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Ram a lamb a ding dong

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  1. Cheers
    Ram a lamb a ding dong got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Liam Rosenior   
    V good call indeed
  2. Clap
    Ram a lamb a ding dong got a reaction from jimtastic56 in The Administration Thread   
  3. Haha
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to IslandExile in The Administration Thread   
    This is the worst missed deadline of them all.
    Nobody even told us there was a deadline. They missed setting the deadline that they would subsequently go on to miss.
    What an oversight!
  4. Like
    Ram a lamb a ding dong got a reaction from Derby4Me in The Administration Thread   
    18 mins to go.......
  5. Haha
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
    Yeah,was 1PM Tennessee time.
  6. COYR
    Ram a lamb a ding dong got a reaction from David Graham Brown in The Administration Thread   
    6 mins
  7. Clap
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to scout's dad in Liam Rosenior   
    Sad to see him go, but as one door closes another opens - Curtis Davies assistant player/manager ?
  8. Clap
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to GenBr in Liam Rosenior   
    Good luck to him. Hope he does well there.
    Hopefully wont get too much grief from our fans for leaving. He's got to look after himself given the state of our club.
  9. COYR
    Ram a lamb a ding dong got a reaction from David Graham Brown in The Administration Thread   
    2 hours and 16 mins to go ......
  10. Clap
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to NottmRAM in The Administration Thread   
    I would interpret it that the EFL have no clue if CK'c money will arrive or not but they want a resolution quickly because they have a league to organise and Derby need to prove funding to complete the fixtures.
  11. Clap
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to Comrade 86 in The Administration Thread   
    Suspect CK has secured a line of credit in the UK and provided a guarantee against it. CK gets the club Monday / Tuesday, Fat Mike kicked into touch yet again. To my way of thinking, tyre-kickers generally don't settle £1.6 Million bills to maintain the ruse or simply for a 'bit of a larf', so if that particular rumour is true, as it appears most likely it is, then those accusing CK of lying about his transfer may well need some bacon to go with the copious amounts of egg on their face next week. If it's not true, then presumably Fat Mike will simply fire over £30 million early next and we'll all kneel at his altar in gratitude.
  12. Clap
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to Curtains in The Administration Thread   
    Just one more point .
    During this whole administration process the fans have been treated shabbily with no consideration from all areas 
  13. COYR
    Ram a lamb a ding dong got a reaction from jimtastic56 in IS IT TIME FOR ANOTHER MARCH?   
  14. Clap
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to w8sey in The Administration Thread   
    I'm genuinely supprised Rooney hasn't walked yet.  
    Hes put up with more than what most managers put up with in an entire career already. It's obvious he has ambitions of being a successful manager and at the moment he hasn't got the tools to enable him to do that. 
    For me Q shouldn't be paid for the "work" they have done up until this point. It's been a complete shambles. 
    Kirchner now has to be put on the Bamford list for me. 
    Let's hope one of the other interested parties can take over ASAP.
  15. Angry
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in The Administration Thread   
    This delay will likely cost us Rooney, Rosenior, a load of contract renewals and a load of transfer targets. We've gone from having a plan and a way forward to complete chaos with hardly any time to completely rebuild a squad ravaged by administration. Absolutely no chance we challenge next season. Back to the treading water (at best) and uncertainty we've had for the last two years.
    Everyone involved in this administration process, be it Quantuma, the EFL, Gibson, Morris, Kirchner etc has been utterly incompetent and the staff, players and fans are being treated with utter contempt by anyone in a position to do anything about it.
  16. Clap
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to Comrade 86 in The Administration Thread   
    I think the mental health piece is concerning. Coming off the Covid lockdowns straight into 2 years of sanctions and administration for the club, then we have the current cost of living and inflation crises and a war in Europe. That's enough to unsettle most folk I'd wager.  While wealthy men posture and manipulate, I wonder whether they ever consider the human cost attributable to their actions. I somehow doubt it. 
  17. Clap
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to RadioactiveWaste in Liam Rosenior   
    Good luck. One of the good guys caught up in this. Hope it works out for him.
  18. Clap
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to Millenniumram in Liam Rosenior   
    Can’t blame him for leaving this absolute shower. Good luck to him. He deserves a proper job.
  19. Sad
    Ram a lamb a ding dong got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
    Rooney next out the door
  20. Clap
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to Leeds Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Nursing a glass of wine whilst frantically refreshing twitter to see wtf is going on. Quantuma want chasing out of town for the lousy job they've done absolute jokers
  21. Haha
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to PistoldPete in The Administration Thread   
    You quoted some random person on twitter and came to the same wrong conclusion as the person making the tweet. Q has made it clear Morris has not changed the asking price for PPS, even the Daily Fail says the deal for PPS is all agreed and ready to go. The problem is that CK, who was the highest bidder, hasn't paid up. And Ashley isn't the next highest bidder either.  Ashley has deep pockets but also has short arms.
  22. Sad
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to RipleyRich in The Administration Thread   
    On another note, the Transfer Window opens today. I expect that rival Clubs will be trying it on with Quantuma.
  23. Clap
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to Ian Buxton's Bat in The Administration Thread   
    Nipped out for a couple of hours last night and came back to this latest shemozzle.
    But.......It looks like Ed Dawes was largely correct and not stirring, it looks like Nixon was semi-correct and that everything was in place/in the pipeline for the CK bid (but not moving fast enough)
    .....and, thankfully, it looks like we will be saved - by someone.
    Also, thankfully, most of the interested parties are hard-nosed business people who should not be put off by lies, threats, insinuations and insults by a few numpties in our fan base.
    That said, it would be nice if we could all rein in abuse so that no potential saviour walks away because of it.
    I think we've passed the point of being too choosy.
  24. Clap
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to hintonsboots in The Administration Thread   
    Nixon hoping it goes on until the weekend then he can tweet the dry your eyes Sunday girl lyric.
  25. Clap
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to G STAR RAM in The Administration Thread   
    I've kept quiet on this as thought best to see how things play out. 
    One thing a lot of people seem to be completely forgetting on this, is that contracts have been exchanged, conditional on the ground sale.
    Therefore, unless it is the ground sale that stops the transaction from progressing, CK is on the hook.
    Not sure why anyone thinks he would exchange contracts if he did not have the money to back it up.
    Out of interest, to anyone that has spent the day abusing CK, how will you now react to him if the purchase goes ahead?
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