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Stive Pesley

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  1. Haha
    Stive Pesley reacted to maxjam in The slow death of comedy and humour.   
    Well I'll meet you halfway and say its more than one a week, less than one a day ? 
  2. Clap
    Stive Pesley got a reaction from Comrade 86 in The slow death of comedy and humour.   
    bit of an over-exaggeration? Are there really "a number  of things being cancelled on a daily basis"? Or is it just the usual media tactic of hammering stories to get ad-clicks from the inevitable polarised reaction?
    For what it's worth, I think that anyone should be able to joke about anything - but the flipside of that is that they have to consider the audience/platform and if they get that wrong then they can't be surprised if someone calls them out for it. They just need to be prepared to defend themselves or apologise (whichever they prefer). Taking the "oh it's PC gone mad" stance is a weak excuse. Be accountable for your words or STFU
    Remember that this is a two-sided argument after all - you have a right to tell what jokes you like, just as much as someone else has the right to say that they don't find it funny. Works both ways. If you're really complaining that you can't joke about stuff without being told you're not funny, then is your skin really any thinner than the person who you deem to be "over-reacting"?
  3. Clap
    Stive Pesley got a reaction from I know nothing in The slow death of comedy and humour.   
    Comedy is subjective. And can also be complex, with multiple levels to a joke. Likewise some jokes are just mean-spirited blunt instruments
    For example, if the sole premise of a Ginger joke is "haha they have orange hair" then it's not actually that funny is it? Regardless of whether it's offensive or not. It's just not a very subtle joke.
    Whereas the Prince Harry/Ginger joke in the other thread at least worked on different levels. Taking the crap and tired cliche old joke about ginger hair somehow being regarded as a bad thing and saying "he'd done alright for a ginger" - when he's a filthy rich titled member of the British Royal Family - his ginger hair is not really the reason he's "done alright"
    I think most people get the distinction, but quite often those who moan about how "you cant joke about x any more" are the people who simply aren't funny and need an excuse as to why no one is laughing at their weak gags
  4. Haha
    Stive Pesley reacted to Day in The slow death of comedy and humour.   
    Can I put a fiver on @TexasRam again ?
  5. Like
    Stive Pesley got a reaction from Andicis in The slow death of comedy and humour.   
    bit of an over-exaggeration? Are there really "a number  of things being cancelled on a daily basis"? Or is it just the usual media tactic of hammering stories to get ad-clicks from the inevitable polarised reaction?
    For what it's worth, I think that anyone should be able to joke about anything - but the flipside of that is that they have to consider the audience/platform and if they get that wrong then they can't be surprised if someone calls them out for it. They just need to be prepared to defend themselves or apologise (whichever they prefer). Taking the "oh it's PC gone mad" stance is a weak excuse. Be accountable for your words or STFU
    Remember that this is a two-sided argument after all - you have a right to tell what jokes you like, just as much as someone else has the right to say that they don't find it funny. Works both ways. If you're really complaining that you can't joke about stuff without being told you're not funny, then is your skin really any thinner than the person who you deem to be "over-reacting"?
  6. Like
    Stive Pesley reacted to BIllyD in The slow death of comedy and humour.   
    As I say it's just about using your intelligence, whilst I may be the same as you and not get offended that is not the same for all.
    I dont think it's a different generation, would you have gone into a pub full of strangers and start telling jokes to the everyone in there about people for ginger hair for example. I know if you did in my old local then someone would take offence and a brawl would soon follow.
    That's not to say if I said the same comment it wouldn't be met without laughter, but banter between friends is different to saying it to a complete stranger. 
    Maybe it's just me though, I'm not sure I get the "banter" to the degree of abusing someone on a forum full of people I don't know, just seems to be pointless ?‍♂️
  7. Haha
    Stive Pesley reacted to Comrade 86 in Watchable telly   
    I think you'll find that 86 was the best thing ever pal... By a stretch... And don't you forget it sunshine 
  8. Haha
  9. Like
    Stive Pesley reacted to ketteringram in Watchable telly   
    Loved 83, hated 86, not sure whether or not to try 89!
  10. Like
    Stive Pesley got a reaction from Alph in Frank Lampard   
    I'm not sure. Can I have 3 months to decide?
  11. Haha
    Stive Pesley reacted to Wolfie in Starship and a Human city on Mars   
    Happens to us all, mate.
  12. Haha
    Stive Pesley reacted to Bob The Badger in Watchable telly   
    OJ Simpson was a great American footballer, actor and murderer, so he had 3 very diverse careers. 
