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Posts posted by Archied

  1. 3 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:


    Why ? That’s the problem today , people want to throw out the bullying or other accusations and we are all supposed just say nothing and not call the accuser out 😂😂😂😂, people are wising up to this tactic , shall we all worry about pulling you up on your constant contrary negative posts that verge on trolling of people to whom derby county is a passion and you enjoy poking with a stick on a regular basis,,, 

    classy ( or rather as you mean it not classy ) is winding people up constantly then calling bully when they react as you know they will ,

    by all means carry on with the stuff you post but don’t call bullying and play the victim 🤷🏻‍♂️

  2. 9 hours ago, Bris Vegas said:

    I like being here. I’m a big Derby fan. I pay £20 to RamsTV every month. I wouldn’t be here otherwise.

    Just because I don’t rate Warne, or I don’t think Derby are a big club, doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be here.

    I enjoy the forum, and I enjoy reading people’s opinions despite what may appear.

    I’m not too fond on the personal jibes, ganging up and to some extent bullying tactics though. The forum doesn’t need all that.

    Ganging up , bullying 😂😂😂, here we go again ,,,,, you pick subjects and points of view that you know will fully put you at odds with lots of posters on this forum and let’s be honest they are 99% of the time aimed at putting derby , the manager and players down , that’s fine but don’t pull all this victim poo , you crave attention through negative jibes at the club

  3. 34 minutes ago, kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong said:

    Since I retired,I've delivered new cars on a part time basis (about a 50 percent mix of petrols and electric cars,very,very rarely a diesel) and despite my initial scepticism,I've found that the British charging infrastructure is actually now very good and improving on a weekly basis.

    I regularly deliver from 150 to 300 miles away with just a comfort break every couple of hours which allows a 30 minutes top up charge whilst I'm there.

    The trouble is,that the media are perpetrating myths that don't stand up anymore about ev's but it's all the public have to go on

    I started my journey with a plug in hybrid three years ago but having found that I use electric 90 percent of the time,we are moving to a full EV in a couple of months (polestar 2 or Hyundai ioniq 5 most probably as they are my favourite cars to deliver)

    It’s the opposite with me , I find the media are far more positive on ev s than myths to stop people buying , I get a better true picture from people I know who have bought them and there are positives and negatives, at this point the negatives are too much for what I want a car for🤷🏻‍♂️

  4. On 01/05/2024 at 18:09, GboroRam said:

    For all the dead tree press making comments about the damage to the roads being caused by heavy EVs, apparently this was not quite the correct evaluation of a report into road damage. 

    Yes, they acknowledged that average vehicle weight is increasing, but of course we have heavy vehicles delivering goods every day. However, the report made a correlation between increased adverse weather and increased road damage. 

    It's likely that the biggest causes of the extra damage are environmental, so global warming will be more responsible than the batteries - and they will be helping with the global warming problems, rather than adding to them. The papers don't want to tell you that though! 

    My washing machine has just packed up ,,,,, bloody global warming😡

  5. 4 minutes ago, Alty_Ram said:

    Anyone got any advice on rat issues ? Have seen one running across the garden today to steal fallen food under the bird table on also more than one occasion, but I also hear what sounded like scrabbling in the ceiling between ground floor and basement a few times in the last few months - usually in the evening. Have looked in all the cupboards of the room above the noise but can't see any damage or sign of them/it.

    I'd happily be rid of them/it but don't want to just go buying rat poison and endanger any wildlife or anyone's pets including our own cat.

    We recently had a problem with one under the kitchen units and going in the food bin overnight we have dogs so didn’t want to use poison and traps caught nothing , I removed the insulation material where I reckon it was nesting and we stopped putting food waste in the bin in the kitchen by buying a small food bin and emptied every evening , touch wood removing the food source and material it could nest in seems to have done the trick

  6. Anybody have experience of using a chiropractor? My lower back and hip are pretty much always painful with times when it gets so bad it’s a struggle to move around , I’ve never been sure on the chiropractor thing with some saying they are fantastic but some saying no real benefit or actually made things worse , it’s quite expensive but I’m at the stage of giving it a go , anybody with any useful advice ?

  7. 31 minutes ago, Crewton said:

    I think he simply cycles to and from work, rather than "around all day" but I may be wrong. When I was on Twitter, I saw quite a few of the incidents he posted about and most of them were indeed drivers driving carelessly, selfishly or sometimes recklessly. I'm not the greatest fan of cyclists in London but, having worked with a very talented woman who later lost her life after being crushed by a lorry, I am a big fan of people being pulled up for reckless driving, riding or even jaywalking.

