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Tony Le Mesmer

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Posts posted by Tony Le Mesmer

  1. Most reputable animal centres won't rehome a dog to someone who works full time unless they have guarantees that someone will be able to take the dog out once or twice during the day. They will also speak to third parties responsible for taking the dog out to ensure they are in agreement with this and they are happy to do so. They won't rehome a pup to anyone who works full time regardless nor a dog that has a record of being left and being problematic.

    I won't get a dog because I haven't the time for it. It's important to remember though that we live in a society where people have kids willy nilly when they haven't got the time for them so in that respect, dogs have no chance.

    Sensible, responsible dog owners who work full time will ensure their dog is cared for appropriately just like sensible, responsible parents will do so for their kids. Anyone else doing otherwise need to ask themselves why they wanted a dog / kids in the first place.


  2. 3 hours ago, Wolfie20 said:

    Dog owners who go off to work and are either oblivious to the fact or don't care that their pet spends most of the day barking and howling. No joke if you work nights or retired and at home during the day. I also feel so sorry for the dog.

    Unfortunately from the dogs perspective, if it's got shelter and food and water then it can be left legally for really as much time as the owner wants. The dog is obviously showing signs of separation anxiety and it's suffering distress but nothing that can be measured from a legal perspective.

    They're idiots (the owners not dogs). I'd report them for noise issues but only as a warning at first IF they are council tenants. Then recommend they get someone to come and walk the dog at least once in the day and get some advice on why dogs do this and how to combat it. If they aren't interested in any of this then i'd be at the council 24/7 and i'd make something get done. If it's a private house then sadly I believe you're screwed all ends up and just have to put up with it unless you can sort it amicably between yourselves.

    Hope you can get it sorted Wolfie.

  3. 40 minutes ago, Anon said:

    This falls under litigation culture in general. You can blame that numpty that got millions out of McDonalds because they didn't warn her that the coffee she'd bought was quite hot.

    I didn't know that about the McDonalds case. Jeez. World's gone mad. At my kids school there is one the biggest horse chestnut trees you'll ever see in the playground but they aren't allowed to play conkers or collect them, even fallen ones.

    Truly sad.

  4. I too have numerous tattoos. They are either Austrian themed or band logos.

    I now dislike most of them and want them gone but I have to live with them now. I'm nearly 40.

    All my tattoos mean something personal to me though which I am proud of in a way. I haven't just plumped for the seemingly obligatory celtic arm / sleeve generic design thingy that nearly every bloke seems to have nowadays. Not judging anyone who has one of these, it's not my body so do what you like to yours. I agree with the two other posters on here who commented about other issues which cause people to get tattoos done. I think there is a sense of getting them to compensate for insecurities for some or just getting them to pose which again, insecurities but in another sense. Others simply like the designs and artwork and love them so fair enough. I don't really like tattoos. Never have done really if i'm honest.

    I thought they would make me look cool at the time but now 15 years on I look like a tw*t.

    That said though, I think of all the club badges, the Derby ram stood alone in bold black is a simple but bloody good design to get tattooed.


  5. Drivers trying to get out of car parks at the end of matches. But not any driver, those in particular who feel the need to edge and edge and edge their way as close to my car as is possible. If you wait patiently for me to let you out then i'll let you out no problems. If you think you are intimidating me and encouraging me to let you out by bullying your way in front of me then i'll happily drive past, even causing some superficial damage to my vehicle if you are too close, and i'll make you wait for the next available opportunity. We're all in a rush, we're all attempting to make our way home so what makes your circumstances any more special?

  6. Not heard much by them if i'm honest IR. New Fast Automatic Daffodils, Moose, Slowdive, Chapterhouse were faves as was probably the best album I've ever owned which to this day I cannot find a band of similar ilk that distorts guitars in the same fashion - Loveless by My Bloody Valentine. Absolute genius album that one.

    Loved the Charlatans. You heard of Flowered Up? They did a couple of corkers including weekender.