  13. Like
    Stive Pesley got a reaction from ariotofmyown in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    and likewise - wouldn't help us if our vaccinated Brits bring it back with them
    I don't know the official answer but it feels like they might be deeming it as irrelevant. They are working on the idea that if we vaccinate the adult population, then the transmission rate doesn't matter - as long as the numbers of deaths and hospitalisations drops right down to small numbers
    Personally that sounds a pretty cavalier approach to me, as we're in big trouble if the virus mutates to become vaccine resistant, and of course any death from Covid is what we want to avoid. The deaths don't matter less if there are fewer of them
    But then again, the science seems to be against "zero covid" ever being reached, so who knows how this will play out...
  14. Like
    Stive Pesley reacted to BIllyD in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    The key is having enough vaccinated. The risk of getting a virus that evolves enough to become vaccine resistant from serious death is minimal if you reduce the number of hosts it has. The bigger risk is the number of people who refuse to have the vaccine IMO.
    That said, let's not forget this evolved from one person under 18 months ago, maybe going abroad before we have it fully under control in this country isn't the best idea just yet.
  15. Like
    Stive Pesley reacted to maxjam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Well I can only speak for myself of course but when the first lockdown started and Sky decided to make every match live it was like football heaven, I probably overdosed lol.  As time has gone on though, without the crowds they've started to feel a bit souless - even with the fake crowd noise - then of course there is nothing to compare to the actual matchday experience of being there.  Add to that the indifferent season, its just been one to write off and hope we can actually be at PP for the kick off next season. 
    Re. the forums I keep half an eye on the Abu Derby thread, the transfer section and occasional others with interesting titles but other than that I've pretty much stopped caring atm.  The lockdown fatigue is real...
  16. Like
    Stive Pesley reacted to Eddie in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    We're the same. I've hardly watched any football (ok, I've watched Derby a few times, but 'hardly watched any football' still stands). I'm a month in following my first shot, and since then we've been out for two walks. I'm hoping that mid-May will see us at the cricket, but I'm not exactly banking on it.
  17. Like
    Stive Pesley reacted to maxjam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Didn't we get told in no uncertain terms that the squabbling and continued debate has to stop?  That, and agree with the moderators decisions or else.  That kinda nuked any further discussion as one mans debate is another mans squabble. 
    I'm just waiting to get my jab and for this season to end.  I've gotten more and more detached from football since lockdowns gone on - looking forwards to next season and the atmosphere of live matches again. 
    Peace ?️
  18. Haha
    Stive Pesley reacted to ariotofmyown in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    They all PM'd me to say we were right after all ?
  19. Like
    Stive Pesley reacted to Comrade 86 in Watchable telly   
    4 Blocks - Gritty, multiple award-winning German crime show about Arab cartels battling for control of the Berlin drugs trade. Good stuff if you're not one of those folk with subtitle-phobia. 
  20. Like
    Stive Pesley reacted to BIllyD in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    All the numbers, hospital, deaths and cases continue on a downward trend which is great news. Hopefully the good weather will continue and this will continue to be the trend as lockdowns start to be lifted ?
  21. Haha
    Stive Pesley got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Watchable telly   
    Ah - wish I'd seen this, we bailed after episode 2 of Season 2 as we were both really struggling to keep track of who was who.
    I still maintain they should have made all the characters wear name badges throughout!
  22. Like
    Stive Pesley reacted to ariotofmyown in Watchable telly   
    Try again with this to help. If got hard when characters were young or old too.
    I wish I had known beforehand too, but never like to read about series before I've finished to avoid spoilers.
  23. Haha
    Stive Pesley reacted to maxjam in New joke thread (trigger alert, may offend if you want it to)   
    One for fellow Star Wars nerds...

  24. Like
    Stive Pesley reacted to AndyinLiverpool in Watchable telly   
    Someone must have already mentioned Parks and Recreation.
  25. Like
    Stive Pesley got a reaction from Comrade 86 in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Philosophically it's a very difficult one - you could argue that it's very difficult to function in today's society without identifying ID already. Passports, driving licenses, National Insurance number, bank accounts - to do without all of them, you'd literally have to live in a squat and operate 100% on the black market
    But somehow the idea of a new National ID card or a Vaccination Status card feels like an erosion of liberty too far - and I'd be against it
    But I dont fully know why - compared to 30-40 years ago we are already tracked and monitotred through our lives in incredible detail. Maybe we prefer our erosions of liberty to be slow and silent and this just feels too obvious!
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