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Everything posted by RoyMac5

  1. Doesn't always get things right... 😄
  2. Because I thought I'd say WHY I thought they'd offer more than we might, if they have.
  3. Or perhaps they see him as a goal-scoring midfielder, goals cost money.
  4. More unrelated comments from you I suppose. 😄
  5. Yeah I suppose he might have only meant two goals when he said: "I thought he was one of our outstanding players and it was a great goal. I’ve had conversations with Korey and we think he can score goals."
  6. That what he was suggesting when he played Smith as a more attacking midfielder.
  7. Warne tried to get us to believe that about Korey Smith too!
  8. Like a bit of defiance! #COYR
  9. Yes, totally agree. When I saw that display I didn't realise it might be the only really good game we'd see from Bradley all season. He was propped up by Nelson and Cashin, who could have coped very well without him.
  10. Least it's more interesting than Dubai!
  11. So who did the loans help? 😉
  12. Unless we reached an agreement like we did with CBT?
  13. Except he put money into the Newcastle squad, and got promotion, just not as much money as the Geordies wanted.
  14. So did we secretly sign him before he did his ACL do you know?
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