  7. Know what you mean Jono. I wince when I notice what other people's shopping trolleys contain sometimes. Manufactured, processed, refined, packaged rubbish.

    I have to confess I do have food issues but stems from a kid. I didn't eat a single vegetable until I was 20 and now eat just about every one. Don't do cauliflower though. ;) 

    Gluten free is another thing that gets on my nerves. I am actually gluten free as I have gluten sensitivity which took ages to find out. I basically lived my life with chronic squirts and had my body's immune response go insane but the ridiculous thing is, if you eat pretty naturally and healthily then that diet should be pretty much gluten free anyway. It's only things that are boxed, packaged and manufactured that are pumped full of the stuff. Fruits, meats, fish, dairy, veg, nuts, seeds, water none have gluten in. (Nuts and seeds though can be contaminated).

    It's the people who just buy all this replacement gluten free crap that you have to laugh at. Fair enough, if you like pasta then you can get gluten free pasta but you can buy almost anything nowadays and many folk have just stopped eating crap with gluten in and are now eating more crap but just without gluten. Bread, pretzels, rich tea biscuits, fish fingers, sausage rolls the list is endless. The prices are stupid too. I saw GF tomato sauce, £1.50 a bottle. ALL products now have to be labelled if they have allergens in there so you'll find that ordinary tomato sauce at say 40p a bottle is also gluten free anyway. Pasta sauce the same. Pay £2 for a jar of GF or 70p for a jar of ordinary that is GF anyway.

    I don't want to make light of gluten intolerance / sensitivity / coeliac as it's horrendous to live with but sometimes I think folk just don't help themselves.


  8. It was a mate of mine who started suggesting to me all these different bands that had been around a while and before my time so to speak. Bands like Bolt Thrower and Slayer and S.O.D (Stormtroopers of Death) and the like and it goes to show that if you are into a certain type of music, whether it's 2 months old or 40 years old, there is still loads yet for you to discover that you didn't know about.

  9. 30 minutes ago, Muskination said:

    ******* who have their radio on at their desk in the office.

    That's alright fuckface, me and those around me don't need to focus and concentrate on our work, and of course, you're too special to use your in ears aren't you.

    And those who walk down the street with music blaring out of their 'personal' music thingy. Plus those on public transport or in doctors waiting rooms who also have a 'personal' music thingy with all sorts of bleeps and squeaks blaring out or some rapper on about his bitches or something embarrassing like that. It's YOUR music man which means I don't wanna effin hear it too!! It's never ever decent music either, just gormless techno, inert r and b or the crucifyingly excruciatingly annoying sounds of some wannabe rapper from Worcester trying to sound like he was brought up in the Bronx! Aaaaaggggh!! Although I realise I've just condemned the whole gamut of 3 different musical genres there I make no apologies.

    I can deal with a tiny tiny amount of dance music at a push but r and b and rap make me heave.

    Calmed down now. Just put on some Shostakovich.

    No, not that one. This one are Soviet four piece metallers. :cool:

  10. Period drama's on telly. TV execs have gone all Alan Partridge it seems. "People like them, let's make some MORE of them"

    How many do you bloody need to make?! Bloke in fancy costume, meets girl, they have it off, a few people get murdered, THE END.

    They are all so predictable and mundane. So much so that I've heard they are thinking of doing one set around the iPro on matchday. :lol::p

    Have a day off TV producers and make something else yeah?

  11. On ‎24‎/‎08‎/‎2016 at 11:26, Wolfie said:

    Having seen local news from most regions, there's definitely something annoying and embarrasing about how Yorkshire presents itself.

    What is it with the Yorkshire superiority complex?. Constantly banging on about "God's own county". It can't just have come from Geoff Boycott.

    I'm a yorkshireman born and bred and they usually fall into two categories. Thick, obnoxious, insular, narrow minded ,arrogant tw*ts that know everything under the sun and have been there and done it already and they lack manners, basic courtesy and still think it's ok to make unsolicited sexist comments to passing women.

