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nogbad van 50

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  1. Clap
    nogbad van 50 reacted to S8TY in Summer Rumour Mill   
    So after listening to Warnes interview a few things come to mind 
    a how can anyone seriously not like this man he’s friendlily polite and honest and …cares about this club and it’s fans and players 
    He is trying his best to get a decent hard working group of good footballers together and I support him whole heartedly…he’s a decent man who means well and I think we’re lucky to have someone with his principles 
  2. Haha
    nogbad van 50 reacted to BobdeBilder in Summer Rumour Mill   
    I'm afraid you're screaming into the void with some of the buggers on here. 
  3. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Summer Rumour Mill   
    It’s not Paul Warne or the club’s job to manage our anxieties. People should be able to look at the information that is out there, listen to interviews like the one from the end of the season and this one today, and apply some common sense to the fact the business and sporting institution that is Derby County needs signings in order to compete this season. Therefore trust the people who own and work within that business will know that too, and will be working on it.

    For the millionth time… Just because we haven’t announced a signing yet doesn’t mean we aren’t working on some. 
  4. Clap
    nogbad van 50 reacted to jono in Summer Rumour Mill   
    I don’t care ! I want it all quiet and the signatures rubber stamped. I have a sense that DC has injected some professionalism in the out dealings. No gossip, no agent hype creating fee auctions, keeping us a tad under the radar. None of the it’s Derby they are big and can afford something at last. For the good of the club it’s the right way.
  5. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to sage in Paul Warne Pre-Season Interview   
    I reckon 2 or 3 have signed already, but their contracts don't start till 1st July. He kind of catches himself and says he can't say too much. 
  6. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Dava75 in Paul Warne Pre-Season Interview   
    Love this comment to be honest - could be just amazing media/PR script and I’m sure some on here will be cynical - the first game league game is still some time away - and I would wager we will still be looking to add the final touches to the squad after that date (as will almost everyone else). 
    I for one am going to enjoy the roller coaster of the summer transfer window and all it brings!! 
  7. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Paul Warne Pre-Season Interview   
    He provides more context to it for sure. People are keen to pick up on just that point, he explains he wants good people, who are also good footballers and will improve the team, wanting them to focus more on collective success rather than individual success. Take the Warne-isms out of it and that’s exactly what I would want in a team
    Edit - In fact here’s the quote;
    On being linked to numerous players...
    We've got to try and sign players that are good people and I get hammered for saying that but if they want to come and work for this great club, they have to be good people.
    They have to be good footballers, good athletes and they have to buy into the way we play, the way we press and the energy we want from a team.
    Also and this is a lot different to a lot of teams in our league - they have to be able to play in front of 30,000 people. If you're used to playing in front of 5,000 people every week and you're the big fish in a small pond - can you do it in front of 30,000 supporters?
    We get linked to loads of players but we have to try and get them right because once you sign someone on a two or three year deal and you don't get it right, you are causing yourself problems.
    We won't run a big squad, we might have around 20-22 players, so we have to try and get everything right.
    I understand why we get linked to loads of players and I understand why it's frustrating for fans when we don't sign players but if we signed seven or eight players today - what are you going to do for the next few weeks and talk about? You might as well enjoy the next few weeks and all that pre-season brings with it!
  8. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Paul Warne Pre-Season Interview   
    I figured this deserves its own thread as Warne discusses a number of the points we have multiple threads dedicated to. He discusses the progress of transfer negotiations, Didzy leaving, the club being a draw for players, the calibre of players he’s working to sign…. Give it a watch;
    For anyone not wanting to watch it in full there is a written summary of the key points here also;
  9. Haha
    nogbad van 50 reacted to chezzyram in Alfie May - joined Charlton   
    You might not be able to see them but I guarantee there'll be plenty of knuckles moving
  10. Clap
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Summer Rumour Mill   
    Yeah agreed, those figures were set by the tribunal too. As to what criteria they consider I don’t know, could be they determine Knight’s number of appearances and international caps means he’s worth more to us than a 16 year old Harvey Elliott was to Fulham, however Fulham and Liverpool were both at a higher level than we are at that time and he was rated as one of the most exciting young players coming through, plus the “English” tax may come into it. 
