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Posts posted by Rammy03

  1. 15 hours ago, TigerTedd said:

    And if it all goes wrong, and Forest sneak into safety, we’ve always got second season syndrome to look forward to. Sheffield United nearly broke our record in their second season.

    For a while it looked like they might but they still ended up on 23 points. The closest any team has got I think was Huddersfield in 2018/19, they only got 16 points. We were so bad though I don't think the record will ever be broken. 

  2. 2 hours ago, alram said:

    so what were we in then because we looked as bad against them?

    We deserved to finish where we finished. This whole 96 points record breaking season malarkey makes sheff wed appear a lot better than they actually are. They are useless going forward and most of their wins were by the odd goal.

  3. 1 hour ago, IlsonDerby said:

    Their squad did achieve 96 points which has never not promoted a team in the EFL in history to be fair. Not a huge rebuild needed to go one further. Just not having Plymouth and Ipswich should be enough.

    I think there might need to be a bit of a rebuild. I look at their side and I honestly don't see any player that I'd want Derby to have.

    Their recruitment policy seems to be to recruit experienced robust league one players. But that has resulted in them being very one dimensional. They are a functional outfit. Some of their players look a bit over the hill. Their attack is slow and uninspiring.

    They've had two bites at the cherry now. Despite their points total I just can't see that same side going again next season. They need a bit of a rethink with some fresh hungrier players.

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