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Woodley Ram

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  1. Like
    Woodley Ram reacted to BondJovi in The Administration Thread   
    Can we claim for them shafting us over Christie and Riggott all those years back?
  2. Like
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from r_wilcockson in The Administration Thread   
    You can make any claim in any court, if it’s tosh then it gets thrown out. Gibsons is tosh so should be thrown out
  3. Like
    Woodley Ram reacted to chipperram in EFL statement   
    The second paragraph is the real reason there is an impasse, the claim by two league colleagues will never come to fruition, it is a ruse to make us sell players, weaken the squad enough to relegate us, then with one day to go say they won't  pursue it. Allowing enough time for the PB and finance for the future to be agreed. EfL,MFC and WW will tell us how they saved us.......childish and dangerous games being played by them.
  4. Haha
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from Ramarena in EFL statement   
    I prefer master …..oops better leave it alone
  5. Haha
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from Ram-Alf in EFL statement   
    I prefer master …..oops better leave it alone
  6. COYR
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from Mucker1884 in Petition to the Sports Minister   
  7. Like
    Woodley Ram reacted to Mucker1884 in Petition to the Sports Minister   
    Ooh!  Good on her! 
    Any relation...? ?   
  8. Like
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from r_wilcockson in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    Somehow we need to raise £7m by the end of the month, the only way is by the preferred bidder putting £7m into a bank account. 
    It is clear that the EFL want us relegated but remember it was Mel and Pearce that put us in this position.  
    We cannot do anything about the EFL in the short term so the Admins need to concentrate on the preferred bidder putting £7m in a bank account.
    I don’t understand the EFL stance on Middlesbrough and Wycombe as neither have applied to court to sue us or asked to go down the arbitration route.
    The EFL issue is not just about us, it’s about everyone. The Government need to appoint an independent regulator (the same as banking, insurance, energy etc) to oversee the industry of sport, particularly in football it has been shown that they cannot regulate themselves. All of those wanting covid deductions to satisfy FFP will want independent and transparent decisions from the EFL are they likely to have that.
    I read on twitter (so probably not true) that the EFL only allowed Derby and Reading 5 mil for covid losses, which if true would leave a lot 0f clubs in major problems

  9. Clap
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from Ramarena in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    Somehow we need to raise £7m by the end of the month, the only way is by the preferred bidder putting £7m into a bank account. 
    It is clear that the EFL want us relegated but remember it was Mel and Pearce that put us in this position.  
    We cannot do anything about the EFL in the short term so the Admins need to concentrate on the preferred bidder putting £7m in a bank account.
    I don’t understand the EFL stance on Middlesbrough and Wycombe as neither have applied to court to sue us or asked to go down the arbitration route.
    The EFL issue is not just about us, it’s about everyone. The Government need to appoint an independent regulator (the same as banking, insurance, energy etc) to oversee the industry of sport, particularly in football it has been shown that they cannot regulate themselves. All of those wanting covid deductions to satisfy FFP will want independent and transparent decisions from the EFL are they likely to have that.
    I read on twitter (so probably not true) that the EFL only allowed Derby and Reading 5 mil for covid losses, which if true would leave a lot 0f clubs in major problems

  10. Like
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from Elgin_Ram in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    Somehow we need to raise £7m by the end of the month, the only way is by the preferred bidder putting £7m into a bank account. 
    It is clear that the EFL want us relegated but remember it was Mel and Pearce that put us in this position.  
    We cannot do anything about the EFL in the short term so the Admins need to concentrate on the preferred bidder putting £7m in a bank account.
    I don’t understand the EFL stance on Middlesbrough and Wycombe as neither have applied to court to sue us or asked to go down the arbitration route.
    The EFL issue is not just about us, it’s about everyone. The Government need to appoint an independent regulator (the same as banking, insurance, energy etc) to oversee the industry of sport, particularly in football it has been shown that they cannot regulate themselves. All of those wanting covid deductions to satisfy FFP will want independent and transparent decisions from the EFL are they likely to have that.
    I read on twitter (so probably not true) that the EFL only allowed Derby and Reading 5 mil for covid losses, which if true would leave a lot 0f clubs in major problems

  11. Clap
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from Indy in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    Somehow we need to raise £7m by the end of the month, the only way is by the preferred bidder putting £7m into a bank account. 
    It is clear that the EFL want us relegated but remember it was Mel and Pearce that put us in this position.  
    We cannot do anything about the EFL in the short term so the Admins need to concentrate on the preferred bidder putting £7m in a bank account.
    I don’t understand the EFL stance on Middlesbrough and Wycombe as neither have applied to court to sue us or asked to go down the arbitration route.
    The EFL issue is not just about us, it’s about everyone. The Government need to appoint an independent regulator (the same as banking, insurance, energy etc) to oversee the industry of sport, particularly in football it has been shown that they cannot regulate themselves. All of those wanting covid deductions to satisfy FFP will want independent and transparent decisions from the EFL are they likely to have that.
    I read on twitter (so probably not true) that the EFL only allowed Derby and Reading 5 mil for covid losses, which if true would leave a lot 0f clubs in major problems