    Or genuine, really dependable, salt of the earth blokes who are loyal, honest and although they say it how it is they don't ram it down others throats like the first category of yorkshireman. I fall between the two categories. :whistle:

    Saw a  rotund 40 plus bloke walking the harbour at Brid last week wearing a t shirt that said, IF IT'S NOT FROM YORKSHIRE - IT'S *****. Should have known better than to go to Brid I guess.  So glad my kid is born and raised Derbyshire tbh.

  12. Whilst i'm at it. Matlock Bath case in point.

    I'm only 15 minutes away and when I first moved down here I used to go all the time. Now from the Mining museum at the top to the car park / rail station at the bottom it's just one long row of fish and chip shops / cafes / ice cream parlours. There must be well over 10 chippies within a half mile radius.

    There's nothing there worth going for anymore unless you want to eat.

    Fishpond has good bands on though sometimes. ;)

  13. 50 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

    It's glandular!

    or faulty bone structure.............;)

    It's not just fast food though. It's also the rows and rows and aisles and aisles of complete ***** that fill our supermarket shelves in the name of convenience and feeding the masses.

    The likelihood is that if comes in a box or a packet then it's likely to be full of ***** too. Sugar, salt and fat. I'm a trolley voyeur. I look at what some parents are putting in their trolleys and just about give up on the human race.

    Heard one mum chatting to someone about 'flavoured water' and saying how it's a godsend as her little un doesn't like the taste of 'normal' water. FFS! It's water. First of all it's tasteless and secondly flavoured water is just so full of chemical rubbish that you may as well let the kid drink a bottle of WD40!

    Don't get me started on 'fruit shoots'. What makes me laugh is that manufacturers love to put on the bottle things like 'made with REAL fruit juice', well that's a fookin' relief. Until you find out it's 0.01% and made from concentrate. Then they highlight 'no artificial colours or preservatives' but don't flag up the benzoates, aspartame or acesulfame k and then you form a picture that perhaps these companies are indulging in some kind of chemical warfare with our kids.

    You go to a kids playcentre, swimming baths café or anywhere that caters for kids and if you can find a food source that isn't fried, processed or in a packet then i'll go and support Forest. (although the last bit is negotiable, maybe Notts County then :ph34r:).

    It's partly food companies / manufacturers and partly parents. Parents either having absolutely no interest in nor care what they or their kids are eating or parents who just read something on a label and believe it no questions asked. Food companies are just out to make money and so long as people keep buying their ***** then they have no incentive or reason to improve their product or make it healthier.

    Like Paul says it's about moderation. A can of coke here and there isn't likely to put you in hospital and treats are a rewarding aspect of life but if you are eating and drinking all this stuff day in day out then it's a timebomb.

    I'm not preaching here, anybody can eat whatever they want. It's a free country. Just my opinion on tiny aspects of the 'obese' debate.

  14. When some 'yoof' pulls up beside me at the lights with some repetitive rap ***** blaring out with lyrics about how much they devalue women and stuff accompanied by some other bloke just saying 'yeah, yeah' every 20 seconds and not content with that, they make me have to wind up my windows to avoid the unsolicited aural assault! In 25 degree heat in a car with no aircon!  :unsure:

    Still.....................it's worth it.

  15. Read through lots of this thread and some of you guys are really inspirational and it's been a privilege and a revelation that you have been proud to and able to share all this. Without going into great detail (which is a first for me :D) I also know what it's like to live with both physical and mental difficulties so I can empathise with a lot of you. I really wanted to comment on the quality of care I received both now and in the past. My GP, without wanting to sound harsh to the bloke, is ******* useless and whenever I get to see a locum or another GP they take me seriously and take direct action to try and address the problem. Also i'd like to praise Chesterfield Royal Hospital. From the birth of my kid to going in for eye problems and even an emergency A&E job they have always been immense and I can't fault the place or the staff.

    Just read Paul71's post and just want to say hope you are well and that things improve buddy.

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