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Posts posted by BaaLocks

  1. 1 hour ago, Tamworthram said:

    Although I’ve not seen it for a long time, and I’m not sure if it’s currently available anywhere, but there is a rather good film called The Magdalene Sisters. It’s fiction but based on the terrible events of the Magdalene Laundries.

    It is a good film but far from an easy watch, especially if you take a dim view of religion as a positive agent in our society. My Mum was unmarried when she had me, my father never lived with us. I am confident if I had been born in Ireland we would have been prime candidates for this horrific machine.

  2. 1 hour ago, Alpha said:

    Katherine Ryan said it was well known. She spoke to others about it. She outed him on a show. Yet it was edited out and hushed

    Tarantino said all the stars and friends of Weinstein saying they didn't see or experience any uncomfortable situations are total liars. He believed they might not know how far it went. But everyone knew the way he spoke to and behaved around women. It was a running joke that he was a bit of a fiend. 

    And this 


  3. 14 hours ago, PistoldPete said:

    The lady in the Evans case said she had no memory of the event, despite two footballers accepting they had sexual activity with her. That led police to bring  a charge of rape on the grounds that they allege she was too drunk to consent. Yet the jury found the other player not guilty which made no sense. How could she be too drunk for the second one but not the first with no more alcohol consumed in between. There is nothing in what the lady in the Evans case said that was proven to be false. The fault was with the prosecution (and the jury).

    Last sentence is everything here - Ched Evans case was appallingly handled and morals and the law overlapped. Was he a twonk in how he acted? No. Was he a rapist? Well, finally, it was shown he wasn't.

    We have a significant challenge of trial by media in this country, our 'red top' press is a bit of a joke worldwide but it is the mainstream media, including those funded by significantly influencers such as Rupert Murdoch. Social media muddies the waters even further. It feels like we now live in a society where the courts are not really the people doing the convicting - couple that with expensive lawyers who can get stone clad cases thrown out on technicalities, plus a judicial system that is one of the public services that has been run into the ground in the last twenty years (don't forget, judges were on strike recently) and it offers a grim view of how cases like these will be handled as we go forward. That is what some of the people who are claiming to support Brand are saying and I do agree it is a challenge. And it can be said without that meaning I support or condone, even have an ounce of consideration for, Russell Brand.

    Sadly, we didn't learn from the Saville case in this manner. His ability to use his celebrity to influence or direct from within. For someone like Russell Brand it is two sides of the same coin - he might not be writing letters to Prince Charles but he is using his influence to carry out his wishes. I don't think any of these people are evil, wanting to harm in the way a serial killer or psycopath would. But I do think they believe that their status gives them entitlement to behaving in a way that they only need to consider their own needs, they are somehow a level above (no pun intended) their victims. From my view, Prince Andrew clearly fell into this bracket.



  4. On 14/09/2023 at 01:17, Carl Sagan said:

    Found myself watching Edge of Tomorrow: Live Die Repeat the other night. Some good moments and some excellent ideas. Groundhog Day meets Independence Day would have been my pitch.

    I'd give it a Gerry Daly/10. Very good, but was it as good as I thought when it first came out? No longer quite sure...


    Not a big Tom Cruise fan, by any means, but always quite liked this. They are filming a sequel as we speak apparently.

  5. 2 hours ago, The Last Post said:

    "Kenny" 😉 I forgot Julie Walters played his wife🫢 

    And not to far from the truth, Grim days those early 80s for millions of people.

    I get teary eyed when watching stuff like that, And I wont watch episode 6 of Blackadder goes Forth, As Wolfie Smith said...Power to the People 😉


    It was indeed, I might break out my 'Still hate Thatcher" t-shirt later.

    Sorry, couldn't stop myself, I'm a d*ck with things like this.....


  6. 18 hours ago, The Last Post said:

    Just watched the re-runs of Boys from the Black Stuff from 1982 on UK TV Play.

    Jeez were the early 80s bad when 5million of us were out of work 😒

    Not the geese Chrissie....

    Pretty darned harrowing stuff

  7. 9 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

    Another option is to freeze your body (or just your brain) and plan to be revived in the future when immortality beckons.

    Walt Disney was allegedly a famous recipient of this of course. Great little conspiracy theory is that Disney called the film Frozen so as to make sure when you put the phrase "Disney, frozen" into search engines you don't end up with lots of links to crackpot theories but instead to pictures of a little girl singing 'Let it go'

    9 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

    Another possibility is to be uploaded into a virtual reality future, which may be the end result of freezing your brain anyway.

    Yes, Yuval Noah Harari suggests just this in his follow up book to Sapiens, Homo Deus. To the point above, the Earth cannot sustain eternal lifestyle and this planet is likely already broken beyond repair. So the solution is to upload a version of yourself, like San Junipero in Black Mirror, and be whatever you want / can afford to be.

    9 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

    Think of it. Perhaps we'll be able to live long enough to see the Rams return to the Premier League!

    Maybe they will have renamed it the Premiership by the time we do that

  8. 12 hours ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    Watford are an extension to some old blokes allotment for starters and Bournemouth get about 9000 through the door.  I'm not feeling the same size club to be honest.

