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Seaside Ram

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Posts posted by Seaside Ram

  1. On 14/05/2024 at 09:24, Archie said:

    I remember climbing up the fence to be one of the first on the pitch at the end. As I got to the top, I looked down, and the gates had been opened and everyone was running on! 

    Great day that! One of those days that doesn't get talked about enough. 


    Absolutely! I climbed that fence when Simmo scored the opener to find it covered in grease ! It was all over me 😂. In the pitch invasion i copped a stray elbow to the gob and had a split lip pouring with blood . On the pitch Martin Kuhl asked me if i was ok and he gave me a scarf some bird had given him to mop it up . It's still up in my shed. I remember the seafront pubs packed with Rams fans . Happy Days 🐑🍻🐑🍻

  2. On 13/03/2024 at 09:56, Stive Pesley said:

    This is more like it - by all means have a dig about how she is really not that funny. But mocking her disability is really low - even for i-ram 

    Things funnier than watching Rosie Jones..... I'll start .

    Standing on a Plug in the middle of the night .... 

  3. 8 hours ago, Premier ram said:

    And you weren’t watching when Josh made 2 good saves to secure the win, or do you only see what you want to see 

    Come on , that last minute let off was one of the most inept bit of goalkeeping you will ever see , the moment he needed to step up he cacked his pants . Joe is just the better all round keeper , nothing personal. 

  4. 5 hours ago, Premier ram said:

    Why, Josh was very comfortable yesterday , made a couple of good saves , good communication with his defenders, solid all round

    You left before the end to get away then ? Talk about a Rabbit in the headlights !!!! 

  5. On 18/01/2024 at 20:07, richinspain said:

    I'm trying to figure this out. Does @David Graham Brown have some romantic tale about himself (I presume that with a name like that "he" is male) and@BodminRam which the latter would prefer no one to know about?

    Can we please have it right, you should use they or them and of course they may be identifying as a non binary Penguin ! 

    I’m so offended by your 1980s style presumptions  😭

  6. 1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

    God I hope not...an all white panel? 😬

    Christ on a bike , forgive my dinosaur views ! 

    I think it was because I'd seen an old TV advert for toothpaste from the repulsive 80s featuring a middle age heterosexual married couple with two children that they referred to as he and she . It made me feel sick . Apologies again!! 

  7. 50 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    The guy is a knob, always has been, but I think there will be an awful lot of fans out there who agree with his point.

    If anyone can seriously tell me that all of these women are there for their knowledge of the mens game then I'm afraid you're just kidding yourselves.

    Football has become one massive box ticking exercise over the last 5/10 years whether you like to admit it or not.

    Have you lost your mind ???

    You can't say things like that , I can't wait until Aluko presents Match of the Day with a panel of Karen Cainey , Mary Berry, Katherine Ryan and Rosie Jones. 


  8. On 08/12/2023 at 21:24, Alty_Ram said:

    Wow, just wow... what a complete and utter tool this man is.

    A woman who has spent a successful professional career playing football to a level where she has represented her country over 100 times and has played in international tournaments, is in apparently not qualified to offer an opinion on football ?

    Oh, and women shouldn't be around football clubs doing the job they are qualified to do in case some d******* footballer decides that she's attractive and therefore he is utterly powerless to avoid having an affair with her and it's totally not his fault?

    Christ on a bike, is this the friggin' dark ages ?!

    Here here , I’d much rather listen to the wisdom and knowledge of Eni Aluko or Karen Cairney above Roy Keane or Grahame Souness. 

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