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Posts posted by Tamworthram

  1. 1 hour ago, Mucker1884 said:

    That's a very good point.

    However, that was the agreement between customer and "The Club", at the time of the transaction.  The gullible amongst us could only imagine that the new owners would continue with whatever "The Club" has already agreed to, and/or sanctioned.

    If not... imagine this scenario:

    New owners take over on 20th Jan.
    Pride Park Stadium is fully opened to all fans on 28th Feb.
    New owners refuse to honour current 20/21 Season tickets purchased when Mel was still in charge, and expect everyone to purchase individual match tickets...

    Queue forms, to kick down the glass frontage... 

    I really don't think is remotely likely. You say gullible, I say realist. If it did, I suspect there would be some legal recourse. I'm no expert but I would have thought that if you have made a purchase from "the club" and "the club" then refuses or fails to honour the purchase you'd have legal rights possibly under section 75 of the consumer credit act (if you paid by credit card).

  2. 12 minutes ago, Keepyuppy said:

    I'm sure it wont be too long before next seasons Season Ticket promotion is in the planning, so I thought I'd just note a few issues down that will/might have an impact on how the club wish to launch/market/price them.

    1 What Division we are in

    2 Who our Manager is

    3 Will there be any Safe Standing Area's

    4 When/ if we are allowed back in to watch games

    5 What will our recruitment/squad strategy be

    6 Cost - Given that matches have been allowed to be purchased at £10 per game on rams tv, if that is to continue as an option, does that automatically price Season Tickets at £230 or what should the price point be for online viewing versus a proper attending Season Ticket versus the 'market fairness' in relation to other online tv viewing opportunities like IPTV etc

    I have no inside knowledge or particular opinion, I'm merely asking the question ?

    Maybe im jumping the gun somewhat 

    You are jumping the gun and, by and large, stating the obvious but, none the less issues the club will need to be wrestling with before too long.

    The one thing I think is definitely not on the agenda for next season is safe standing areas. I would say there is zero chance of that happening. I’m sure it’s slipped well down the agenda.


  3. On 31/12/2020 at 19:23, MickD said:

    Been a fan since his Sheff Utd days.  A true journeyman, never a big fee, many loans and free transfers. An honest footballer who has always given his best effort and been rewarded with a few titles and cups.

    Just need someone to feed off him now.

    Honestly have to say I don’t think I’d heard of him before he signed for us but, after the same doubts as many of us, I’m a big fan.

  4. 3 hours ago, Chester40 said:

    I choose to believe the latter (at least in regards to his nephew). But who knows. Brilliant series, I don't know many people who have watched it but I could talk about it all day.

    Regardless of what you believe, I think we can all agree the wheels of justice turn slowly and that he originally definitely served over a decade on the basis of the police basically deciding he seemed a guilty type of bloke. 

    Yep, the nephew’s case is an interesting and troubling one.

    On one side I find it hard to believe that such senior and experienced appeal judges could dismiss the serious flaws in his taped interview that was apparent from the footage we saw that makes me think there must be more damning material. On the other hand though, it’s pretty shocking that such a young person, with obvious learning difficulties and low IQ, was allowed to be interviewed under caution and provide a confession without a legal representative being present regardless of the fact that he declined one.

    And as for the material on the PC, who it belonged to and the fact that it was withheld, well where to start.

    Apologies for the spoilers for anyone intending to watch it. I shan’t give away how it ends.

  5. Just watched the latest series of Making a Murderer.

    Can’t make my mind up if the series illustrates how biased a “factual” Netflix documentary can be or how poor the US legal system can be at times. Probably a combination of both but mostly the former. If you take the case presented by Netflix as the whole balanced view of the evidence available then it’s incredulous how the appeal courts arrived at their decisions. I guess though that, quite rightly, the prosecution probably either refused to cooperate with the making of the series or were not invited.

  6. 42 minutes ago, DCFC1388 said:

    Was a fan of his signing at the start, exactly what we needed, a more mobile version of Martin.

    Can see why we were in for the likes of him, Davis, Zohore & Dursan.

