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Tony Le Mesmer

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Posts posted by Tony Le Mesmer

  1. Bicycles are better for the environment. Cars running on fossil fuels no matter what they claim to offer in terms of emissions are not better for the environment in any sense whatsoever. They all pump out crap into the atmosphere. Some more than others granted. Fair enough about the cheaper road tax though and fuel consumption I underestimated so you're right on those counts.

  2. On ‎13‎/‎09‎/‎2016 at 12:32, TheDeadlySaul said:

    Omar Bogle looks really good for Grimsby, might be worth a look at. 

    Too lightweight from what I've seen. A better bet would be Aiden O'Brien from Millwall. He's physically robust, can hold the ball up and a great header of the ball and also is starting to score goals now and I think he's finally maturing and beginning to find his feet. He would give our attack something different if we are to go for another striker. He's a talent and could be a wild card in the Chris Martin mould.

    He's been floated around the lower leagues where he found it tough to get to grips with the hurly burly for such a young lad but it's been great experience for him.  I saw him at Torquay and Aldershot where he was on loan and was impressed with his all round play and attitude despite both clubs actually ending up being relegated to the conference. It's no surprise he's trained on now and starting to score for Millwall in league 1.

    He's an Irish U21 international and has scored a few for them.

    Bogle is just quick and scores the odd goal. His career IMO is extremely limited. He's dangerous at league 2 level but if he makes it any higher than league 1 in his career i'd be amazed. Like him though. Great name too!

  3. Just to add that I hate the hypocrisy amongst most footy fans with regards cheating. Timewasting is an example. Derby do it I'm sure when they are winning with time running out yet fans aren't screaming at their own players for cheating. Opponent does it and all hell breaks loose. Many more examples.

    Cheating is part of the game now and every team does it. Sometimes you'll benefit and sometimes not. Can see your point though jono. IMO a player who goes down claiming he's been assaulted and clutching his face should be sent off. It is not only cheating but shows a lack of respect for another human being and if it were me being accused then I'd go for litigation immediately.

    Just like if someone had accused me of a crime I hadn't done and been proved. I'd have the liar in court. Same in the football cheating incidents claiming they've been assaulted and its proven on replays they are making it up.

  4. 23 minutes ago, jono said:

    A football one 

    gamesmanship is kind of ok .. The nudge by a savvy defender versus the striker making sure the ref sees he was fouled. Even Franny Lee style rolling the extra yard to get the pen instead of a free kick. There is a give and take or do as you would be done by. Not pretty, not clever, I don't like it but it's part of competative sport I suppose and we can have a wry grin 

    No what really really gets me is .. Ok you fell over theatrically, got the free kick but then you start clutching your face to get your opponent booked or sent off ... No no no ... There are lines that shouldn't be crossed .. Ever. 

    In places like South America, cheating like you mention is just all part of the game. They don't see anything wrong with it. Sadly it has gradually spread throughout the world and even to grass roots footy in Britain.

    I hate it but nothing will ever be done about it so on that basis i am all for Derby players doing whatever they can to get an advantage. Why should we suffer when its commonplace now?

    Just another way in which the lack of morals and balls to try and uphold standards by the footballing powers that be have managed to change the face of the game in the British Isles, and for the worse.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Strange yearnings said:

    So, listen to people being interviewed on radio or tv. (See what I did there?) It's quite common now. My mate said he'd never heard it until he was listening out for it and then was surprised at how often it's used

    I'll listen out for it then SY. See if I can nail some blighter in the act.

  6. Chippies.

    First one is where you just get beaten into it by someone (or there's two of you approaching the door together) and you decide to let them in ahead of you. Then they proceed to order meals for the entire population of a small country and you're in there 10 minutes or so.

    Second one is where you're in a huge queue and finally it's your turn.

    "Just waiting for chips - be about 5 minutes".


  7. 8 hours ago, sage said:

    Selfies, selfie sticks. people who put new pictures of themselves on Facebook every day or about 30 of them and their mates pouting on a night out.

    Worst of all taking pictures in front of any significant building or sight. I believe you went there. I don't need forensic fooking evidence. 


    Just seen this. I've got to the point that if I meet a new acquaintance and they ask me if I'm on facebook or talk about being on it then it's important that we don't become anymore than passing conversationalists. We would have absolutely nothing in common.

  8. 3 minutes ago, reveldevil said:

    Spot on, just because you're elderly or disabled why should your independence lifeline inconvenience other less frequent public transport users.

    Selfish buggers.:ph34r:

    I had thought of that revil but seriously its a bit OTT. Not wishing to make it more difficult for people with limited mobility at all but get your point.

  9. Drove to Derby Tuesday night from oop north and wasn't surprised to find myself on a very wide 4 lane motorway (m1) and in the outside lane barely touching 60 odd mph.

    If they widened it further then to say 10 lanes then it would only encourage these boneheads to fan out across all 10 lanes with the car in the 10th lane doing 60.

    If you want to drive slowly, observe the scenery or listen attentively to your mindfulness CD then absolutely no issue with that.


  10. I had the misfortune of such an event when I was about 20 going for a night out around Doncaster. I managed to urinate all down my inside leg at some pub's urinals. Only realised when we were leaving in the cold air I felt something warm and wet on my trousers. Horrific evening. I had to get a taxi sharpish, keep shtum and go home. Terrible life scarring occurrence.

    I also had the misfortune of going for a night out around Doncaster too.

  11. 4 hours ago, ladyram said:

    Parents who shout 'geddere nar' at their kids if they wander off, like they're bloody dogs! Y'all always hear them in town, mainly if they're on their mobiles and not paying attention to them.

    It really gets on my nerves. Some people should never breed.

    I had one the other day in the other supermarket. Lost count the number of times she said, "you're gonna get a whack when you get home".

    Oddly enough the child continued to misbehave. Any attention is better than no attention.

    Thick cow.

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