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Everything posted by RadioactiveWaste

  1. Once on a holiday to Whitby me and my dad managed to get my little sister believing the heather on the north york moores was "yorkshire tea".
  2. The customry "well behind max it was a good race" applies yet again.
  3. Sonny Brad.....no.....it's Nelson and Cashin. It'd be more interesting if the other likely contenders hadn't all had vairious injury lay ups, NML being the only other conteder who hasn't.
  4. Good win for luton today. A sifficiently bad performance tomorrow and forest could put themselves back into the relegation zone. But have they got the gumption to lose to spurs by 7 goals or more?
  5. Shocking from Paul Warne today, did nothing to stop Bolton getting three points at Bristol's big team.
  6. Oh well, we've still got to do our job, at least we're not reliant on Bristol or others to do our job for us.
  7. Things can change, especially if we go up. I think the key thing to remember is not to get hung up on him specifically when we're doing deals in the summer. I'd love us to sign him and if there is a deal to be done we can hopefully do it, but if not, he's made a huge contribution as a loan player and we'll have happy memories of him, and hopefully he will of us (certainly seems he's enjoying his time here).
  8. Agree with just about all of that. I think you're being a bit hard on Sainz, he was the better ferrari driver for big chunks of last season and through his time there has rarely been badly off Leclerc for a long period, and I do rate Charles very highly. I think the ferrari question is almost more what's up with Leclerc who's not had a great start to the season. I think Danny has driven his way out of the red bull drive already, he was closer to Yuki today but given the red bull managment have already decided Yuki aint it, and with the driver market having some interesting options right now.
  9. You'll have to click to go to youtube, it's a recap of Kimi winning Japan in 2005.
  10. Driving in F1 at all makes you a pretty elite racing driver. to get the superlicense you've got to have been consistently competitive in junior series over several years, and it's not like F2 is full of jokers. WEC and Indicar have plenty of drivers who didn't get a fair shot at F1 but have shown they are top drivers in those series. The thing with Logan is you can see there is perhaps a driver in there. The perception I think is also distorted by the Stroll ownership of Aston, lance isn't a bad driver, but he's also nothing special in F1 terms, but his dad bought a tram just for him. Lance in other circumstances might have got to F1, but after hanging round a few seasons been papped put for next prospect+sponsor deal.
  11. Yeah, it's brutal. I mean, take Yuki tsnuoda, if it weren't for the strong arming of Honda he'd have been binned after 1 season (2 tops) despite the fact he's quick but now he's had the time he's showing there's a decent driver there.
  12. "Exclusive to radio Derby as the result of some valiant investigative journalism by the BBC radio Derby sport team,we can reveal that the ownership of David Clowes has allowed the return of sausages to the breakfast menu. Not only that, they're good ones, tasty, meaty and firm, not the horrible things you get in a Blackpool BnB." "Coming up later, which member of the radio Derby team has been asked to not eat all the sausages."
  13. Hello doms-ness my old friend, You've come to torture me again, Creeping whilst I was sleeping, Lactic acid ruined everything, And listen, To the sounds of, f**** sake all I did was stand up.....
  14. Because I miss GOATifi! That and I'm kinda sad that Logan just isn't going to make it, seems a good guy, driver that Williams brought through the junior series, an American driver to show the world...that Americans are only good at turning slightly left in a stone age version of a race car....
  15. The broadcasting isn't the exciting part, it's the live coverage of Dom trying out as a free agent signing to see us to the end of the season. Apparently Ed Dawes had his chance and the club have been steered away from signing Craig rammage as to controversial.
  16. "Now remember, we still don't have a spare chassis, so take care of the cars" "Sure thing boss. I still gotta drive fast to not be sacked though?" "Yes, that's your job Logan " "Hey Alex, watch this!"
  17. Erik Alonso got his tiktok house sold and has come back in for the club?
  18. I thought jasper carrot was funny when i was 12, i think that's about as close as I got.
  19. "The terms are based upon Paul staying at the club until every last poster on DCFCfans makes paul feel loved, even Dawnie and milleniumram."
  20. I get really fat in my 30s. Like really fat. Like struggling to tie shoes fat. Got COVID and it ruined me for months so decided to sort myself out. For me it was running, I got to the point I loved it, had run quite a few Half's and had just completed a marathon...and my knee started playing up. Never realised how much I would miss it. However I'm just starting to work back so I'm on the trying to get going again journey. You don't need a gym, you don't need equipment, all you need is the will to do it. (He said as he shovelled a KitKat into his gob)
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