    Vine may be pompous and self-regarding, but at least he's not a pathetic misogynist and cod-intellectual like 'Dick' Barton.

    Both total knobs in they’re own way

  8. 2 hours ago, Alph said:

    It's harmful for him in close rounds with that style. He just doesn't catch the eye until he springs out of his defence. I wondered if that's why he lost the first or maybe just plain old corruption in trying to keep the big draw fighters winning?

    Certainly could play a part , bums on seats and pay per view buys 

  9. 1 hour ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    Thought Taylor won a couple of rounds, maybe 9 and 10…..all the others went to Catterall or were level. I had Catterall winning the first fight by 3 rounds and last night by 4-5, similar way to the judges.

    I tend to score a lot of even rounds now when I bother to try and keep score on a fight because I find if I feel the need to give rounds one way or the other then I often end up with a score that doesn’t reflect the fight I’ve watched but that s just my way of doing it and unless the counter puncher is a very good boxer I tend to favour the man trying to make the fight , like @Alph said I thought Catterall was a bit too handy with his head and lead shoulder so I couldn’t really warm to how he went about the job 🤷🏻‍♂️

  10. 10 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    You saw that fight as even 🤔

    Pretty much though if you gave it Catterall by a round , two at most I wouldn’t be up in arms 🤷🏻‍♂️

  11. Had catterall winning the first fight and had this one pretty even, if this one had the belts on it I would have felt catterall didn’t do enough to take them with Taylor making the fight and apart from Taylor walking on to a shot niether fighter really troubled the other and I thought Taylor worked well to the body as catterall is very clever with his shoulder and hard to catch clean , decent fight but all the pantomime around fights now is getting irritating 🤷🏻‍♂️

  12. Hope he stays , there’s talent there but how far he can go remains to be seen , I do think it’s being underestimated how much warne could offer the lad and how much the last few seasons troubles and needs have played a part in sibs progress, let’s be fair and say that needs must have played a big part in how sibs has been played and let’s be honest , warne has brought out stuff in sibs in a different position most of us would have thought was well beyond his skill set so there’s nothing to say warne and the coaches can’t find the best in sibley and bring it out , we may well see sibs move to his preferred position?  and improve , the lad has just had a very good season ending in promotion for the club he loves in which he was a very important part of the team , don’t underestimate that

  13. Deserved win from usyk , he really is up there in the all time heavyweight greats , certainly in the great boxers list as to go through the cruiser weight division and then do what he’s done against much bigger fighters is special, what a talent and what a role model with his class behaviour,

    fury let himself down with the country at war comment , I really thought he would be more sporting in defeat , the thing with fury is that you can get to like him a bit at times as he can talk with sense and decency but then he goes and spoils it by being a knob 

  14. 22 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:

    Has anyone ever played it?

    I've never had a go at it myself.

    As some of you know from other threads, in the last couple of years, I have connected (thanks to AncestryDNA) with my biological father and several siblings. My "Dad" is mad on Bowls, and my younger brother plays a pretty high level and is current national Scottish Champion as well as previous European Open champion (https://www.dunfermlinepress.com/news/23724957.lawn-bowls-dunfermline-northerns-daniel-martin-wins-scottish-title/)

    When I first met them, I drove over to Rhyl where there was a Under 25s Home Nations tournament  (England v Scotland v Wales v Combined Ireland), it was held indoors and I didn't really expect it to be as "Rock and Roll" as it was. There were fans there, groupies, autograph hunters, legends of the game being given VIP treatment etc.

    Every time I've been up to visit them in Dunfermline, there's always been someone coming over to take a selfie and chat about Bowls. I find it really surreal having tried most sports and having never even been given opportunity to try it. The skill level looks impressive and hard to master.

    I know the posters here range in location, so wondering if this sport was ever introduced to you.


    One summer when we were kids we used to be always hanging round the park being pests ( not real bad just daft kids ) we used to laugh at the oldies playing crown green bowls , then one day the parky got hold of us and said right , you want to laugh ,let’s see how good you are , he let us play for free and gave us a few tips , it was great and we badgered him the rest of the summer holidays to let us play which he did for free whenever he could , really good game and oh for the days when a parky could and would do stuff like that for the kids 

  15. Heavyweight boxing needs usyk to win this one , im hoping he does and that’s not that I’m fully anti fury it’s just that the circus is getting a bit boring now and more wwf , as someone already said , usyk really needs to target the body shots and get past the jab with fury also good at leaning back away from the shots , a win for usyk puts him right up there in the heavyweight greats but that’s comming from someone who has evader right up there in his all time greats perhaps top 3

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