still a very very dangerous fight I can't see what Wilder or Fury would gain by fighting him. Not money if he's lost 2 in a row. Not belts. 
    He would be off the elite scene for a couple of years I'd think.
    Hearn will probably build towards a AJ v Whyte match if Ruiz wins. Whyte would have it for fun and AJ would be able to get back to the top. But it'd be 2 or 3 fights away surely?
  4. Like
    Bubbles got a reaction from Andicis in Boxing Thread   
    still find it hilarious how he thought Ruiz would be a walk in the park and then wham, he loses his belts.
    Starting to dislike AJ, his comments over the past month or so have put me off him, would like Ruiz to beat him again.
  5. Like
    Bubbles reacted to Andicis in Boxing Thread   
    Let's hope Joshua has developed a jab since the last fight, or he's in for another loss I reckon.
  6. Like
    Bubbles reacted to Srg in Boxing Thread   
    Booker T with Stevie Ray (tag team in the Harlem Heat), Cryme Tyme (Shad and JTG), Farooq, Kofi Kingston, Mark Henry, D Lo Brown, Viscera, R Truth, Bobby Lashley, Shelton Benjamin, Xavier Woods, Titus O'Neil, The Godfather. Countless more if you want to move off solely black.
  7. Clap
    Bubbles reacted to Dimmu in Frank Lampard   
    Frank Lampard has accused Ross Barkley of showing a "lack of professionalism" after he was pictured shirtless in a nightclub during the international break.
    So the line between professionalism and unprofessionalism is keeping the shirt on I guess? Or is Frank "209 beers, 75 Jagermeisters and 64 shots of Sambuca" Lampard just bit hypocrite? Barkley should've been focusing on working his way back in and train well, said Lampard...
    Maybe, just maybe Lampard should've been focusing on getting the team ready for the most important game of the season instead of spending over 2800£ at the bar with them. With or without the shirt, that's very unprofessional IMO.
    Lead by an example, double standards etc springs to mind.
  8. Haha
    Bubbles reacted to Viking Wolf in Gaming   
    I've been enjoying the new Football Manager but then it got unrealistic when I beat Swansea 7-2 with Derby?
  9. Haha
    Bubbles reacted to ThePrisoner in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    That the carpet you're having? Very colourful!
  10. Like
    Bubbles reacted to Alph in Boxing Thread   
    Huge Luis Ortiz fan this weekend. 
  11. Haha
  12. Cheers
    Bubbles got a reaction from maxjam in Gaming   
    For anyone wanting the new Football Manager :)
  13. Haha
    Bubbles reacted to Wolfie in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Car defrosting season is upon us again.
    I'd like to take the opportunity to thank BMW for now making their cars loudly sound the horn twice when I lock it on the drive with the engine running, to defrost it a bit.
    I discovered the new feature this morning. Lovely for the neighbours.
  14. Haha
    Bubbles got a reaction from Alph in Gaming   
    Well this backfired, I wanted to call your tastes terrible... ?
  15. Haha
    Bubbles got a reaction from maxjam in Gaming   
    Well this backfired, I wanted to call your tastes terrible... ?
  16. Haha
    Bubbles reacted to Day in Gaming   
    I think we’ve established this already. I play Bob the Builder and listen to Spice Girls.
  17. Clap
    Bubbles got a reaction from maxjam in Gaming   
    Music is subjective. Just like games.
  18. Haha
    Bubbles got a reaction from Millenniumram in Gaming   
    I was fuming with that, took me ages to find the Arabian White Coat horse and all for it to be dead. cheers Cockstar
  19. Clap
    Bubbles reacted to maxjam in Gaming   
    Its getting some good reviews and has made a small fortune.  Maybe its just not the game for you!
  20. Haha
    Bubbles got a reaction from maxjam in Gaming   
    all this RDR2 slander is making me angry. grr.
  21. Sad
    Bubbles reacted to Millenniumram in Gaming   
    Could barely bring myself to ride a horse in the epilogue... that final horse riding cutscene of the main game rather tugged on the heartstrings!?
  22. Cheers
    Bubbles got a reaction from Millenniumram in Gaming   
    all this RDR2 slander is making me angry. grr.
  23. Clap
    Bubbles reacted to Boycie in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Lane 2 hoggers on a 4 lane motorway when lane one is clear!
    I know undertaking is wrong, but I can’t help myself sometimes, and they still don’t pull over!
  24. Haha
    Bubbles reacted to Parsnip in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    The silly mind games of Mrs Pastinaak.
    She and the kids have been out all day leaving me and the dog to our own devices. 
    First thing she does when she gets in? Looks me up and down then hands me the car keys. "I forgot to go to the co op on the way home, can you nip?".
    So I quite reasonably inform her that me and the dog stopped by the Jug & Glass on our walk at lunch and I had a half of lager so sadly I can't drive. She comes back with "Well that was 5 hours ago so that half will be well out your system by now, so can you nip?".
    Of course I can't nip. I had 5 pints at the Jug and I've been necking Cobras all afternoon watching Spurs snap Toffee legs. She knows it and I know it.
    This charade is becoming an all too regular occurrence. 
  25. Like
    Bubbles reacted to r4derby in Gaming   
    It sounds like you feel about RDR2 the way that many people do. It’s been designed for people who want to become engrossed in a story, role play as a cowboy who can make choices. 
    All the side quests and activities that you say are pointless, other people adore them and enjoy doing them. People want to collect cards. We all have different hobbies.
    You say that it’s pointless to do all those things, but that’s why people play games.
    I'm only 10 hours into Red Dead and I found the intro hour boring, the next 9 hours have just got better and better. I spent about half an hour in camp listening to people interact and playing cards, it was great. And then was off hunting wild bears, a completely different activity but equally worth my time
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