  12. Like
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from Ramarena in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    I have a feeling that all of Gibson stuff will go away in Feb
  13. Haha
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from jimtastic56 in The Administration Thread   
    sounds like a TV programme there, doubt if Keifer would want it?
  14. Clap
    Woodley Ram reacted to StarterForTen in Incomings/outgoings and re-signings   
    Baldock and Marshall to go...? That prediction deserved no more than a Cigarillo anyway.
  15. Like
    Woodley Ram reacted to Crewton in Bristol City next to fail P and S ?   
    I'm fairly sure that unless they get promoted or sell players for major sums this season, Forest will breach FFP too. 
    What the EFL should be investigating forensically is all dealings with Olympiakos and the curious transfer of Arvin Appiah to Almeria for £8m back in 2019. In fact, there's something decidedly suspicious about Forest's transfer activity with a number of minor clubs in Spain that I think are worthy of closer scrutiny. The turnover of players is staggering and often for notable sums. Makes my spidey sense tingle. 
  16. Haha
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from jimtastic56 in The Administration Thread   
    That’s ok my predicted sale blue of Kamil is £50m using the Bristol forumula ooo la la 
  17. Clap
    Woodley Ram reacted to Ram-Alf in The Administration Thread   
    I've just wrang Paddy Power using the tried and trusted Gibson futures method, Jozwiaks value is standing at £85million if he continues to play for us until the seasons end
  18. Like
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from Crewton in Bristol City next to fail P and S ?   
    It’s interesting the words coming out of others clubs when they are under the spotlight. I have no issue with our points deduction as we went into administration and failed FFP although I don’t think FFP is consistently applied. 
    so what I have heard is covid is now an act of god, so the covid years need to be over looked as it affected clubs operating models. FFP needs to be changed so that a lot of the clubs that are now likely to be over are not.
    i also don’t like the Covid losses being based over 3 years and the average used for a covid year. Some clubs like BCFC will benefit because they had a year where they made money and others will lose because they didn’t ( we would be in that category). So if you are -10, -10 and -10 your next year would -10 (-30/3) even if you have cut your wage bill operating costs and it should have been 0. It’s a terrible way of doing things.
    what’s more some clubs now want to have further deductions put in place to lower losses. 
    of course for them it’s different 
    so what will clubs who have been relegated due to FFP if the EFL change their system, will they be able to claim back the monies lost due to relegation and embargo ? It would seem a stronger case than Middlesbrough or Wycombes
  19. Like
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from Kathcairns in Pay Boro/Wycombe vs Liquidation/Phoenix club?   
    IF the bastion of democratic thinking that is the EFL allow us to have a new owner and come out of Administration then we should settle both at Court. I doubt if it would get that far but if it goes full term that's where it should be settled.  
  20. Haha
    Woodley Ram reacted to Mucker1884 in Pay Boro/Wycombe vs Liquidation/Phoenix club?   
    I’d hazard a guess at zero, but I’d have to look up the word sentient before I could confirm! 
  21. Haha
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from i-Ram in The Administration Thread   
    thought better of it, so will not say what I was going too. need to go for a coffee. too many swear words anyway?
  22. Sad
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from jimtastic56 in The Administration Thread   
    thought better of it, so will not say what I was going too. need to go for a coffee. too many swear words anyway?
  23. Like
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from Kathcairns in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    I'm not sure what Gibson is trying to do. In a court of law the claim for £45m has little chance of success and you don't need to be a lawyer to work that one out. Yes we did breach the FFP limit when we last reached the playoffs however with Wycombe's claim I cannot see anything at all. Derby's failure to get points deductions last year was down to the EFL process not Derby being over FFP (Not sure if we were for last year).
    I have read on the Middlesbrough board that it is an attempt to change the rules, if so then is this the best vehicle for that? would it be best to sit down with the EFL and change the rules rather than put a club out of business. I don't think that the  Middlesbrough supporters realise that we cannot get a new owner and come out of administration until the two claims are sorted.
    If Gibson thinks he has a legitimate claim, why doesn't he with draw the claim until we have a new owner and them reinstate it. That way if he wins he stands a chance of getting paid and the club survive?
  24. Clap
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    I'm not sure what Gibson is trying to do. In a court of law the claim for £45m has little chance of success and you don't need to be a lawyer to work that one out. Yes we did breach the FFP limit when we last reached the playoffs however with Wycombe's claim I cannot see anything at all. Derby's failure to get points deductions last year was down to the EFL process not Derby being over FFP (Not sure if we were for last year).
    I have read on the Middlesbrough board that it is an attempt to change the rules, if so then is this the best vehicle for that? would it be best to sit down with the EFL and change the rules rather than put a club out of business. I don't think that the  Middlesbrough supporters realise that we cannot get a new owner and come out of administration until the two claims are sorted.
    If Gibson thinks he has a legitimate claim, why doesn't he with draw the claim until we have a new owner and them reinstate it. That way if he wins he stands a chance of getting paid and the club survive?
  25. Clap
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from Crewton in What action can fans take against Wycombe and Middlesbrough   
    The best thing to do is support the team, anything nasty will just backfire on the club and supporters. When we go to Gibson world be loud and proud and nothing naughty. 
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