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Posts posted by RodleyRam

  1. 31 minutes ago, plymouthram said:

    I was referring to Dajaune Brown who is under contract until June 2026, so that suggests he's rated by someone at the club. But I think in my opinion sending out a talented youngster on loan to a lesser club is'nt going to make him improve. If anything they go backwards in their development due to being with an inferior club with no where near the same facilities as his parent club.

    If this is the case then why does every club in the football pyramid do it? We've benefited from some exceptional loans over the years who have come in, performed for us and then gone back to their parent clubs with greater experience, confidence and improved abilities.

    The fact that most of the players we've loaned out haven't gone and performed like this suggests more that they aren't great players rather than the concept of loaning out youngsters being a bad idea generally, which is what you seem to suggest. 

    Also there is benefit in youngsters going out, gaining some independence, testing themselves, building bonds with new team mates etc. If they seize the opportunity, absorb it and learn from it should all help them to mature and develop resilience beyond just getting minutes on the pitch.

  2. Anyone who's watched Derby play in the last 20 years will not be at all surprised by this result. Chance to put some breathing space between us and the chasing pack against a strong, disciplined side who we rarely beat.

    It had disappointing draw or worse a defeat written all over it.

    This result is by far from the disaster some are making out. I wish we looked more convincing at home though, it doesn't breathe confidence.

    I think 4-3-3 is the way to go though.

  3. It'll be close but I think we'll finish 4th, grind out the play off semis and lose in the final to a more dynamic Pompey.

    I'd have taken that at the start of the season as an improvement on last but I'll be super frustrated if that's how it ends as I think we have a huge opportunity for autos with the right approach.

  4. I've been thinking for a while that the football under Warne reminds me of the BD promotion season. Not what I would class as pleasing on the eye but mostly effective with some entertaining moments. It's not even remotely in the realms of Paul Jewell or Nigel Pearson for me. I don't think the negativity around Warne is justified but I do wish we set up to let our technical superiority shine through more than it does.

    For me the highest quality and most entertaining I've seen is as follows:

    1. Mac1

    2. Bald Eagle

    3. Uncle George

  5. Joining the party late on this thread and haven't read any posts, apologies if there's repetition. My view is that the central midfielders we have in the squad are strong for this level. However, playing just 2 is not enough to get control or play to their strengths.

    I think we should be looking at a 4-3-3 which I think would be better suited to our personnel right now and give us another body in the middle of the park to gain control. We could still have width through the front three and overlaps from the full backs.

    As it is we don't have numbers to play through the middle so our tactic of 'get it wide' is too predictable and easy to combat.

  6. 1 minute ago, therealhantsram said:

    That's an astonishing admission from Walsall. You don't hear coaches saying things like that very often.

    And what's even more astonishing is that when Hughes made his debut, he was clearly the most skillful player on the pitch.

    Could something miraculous have happened in that one year or is it genuinely so difficult to predict how a player will develop?

    I guess there's more to a youngster making their senior debut to just their skill level. Hughes wasn't physically strong, could have been very immature etc. at 15 and things can change quite quickly on those areas for a lad that age. 

    Guess it just goes to show how tricky it is to really know at that age, there's so many variables and changes yet to come.

    I used to play with a lad called Eddie Johnson who was one of the hottest prospects in the Man Utd academy at 15/16 and nailed on for stardom by all accounts. Don't think he ever played higher than League 1 kind of level and ended up in the US. So much of it is down to chance and circumstances.

  7. Cash has been getting better and better for me this season, just so composed, positionally much stronger and making better decisions. Distribution has also been excellent. Really good to hear his affection for the club, hopefully it means he will help to make sure we get maximum value from him when we sell. Maybe he'll be convinced to stay if we get promoted.

  8. I would say CH was the driving force behind the come back at Oxford and on a few other occasions come up with the goods when it counts.

    I think he's a decent, stable leader who has the respect of the group. He's solid. In League 1 that kind of consistency and staying power over long periods go a long way.

    Agree with others about the midfield balance, don't think it's dynamic enough, gives us enough control or gets the best out of Bird or Hourihane but we have been the form team in the division for a few months, so my opinion is highly questionable.

  9. 1 hour ago, RoyMac5 said:

    That first bit sounds like Warne speaks it. So why does so much of his play seem to depend solely on getting the ball wide - that's structured not chaotic? 

    I'd be interested to know from a heat map or touch analysis to confirm whether the 'we only play out wide' assessment of our play is correct.

    I would personally say from my observation that we have quite a mix of styles from slow build up and possession from deep, to more direct, quicker approach. I don't think this has always been appropriate to the in-game situation i.e. sometimes we're slow and cumbersome when we should be quicker and sometimes we need to put our foot on the ball and gain control but I don't think we  religiously stick to one style of play. I don't see us militantly smashing it down the channels and get crosses in game in game out but it's just an observation without statistical analysis. I've seen us pass it through there middle, play triangles and create some lovely openings with one touch and movement. We have also scored from crosses and going direct. I don't think Warneball is exclusively one thing... It's too reductive to say so.

    Perhaps one of our resident stat people could tell us where the ball is in our possession most.

    I'm also not sure I fully agree with @Ambitiousassessment that we are chaotic, last season I would agree. At times we look exposed in the middle of the park when we play 2 in the middle but I don't know if that's chaos or a result of those players physical deficiencies or a failure to press as collectively as we should. I think it would look less chaotic if we added another CM against the better sides but I also don't think slow control of possession is necessarily the answer. We succeeded at Oxford because we pressed and moved the ball quickly, which exploited gaps and never let them gain control of them ball. It's difficult to maintain that level of energy week in week out though, which is why I think we need to continue to be adaptable and seek to control and dominate games using different approaches.

  10. Not at all uncommon in lots of industries.

    You see a lot of first team coaches doing what LR and RB have for us. Steve Mac was always the most visible on the sidelines under TBE and Ferguson.

    Think Warne has even said as such in early interviews, definitely talks about a coaching team with him making the executive call where necessary. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    It is, but he’s signed a new boot deal to help with that, compliment his old school style, and further prove his growing legacy. He’s going to wear the same boots as the legendary Italian defender Franco Baresi;


    the marketing campaign is being drawn up now…. “Cash in the asics”….


    I dare say you have too much time on your hands @Caerphilly Ram 🤣

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