    It's an utterly pointless discussion this one, which is why nearly every club in the land sings "we're by far the greatest team" with no sense of irony. And it's actually irrelevant, or possibly even more relevant, if they are smaller than us. I understand why we can't keep up with a club like Man City or Liverpool, in the same way I guess most Fleetwood fans do recognise that in the long run they can't keep up with us. But I really don't care if we get bigger gates that Bournemouth or have bigger away support, what I do care about is that they are in the Premiership (sic) and we are not, even though we have an infrastructure that suggests we could be.

  9. 38 minutes ago, David said:

    We have about the same chance of buying a Marathon bar from the corner shop.

    Not a chance.

    Football has changed.

    Hasn't been called Premiership for 22 years.

    The more it changes the more it stays the same - if you've watched The English Game you will recall the 1879 FA Cup Final was full of scandal for teams paying players (at all). Brian Clough was constantly at Sam Longson for more money, and often got it. The stakes are higher, the risk more pronouced but - ultimately - the top twenty in the country play in the Premiership. Derby are more than within their rights to aspire to be one of that twenty.

  10. 33 minutes ago, maydrakin said:

    The challenge is that the gap has widened significantly.

    The three teams that were promoted have garnered 1 point from 11 games between them so far.

    Forest had to spend more than David Clowes’ net worth just to scrape in for the following season.

    Last few seasons, this is the number of teams that have been relegated straight back down the season after:

    2023 - 0 / 2022 - 2 / 2021 - 2 / 2020 - 1 / 2019 - 1 / 2018 - 0 / 2017 - 2 / 2016 - 1 / 2015 - 2 / 2014 - 1

    Not since 1998 (and it has only happened once in the EPL) have all three teams who were promoted then been relegated the season after. It's no harder to get there than it's ever been, it costs more but the returns (at all levels) are greater. And in the last few seasons Luton, Huddersfield, Burnley, Sheff Utd, Bournemouth, Fulham, Forest, Norwich, Brenford, Cardiff, Brighton, Hull, Watford, QPR, Reading, Blackpool and Stoke (all of whom I would suggest are in the same 'size' club as Derby) have managed it. We've not taken the opportunity but there is no reason we shouldn't or couldn't.

    Does Clowes have the financial pockets to take us there? I think he would admit himself he doesn't - but that wasn't the OP question.


  11. 27 minutes ago, maydrakin said:

    The point of matches is to win.  And I go to see Derby, hopefully, win.

    Resultantly when the dice are so loaded against us, I would far rather be playing Bolton and know we’re going to be competitive than rocking up to Liverpool with it being a foregone conclusion, and scratching around the bottom like Everton do every year.

    Of course, I would love to see Derby doing well in the top flight and in Europe, however I am pragmatic enough to appreciate that is pretty much a closed shop.

    We have all the infrastructure and support to be a mid-table Prem team. All we need is the backroom staff and support to execute against that. Brighton, Brentford, Southampton, Wolves and (sad but true) Forest have shown that if you can do that you will have your time up there. None of these clubs have anything that Derby either don't or couldn't possess in terms of set up (save the jokes about six fingers and unibrows down the A52 - we know that bit).

    What does amaze me is how gloriously expert we have been at throwing away the opportunities presented to us. I genuinely believe we are one of the greatest under performing club against potential in all of England. Sunderland might run us close but even they have had the odd trip to Wembley etc. For Derby, for pretty much the time since TBE's side got relegated, we have under performed.

  12. Twenty years ago Kidderminster, York, Scunthorpe, Bury, Darlington, Boston, Torquay, Southend and Macclesfield were in the divison below where we are now.

    Twenty years ago Brighton, Bournemouth, Luton and Brentford were in the same division as we are now.

    Twenty years ago Birmingham, Blackburn, Bolton, Charlton, Leicester, Middlesborough, Portsmouth, Southampton were in the top flight

    Twenty years ago Bournemouth, Brighton, Brentford, Burnley, Crystal Palace, Luton, Sheff Utd, West Ham and our good friends Forest were not

    We'll be back, not tomorrow, but we will - it's almost inevitable based on a couple of things.

    - Our stadium and support is big enough to ensure we will always have enough cash to make a run at it. It's not "we are entitled to be there" but it is "we have enough cashflow to be able to be there"

    - It really only takes one good team (sometimes only a few good players) to get there. We've shown that before, others have also. It wouldn't be enough to keep you there but it is enough to get you there. But if you continue to get it wrong, it won't happen by divine inspiration. Sunderland, Ipswich, Charlton, Bolton, Portsmouth and others have shown that.


  13. Paradise: German language sci-fi thriller set in a dystopian world where people can sell years of their lives in return for cash. Turns into a good old fashioned good guy / bad guy road chase in the end but mainly because it's really hard to see where the film goes after the initial premise is understood. Still, it's an OK watch and a darn site better than many Hollywood bish bash bosh explosathons.

    Promised s much but ultimately failed to quite deliver so let's give it a Lewin Nyatanga / 10

  14. Wolves? They could call it the "We Used To Be Massive" derby when they play each other.

    Maybe have a pre-season tournament in somewhere like Portugal and call it the "Nobody Alive Actually Saw The Games That The Stars On Our Badge Are For" Trophy. Villa, Huddersfield, West Ham, Leeds?

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