    There’s no real way of saying what we’d get for Knight so the club has a choice I guess of taking as much money as they can now, or keeping him here and hoping either we go up and can extend his contract or when he leaves on a free we get a reasonable fee at that stage. 
    Sensible decision in my view would be to sell him now, spark a bidding war to get the price up as much as possible and add in a future sell on clause, then wish Knight well. Bank some of the cash and reinvest some. 
  11. Clap
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Please post here if your a bit of a melt and your panicking we havent signed anyone yet   
    That’s the bit I think people allow their opinions on Warne to cloud. Yes Warne has said he recruits the right sort of people, according to his standards and expectations. Which I take to be that they have to understand the effort that’s expected of them, that they’re here to be a part of the squad and the larger efforts for success, not solely for personal glory, which will determine their value as footballers in what is a team sport. Warne will know their physical attributes and stats, it’s their character that’s then key for how he wants his team to behave and perform.
    There are varying approaches to leadership, Warne has his and there seems to be a mix of authority (the fitness coach/PE teacher) and soft skills (employee engagement through mugs, the why wall etc). It might not be for everyone, but it doesn’t need to be, it needs to be right for the players Warne wants in his teams and he has been able to sign players who perform to his standards and earn promotion from this division previously. 
    No manager will please everyone in their approach, strong leaders do encourage input from their teams and value opinions and I’m sure Warne has spoken about doing so, he’s always valued the input of his “senior pros”, and has open conversations with his players. Wanting the “right people” doesn’t have to equate to people who like his jokes, I think that’s a tad reductive. 
  12. Clap
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Please post here if your a bit of a melt and your panicking we havent signed anyone yet   
    I would have thought that whole experience would hopefully lead people to be patient, to not hang onto the word of every person and their dog who shares some info about Derby County. All those rumours and false dawns. 
    It was a horrible experience for everyone who supports this great club, we did all suffer, and it was hard to be patient…and yet at the moment when the club needing someone to save it, save it they did. They then made signings and appointed staff, and sorted season tickets, and everything recovered gradually in time. Not instantly. And things will continue to improve for this great club, in time, it can’t all happen at once.
    It doesn’t matter what other clubs are doing and when (mostly), what matters is what our club is doing and they will be working to recruit players. Paul Warne has said he needs to strengthen the squad and would be working to do so, how would he do his job this season without adding to his playing staff? I imagine if our new head of recruitment isn’t working on recruiting players his monthly meetings with David Clowes must be pretty awkward affairs, he will be doing his job. 
    Plus, David Clowes is ACTUALLY a Derby fan, he’ll want the club he supports and the business he runs to be strengthened too. Have a little faith folks, please, even if you hate Warne you must see the club will sign some players in time?
  13. Haha
    nogbad van 50 reacted to NottsRam77 in Please post here if your a bit of a melt and your panicking we havent signed anyone yet   
    Knock yourselves out in here so the rest of us dont have to listen to endless drivel
    many thanks for your consideration
    best regards
    nottsram77 😊
  14. Clap
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Summer Rumour Mill   
    That’s the bit I find most amusing when it comes to people hanging on every word of a random rumour monger online, the club’s own manager has stated conversations about recruitment started before the season ended. The local journos who are I think believed to have some contact with the club say we are in negotiations with players. Warne also said he’d met agents and showed some players around the place. And yet all of that is ignored to peddle this idea of inactivity by the club. We will be pursuing players, there will be transfer announcements, and we have to be patient until they happen.
    I don’t think it’s that hard to accept we may have to wait a little whilst affording the club some patience, and yet people on here and other places online seem so keen to say otherwise. 
  15. Clap
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Ruben Rodrigues - Joined Oxford United   
    Even if that were the case, it doesn’t account for the lack of noise or drama regarding the other allegedly interested clubs. It’s very clear some posters don’t like Warne and so will use anything like this to push that narrative. Warne isn’t going anywhere currently, whatever recruitment is being worked on will give him the team he wants, according to his approach to the game and team building, regardless of any of our opinions.
    We’ll soon get to find out if that will or won’t succeed, until that point what’s stopping people from just waiting to see? If he fails, those of you who don’t like him will get your I told you so moment. Those who don’t like his interview style won’t have to listen to him anymore. Those who don’t like his approach to motivating his team/direct reports won’t have to put up with the idea what doesn’t work for you might work for someone else anymore. 
