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  1. Sad
    TigerTedd reacted to tomsdubs in George Thorne   
    Announced his retirement yesterday on Instagram with a video of his best DCFC moments, felt bad for him he could have had a great career.
  2. Haha
    TigerTedd got a reaction from Gee SCREAMER !! in Leeds United Premier League Adventures   
    Bless them. They’ve got dance moves and everything. 
  3. Haha
    TigerTedd reacted to Day in Leeds United Premier League Adventures   
    ? Leeds, Leeds are falling apart again! ?
  4. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Day in Leeds United Premier League Adventures   
    And now you’re going to believe me, 
    And now you’re going to believe me,
    And now you’re going to belieeeeeve me
    The Leeds are going down!
  5. Haha
    TigerTedd got a reaction from maxjam in Star Wars   
    Can’t believe she’s 57, that’s insane. I definitely would. 
  6. Like
    TigerTedd got a reaction from AndyinLiverpool in Star Wars   
    Me and my wife still call her Chun Li. 
  7. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to SKRam in Live football thread.   
    Hodgson quoted as saying to Klopp ‘best team lost’ , top man ?
  8. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to AndyinLiverpool in Star Wars   
    Worth watching Agents ofShield just for her
  9. Haha
    TigerTedd reacted to AndyinLiverpool in Live football thread.   
    He should probably try to experience more of the world.
  10. Haha
    TigerTedd got a reaction from Rev in Harry Wilson   
    What I’d say to someone trying to steal my toilet. 
  11. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to RadioactiveWaste in Leeds United Premier League Adventures   
    The well known burn out of his teams is yet to take effect, lockdown saved them from it last season, but won't this.
  12. Cheers
    TigerTedd reacted to Carl Sagan in Starship and a Human city on Mars   
    The future is definitely "on-orbit manufacturing and assembly". What you need is the infrastructure to be able to use the raw materials available to us in space (so you're not carrying everything up from Earth's gravity well) and an automated industrial/manufacturing process. If Starship works it's big enough to be able to create this infrastructure, so in a way it might be the last big chemical rocket we need. 
    Lightweight shielding is currently required because everything needs to be as light as possible when you're carrying it up from Earth, so the Whipple Bumper is the current mainstay, using layers of aluminium foil that are surprisingly effective at slowing down projectiles such as micrometeorites. There's a list of shielding techniques at https://hvit.jsc.nasa.gov/shield-development/
    If you're building in space you don't necessarily have the same mass constraints if the final structure is to be stationary. But if you're moving it somewhere then the mass is still an important factor. So space stations would likely have more solid shielding whereas spaceships will be more lightweight to be able to whizz around.
    In the future I hope for giant spaceships built in space that criss-cross the solar system but never land anywhere, and then we have smaller vehicles to ascend from and descend to planetary bodies. Earth is the most massive body we'll probably want to land and take off from. Starship is designed to take off on its own from Mars (single stage to orbit) for the trip home, but requires the giant Super Heavy booster to be able to reach orbit from Earth. Also Starship's Raptor engines are a brand new type that use methane and oxygen for fuel, on the premise that you can manufacture both fairly easily on Mars or anywhere in the solar system for that matter. 
  13. Cheers
    TigerTedd got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Starship and a Human city on Mars   
    Am I right in thinking of you could build a ship in space and launch it from a space station / moon base, it wouldn’t need to be able to withstand any atmospheric pressure?
    but then how do space ships shield against little meteors and things? They must be hitting it like bullets all the time, but I imagine it has to be as light as possible, so doesn’t want to be covered in armour plating. 
  14. Like
    TigerTedd got a reaction from rynny in Star Wars   
    Maybe he’s improved a bit. And if he’s playing darth Vader all he really has to do is stand up straight and look menacing. 
    not to disrespect David Prowse, but it wasn’t the most difficult acting gig in the world. 
  15. Haha
    TigerTedd got a reaction from rynny in Star Wars   
    Where am I going to find time to watch all these?!
  16. Haha
    TigerTedd got a reaction from maxjam in Star Wars   
    Where am I going to find time to watch all these?!
  17. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Carl Sagan in Starship and a Human city on Mars   
    First flight was amazing. It all lasted just a little under 7 minutes.
    The first 4:45 is a vertical ascent, first on all 3 engines, then down to 2, and then a single 1. The engines cut off and the ship coasts upward a little longer and turns horizontal, preparing to "belly flop" back to Earth, falling with style, until it approaches the ground when it relights its engines and turns vertical again, ending with a controlled upright landing. Quite how any Humans onboard (and ultimately it's meant to hold 100 of us) cope with the changing orientation is yet to be seen.
    Well worth watching the full video. Including the dramatic finale!
  18. Like
    TigerTedd got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in Live football thread.   
    I’m torn, cos QPR have been in my top 3 for a while.  
  19. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Gaspode in Live football thread.   
    That’s why I have a top 27 ?
  20. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Carl Sagan in Starship and a Human city on Mars   
    Finally we're underway. The test flight will be in the next hour unless there's a problem. The flaps have been extended and fuelling has begun. Also, the NASA high-altitude tracking plane has taken off from Florida and is heading to Texas to monitor the flight, hoping the Starship doesn't explode before it reaches high altitude. It may well!
    The SpaceX feed still isn't live, but there's commentary on NASA Spaceflight. I'll see if I can get it to embed this time:
  21. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to r4derby in Star Wars   
    Ah but that’s the beauty of it, who is actually the ‘good guy’? Mando is a bounty hunter who has shown he will hunt anyone for a price, although his morals can get in the way.
    The rebels just get in the way. Not your traditional goodies. Mando is going to rely on people working outside of the law to help him achieve his good deed. Makes for a more compelling series. 
  22. Haha
    TigerTedd reacted to maxjam in Star Wars   
    Assembled my Razer Crest

  23. Like
    TigerTedd got a reaction from Spanish in Live football thread.   
    What’s so frustrating is that it’s so easily fixable. It’s what’s really putting me off football at the minute (that and Derby’s dire form).
    Put a tag in the back of every player’s shirt (they’re all se aired up already for post match analytics). 
    Then there’s none if this toenail, armpit offside nonsense. If the tag registers as offside, you’re offside. If you’re lucky enough to be in a position where your foot is a foot offside, but your tag is still inside, then that’s the rub of the green. 
    similar to goal line technology, you can have the linos flag buzz whenever someone is offside, then the lino can raise his flag, and the ref can decide when the ball was played, or if they’re interfering. So you don’t loose the human decision making element. 
    it’s really not that difficult. And I can’t believe no one at FIFA has worked it out. 
  24. Like
    TigerTedd got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in Live football thread.   
    They’ve got to hold up their end though and not get relegated to league 2. 
  25. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Carl Sagan in Starship and a Human city on Mars   
    The 15km test flight (the reason I finally got round to starting this thread) has actually been put back to "no earlier than Wednesday", and potentially a little further into December. That's with the 8th prototype, called SN8 (SN = serial number). But what's brilliant is the backlog of prototypes, each better than the last, which is building up on site. For example, here's the completed SN9 in the hangar (called the High Bay):
    Sometimes the improvements are incremental, sometimes they're a step change. The latest prototype being worked on is SN15, and Elon says this will be a major improvement on the previous versions. 
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