    If we got someone in like Keinan Davis on loan from Villa in Jan who is a younger n faster version of CKR i'd be very happy

    He doesn't look his age so, I don't see the point of replacing him with a younger model on loan. Also, his touch and positioning compensates for any lack of pace (if he does lack any).

    By the way, judging by your user name, I think I know your PIN if you wouldn't mind lending me your card. ?

  7. 9 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:

    Please explain 

    Virgin Atlantic were taking an age to refund our flights (120 days plus) so I did a chargeback through my NatWest credit card and got the money back within three weeks of the claim. Also, I don’t think flights only are covered by ABTA so if you use a credit card you have added cover if the company goes bust.

  8. 5 hours ago, SouthStandDan said:

    Was considering going to Florida at the back end of next year. Any tips on the best way to book? Packages look the better option but I'm not sure.

    Might be stating the obvious, apologies, but depends on your budget and what you have in mind.

    We’ve been ten times and always book a private villa, flights (usually Virgin) and car hire (usually Alamo) separately (not fly drive).

    One thing this has taught me is always pay by credit card (which I do).

    I assume you’re aware of the hurricane season which is best avoided. My favourite time is May or June.

  9. Just now, Mostyn6 said:

    Anyone made plans yet?

    Thinking about it (especially as we've gone from going away at least twice a year to not getting away for three years by next summer for various reasons) but certainly won't be booking anything for quite a while. 

    Probably be four or five weeks in total - likely to be France and/or Italy. 

    Cambodia and Vietnam are on my bucket list but my wife doesn't fancy either so, may have to go on my own before I get too old ?

  10. They may have been mentioned previously but I have just finished The Young Pope and The New Pope.

    A bit odd to see Jude Law playing (a very annoying) American Pope and John Malkovitch (slightly less annoying) English Pope.

    Some entertaining moments and interesting storylines but I won’t be rushing back to watch them again.

  11. 57 minutes ago, Anag Ram said:

    Handball should be given when it hits the hand. Only given when the arm is deliberately used to prevent an advantage. 

    One yard line introduced along the six yard box. No one bar the keeper allowed within it at set pieces. Also used at penalties as keeper's limit of movement. 

    Any player falling to the floor clutching their face should leave the field for a concussion check. Safety and play acting device. 

    100% agree with the last one. In fact, if play has to be stopped for any sort of “injury” that player should be forced to go off. It annoys me no end when a player is lying on the ground as if he’s been shot to then refuse the need for a physio.

  12. 27 minutes ago, Chester40 said:

    Watched the first episode. @Tamworthramyou are correct to cite Gomorrah.  Definitely same ballpark.

    Hasn't initially gripped me in the same way, actors aren't so mesmerising, the characters so fascinating or the soundtrack so perfect...but its similar...! Awful lot of threads to the storyline so far, so I hope the pay-off is a less intense ride with a more satisfying conclusion. 

    Worth sticking with although it doesn’t hit the same heights as Gomorrah. Spadino quickly became my favourite.

  13. 16 minutes ago, Chester40 said:

    Gomorrah?? You have set the bar very high...in terms of recommendations you have just played your joker.

    I will watch based entirely on that... when I have finished 'Undercover'. Subtitled, undercover cop on trail of drug baron, very watchable. 

    Thanks. Might give it try. 

  14. Against my better judgement and out of boredom I've decided to slum it and watch a film starring the worst actor ever, that Elvis Presley impersonator wannabe - Nicolas Cage. 

    An old film: Wild at Heart.

    Possibly the worst film I have ever seen in terms of storyline, acting and directing (David Lynch).

    To describe it as Blackman/10 would be an insult to Nick Blackman. 

  15. On 18/09/2020 at 18:10, Ghost of Clough said:

    I think it isn’t included in the season ticket holder package, but you can still buy a match pass for RamsTV

    edit: I can confirm matchday passes are available through RamsTV. Just go to the usual page to buy the pass.




    ALL home league games are included in the season ticket package aren't they until we're able to return to games?

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