    And, IF he succeeds, we’ll have a team being successful on the pitch and winning promotion. It’s win win for you lot who don’t like Warne, chill out and enjoy the summer rather than attributing every rumour or half truth to being Warne’s failing when it could so easily be that Oxford guaranteed Rodrigues something none of the other clubs would or offered him better wages or no other clubs were actually in for him.
  16. Like
  17. Cheers
    nogbad van 50 got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Ruben Rodrigues - Joined Oxford United   
  18. Clap
    nogbad van 50 reacted to YorkshireRam in Ruben Rodrigues - Joined Oxford United   
    I've had the same flighty feeling about it the last few days, especially since the McGoldrick news, but then I had to kind of rationalize with myself.
    Our transfer policy has entirely changed now. New manager, new head of recruitment, and the first proper window in 3 years where the club can spend transfer fees- that's a lot of change, and involving new faces who need time to settle. No leaks as well means it feels very 'empty' right now compared to the swathes of rumours we're used to reading, I think this is where the panic is coming from:
    Not signing who we're linked with -> not being linked with anyone else -> Panic!
    Whereas I suspect the club is identifying targets carefully, not leaking them, and we simply haven't even heard about our #1 targets yet. The 'not hearing anything' bit is probably actually positive, but because we're not used to it, it feels negative. I'm waiting another month or so before I actually start judging anything. 
  19. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Ambitious in Ruben Rodrigues - Joined Oxford United   
    Agreed and that's part of a the nuance of scouting that can't be derived from a data file. It still allows us to fine tune processes and keep our recruitment team on their feet.
    If Ruben Rodrigues has a nice season, i.e. 5 or 6 goals and a few assists, then it makes no odds. If he has a bad season then it shows that however we came to the point of saying no, we don't want him in that instance was correct. If he has a good season then we need to review what we thought he wouldn't be able to do and how do we amend our procedure so we don't miss on the next player. 
    It's no exact science, but equally there's always methods of improving your chances. The likes of Brentford and Brighton are brought up a lot, simply because they've got an elite-level technical scouting department that allows them to cast a wide net. The technical scouting department wasn't mastered day one, it was fine tuned over time and will continue to do so.  
  20. Clap
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Ruben Rodrigues - Joined Oxford United   
    Isn’t it more a case of being objective when it comes to recruitment? Less “why”, more who, what, where, when, how;
    Who is available?
    Who are we interested in?
    What would they offer the team?
    What would they cost?
    How would they fit into the system?
    How would they fit into the social dynamics?
    Where do they live?
    Where do they play?
    When are they available?
    When does their contract expire?
    One player being a good signing for one team doesn’t automatically mean they’re a good signing for another team. 
  21. Like
    nogbad van 50 got a reaction from Caerphilly Ram in Ruben Rodrigues - Joined Oxford United   
    To us optimists and realists that post sums it up rather well .To the restless pessimists out there it'll be "bah humbug" time!
  22. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Ambitious in Ruben Rodrigues - Joined Oxford United   
    It all boils down to how much of an impact he has for Oxford next season. If he’s one of the best in the league then we should’ve offered him more money, more playing time and whatever else was required for him to sign. If he’s s****, the club were right not to have an interest in him. 
    We get to see in real time how this plays out because we know the club have watched and evaluated him - to in the end sounds like we deemed him not good enough so let’s see if that’s the case. 
  23. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to FlyBritishMidland in Ruben Rodrigues - Joined Oxford United   
    I suspect that once Notts got promoted we probably knew McGoldrick would end up there.  And similar with Roberts that once we missed out on promotion we would be 2nd choice behind a Championship club as it’s his natural next step.  And according to Dom at Radio Derby we weren’t in for Rodrigues.
    As Arthur used to say, a lot of these rumours are “pure journalistic speculation”.
  24. Like
  25. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Ruben Rodrigues - Joined Oxford United   
    Nope. The transfer window opens tomorrow and there's lots of work to be done. All you will achieve by coming in to every transfer thread for a player we don't sign is to stress yourself out.
    Chill. Enjoy the weather. See where we are come the start of the season. I bet we'll end up with a better squad than Oxford.
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