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  1. Like
    Parsnip got a reaction from JoetheRam in What are you eating tonight   
    I'm not normally one to Instagram my food but have I just made myself the most perfectly cooked piece of steak ever or what?

  2. Like
    Parsnip got a reaction from rynny in What are you eating tonight   
    I'm not normally one to Instagram my food but have I just made myself the most perfectly cooked piece of steak ever or what?

  3. Angry
    Parsnip got a reaction from McRainy in What are you eating tonight   
    I'm not normally one to Instagram my food but have I just made myself the most perfectly cooked piece of steak ever or what?

  4. Cheers
    Parsnip reacted to McRainy in What are you eating tonight   
    Mainly Colston Bassett Stilton, Uigeadail, Burton Bridge, plus rowan jelly and other bits. 

  5. Like
    Parsnip got a reaction from sheeponacid in What are you eating tonight   
    I'm not normally one to Instagram my food but have I just made myself the most perfectly cooked piece of steak ever or what?

  6. Like
    Parsnip got a reaction from 1of4 in What are you eating tonight   
    I'm not normally one to Instagram my food but have I just made myself the most perfectly cooked piece of steak ever or what?

  7. Haha
    Parsnip got a reaction from Steve How Hard? in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Nah I'm going to picket the Chesterfield branch Westboro Church style... 
  8. Cheers
    Parsnip reacted to Steve How Hard? in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Never done it myself but I've read that other people have used various  social media outlets to name and shame them and it seems to prompt them into action. Gotta be at least worth a try. Nothing to lose if it doesn't work I suppose. 
  9. Cheers
    Parsnip reacted to McRamFan in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Call them, ask for a date, if they fail, say you are reporting their inability to forfil their promise.
  10. Cheers
    Parsnip reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    I ordered a leather sofa from them  .   They left us sat on garden chairs for three months due to a delay in delivery from Belgium due to "Chinese new year".  When it turned up, the glaze on the leather failed after six months .  The next one had a huge mark in the leather so I refused to accept .  the next one was not the same type of leather and they eventually admitted it had not come from Belgium as the original but Lithuania - they gave me an £50 apology fee.  That leather lasted 9 months and the glaze failed .  Everything took  3-4 Months at a time to get done and the product I have is still awful apart from the wooden base .   I would rather have a game of pie eating russian roulette with Burnsey than ever deal with them again .
  11. Clap
    Parsnip got a reaction from Wolfie in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Wtf? I have a range rover AND a delonghi coffee machine! In my defense though Derby were in the Premiership when my Range Rover was born - under Jim Smith. I stand by the coffee macine though. It turns my beans in to coffee at the touch of a button and if it ever breaks down i'll happily pimp out the missus to buy another.
    Anyway Dubai could be fun.
  12. Haha
    Parsnip got a reaction from Angry Ram in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Wtf? I have a range rover AND a delonghi coffee machine! In my defense though Derby were in the Premiership when my Range Rover was born - under Jim Smith. I stand by the coffee macine though. It turns my beans in to coffee at the touch of a button and if it ever breaks down i'll happily pimp out the missus to buy another.
    Anyway Dubai could be fun.
  13. Haha
    Parsnip reacted to Bwash_Ram in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Yes hands free kits are cheap and readily available, ive got one on my compu.. . oh probably TMI
  14. Like
    Parsnip got a reaction from Steve How Hard? in Derby County Shirt Collection   
    Ahhh as a kid I had the grey and black striped one and the blue checks. Love both those shirts.
  15. Like
    Parsnip got a reaction from loweman2 in Derby County Shirt Collection   
    Ahhh as a kid I had the grey and black striped one and the blue checks. Love both those shirts.
  16. Clap
    Parsnip reacted to loweman2 in Derby County Shirt Collection   
    As I am embarking on a new group project to document the history of the Derby County kit with a couple of likeminded souls I thought that it was time to actually document my shirts and look at what I have got, so I thought I would share that with the DCFCFANS.UK famalam.
    i have just grabbed the first lot of the rail, I will then photograph each one on a mannequin or what ever they are called and post them up on here for those who may be interested, for those who are not then apologies in advance as it’s probs gonna drag on a while.
    any how I thought I would lay out the first lot and if I say so my self there are some nice items in the first batch, these are on the whole 1970 to 1989 ish, there are a couple of rogue newer ones slipped in aswell.
    here goes

