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Everything posted by RoyMac5

  1. Bellingham is a monster. Saka looks class. Gordon for Foden and Gallagher for Trent.
  2. Understatement of the day. 😄 Bloody appalling challenge. Awful.
  3. Are you? I said 'every post', not just me mate. 😄 The proof of the pudding will be in the eating.
  4. Well done RR tediously stalking every post that might not be full of praise for our glorious leader. 😄 Or perhaps he just bided his time until there was a midfielder he could play instead. 😉
  5. Probably didn't like the fact that CH decided to come over to the fans and tell them the players were trying?
  6. That's where we play our AMs isn't it? 😄
  7. Ah the slightly more reliable link, suppose it should be in real transfer rumours, not gossip.
  8. Your prerogative. At Championship level is a whole different matter. His record isn't great but with a different team. I don't see much signs of a platform yet, so the transfer window will give you a clue. Opinions can differ. #COYR
  9. You're going to eat the manager? Okay.
  10. So what. People post on here they've got views on the Club and it's future, but you can't have doubts about things can you. 😄
  11. Don't think they do. Our old meter in the hall was boxed in and when they came to fit the smart meter it's tiny - 16x13x6.5 cm I didn't want one for various reasons for ages, but am considering getting an EV and am getting an ASHP. So to take advantage of better tariffs for those things you have to have a smart meter. It's fine and was no problem to fit on the board in the boxing where the old one was. 👍
  12. He's taking the piss, because I made a post about Warne earlier down the thread and then edited it to say can't be bothered. Which I can't because as you point out it's not allowed to have doubts about Warne's ability at Championship level, nor to remember and be concerned by just how abject some of the football was last season.
  13. He did a vey decent job, but he's good with his feet and plays out from the back better than Wildy. Unlikely signing?
  14. Edit. Can't be bothered.
  15. Did it seem the decision was his to make, if he wanted to stay with us?
  16. As a youngster watching the celebrations at the Council House, and the bus touring down Duffield Road before that. It's faded a bit (or more than a bit!), but still, climbing up a lamp post to get a better view of the players and the trophy, hasn't been beaten. #COYR
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