  17. Cheers
    Parsnip got a reaction from Bwash_Ram in Random stuff that cheers me up thread   
    At £4.50 a pint that glass is fair game.
  18. Cheers
    Parsnip reacted to BobbyTheReadingFan in What are you eating tonight   
    Love this attitude. Wish I was more like that.
    when you think about it, most of what we get annoyed about is completely trivial and stupid 
  19. Like
    Parsnip got a reaction from BobbyTheReadingFan in What are you eating tonight   
    I've stopped caring about things like that. Half the time you go out for dinner - the food will be crap. Life's easier if you just accept it. I think of it as being a guest at someone's house and eating what you get given. Forget the money -.suck it up and tuck in. I like my steak bloody and blue, but if it comes crispy and crap, I'll still eat it - rather than make everyone else uncomfortable by abandoning your meal.
    There's loads of things in life that you can apply that mindset to. Big boss David was on about junk mail a few days ago... just accept it - don't let it bother you - put it in the bin.
    We'll all die one day you know.
  20. Like
    Parsnip got a reaction from sheeponacid in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    I see your Rucksack wearers and I raise you Baby Wearers. Parents who carry their babies in a 'Sling' which is basically a huge length of fabric which wraps the baby to their bodies.
    Now I don't care how people choose to cart their kids around, none of my business, but what does annoy me is how superior these Sling Wearers think they are to other parents. They walk around the park with baby Hugo strapped "naturally" to their chests tutting at buggy users and feeling sorry for all the children that aren't getting the same level of spiritual bonding and closeness.
    Hippies in Range Rover Sports.
    Now Mrs Parsnip was a baby wearer. We had the slings, (I always carried the kids around in my arms because if I'd have tried to figure out how to wrap a sling i'd have broken necked kids) and the interesting thing is that I was actually the poster boy for a very popular (and ridiculously expensive) sling brand. Mrs Parsnip took a photo of me wearing a sling - sent it in to the company - and for the next 2 years if you went to their website, there was me and baby parsnip, homepage banner... 
    Little did the website visitors know how much that good looking dad on the website hated them all.
  21. Like
    Parsnip reacted to Boycie in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Hey, little tip,  I was going through what seemed low period recently just when the good weather started,
    Which was weird, as I thought I benefited from good sunshine as I suffer a bit in winter.
    Anyrode, I then started with weird headaches, eye pain and generally feeling meh.
    Turns out I was dehydrated!
    I looked back and thought about how much actual water only I’d been taking on and it was hardly anything.
    Is well known that your guts have a lot to do with your mood.
    (ask my family after Ive farted!)
    no, seriously, look into it, same goes for wheat and dairy for me too. Felt loads better after reducing and finally cutting it all out.
    @David drinks smart water, which I always think is ironic.
  22. Like
    Parsnip got a reaction from i-Ram in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    I see your Rucksack wearers and I raise you Baby Wearers. Parents who carry their babies in a 'Sling' which is basically a huge length of fabric which wraps the baby to their bodies.
    Now I don't care how people choose to cart their kids around, none of my business, but what does annoy me is how superior these Sling Wearers think they are to other parents. They walk around the park with baby Hugo strapped "naturally" to their chests tutting at buggy users and feeling sorry for all the children that aren't getting the same level of spiritual bonding and closeness.
    Hippies in Range Rover Sports.
    Now Mrs Parsnip was a baby wearer. We had the slings, (I always carried the kids around in my arms because if I'd have tried to figure out how to wrap a sling i'd have broken necked kids) and the interesting thing is that I was actually the poster boy for a very popular (and ridiculously expensive) sling brand. Mrs Parsnip took a photo of me wearing a sling - sent it in to the company - and for the next 2 years if you went to their website, there was me and baby parsnip, homepage banner... 
    Little did the website visitors know how much that good looking dad on the website hated them all.
  23. Like
    Parsnip got a reaction from McRainy in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    I see your Rucksack wearers and I raise you Baby Wearers. Parents who carry their babies in a 'Sling' which is basically a huge length of fabric which wraps the baby to their bodies.
    Now I don't care how people choose to cart their kids around, none of my business, but what does annoy me is how superior these Sling Wearers think they are to other parents. They walk around the park with baby Hugo strapped "naturally" to their chests tutting at buggy users and feeling sorry for all the children that aren't getting the same level of spiritual bonding and closeness.
    Hippies in Range Rover Sports.
    Now Mrs Parsnip was a baby wearer. We had the slings, (I always carried the kids around in my arms because if I'd have tried to figure out how to wrap a sling i'd have broken necked kids) and the interesting thing is that I was actually the poster boy for a very popular (and ridiculously expensive) sling brand. Mrs Parsnip took a photo of me wearing a sling - sent it in to the company - and for the next 2 years if you went to their website, there was me and baby parsnip, homepage banner... 
    Little did the website visitors know how much that good looking dad on the website hated them all.
  24. Clap
    Parsnip got a reaction from DerbyPride in Famous Fans   
    How did I not know that?!?! I was a blur fanatic in my younger days - still am really. I love that man!
  25. Like
    Parsnip got a reaction from I know nothing in Famous Fans   
    How did I not know that?!?! I was a blur fanatic in my younger days - still am really. I love that man!
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