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Everything posted by Mucker1884

  1. The minority stumbling and cavorting around the pitch is ("Will be") an inconvenience to the majority. If you want to go on the pitch fine, but it's sad if you spoil the fun for the majority, and spoil the plans currently being mooted by the club as a whole, the players, the staff, the club hierarchy, and their families. By staying in the stands, you, me, and all of us will enjoy celebrating... together. 🐏 #Not holding my breath #Practicing my booing as we speak #save our Lap of Honour #etc
  2. This week, I am mostly eating... @Inverurie Ram's leftovers... Here's to a... Where... and we finish with a... 🐏
  3. We need to put an immediate stop to this. Like... RIGHT NOW!
  4. So good, they named him twice xxx
  5. Ebou, don't make us sad. Take a Rams shirt, and make us better. Remember to let us into your heart, Then you can start to make us better. Ebou, don't be afraid. You were made to go out and play for us. The minute you let us under your skin, Then you begin to make us better. Ebou, don't let us down. You have found us, now stay and grow with us. Remember to let us into your heart, With you as a Ram, we'll all feel better Better... Better... Better... Nah, Nah, Nah, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, Ebou.... EDIT: Feel free to double the original tempo, thus losing the ability to breath half way through, whilst simultaneously turning the lyrics to a garbled incoherent mess, but with the added bonus of finishing in time to get down to the concourse before the HT whistle goes. Out of sync clapping is optional. #The Derby way.
  6. If they do, just pop down the road and scratch off the first letter on all their Tram signs! 👀 #Don't vandalise kids. sorry... #Don't vandalise, kids
  7. We'll be back v.2 Away win 1-2 Collins
  8. I'd agree, but would add the caveat that should we get back to back promotions this season and next, I hereby reserve the right to rescind my stance! 👀
  9. Although I imagine that the club wouldn't admit this publicly, I strongly suspect that when citing Health and Safety, it's not "we" they are thinking about. The safety of two lots of players, two lots of club officials, and a gang of match officials, on the other hand... Not everyone on the pitch will behave like "an adult"! Sadly!
  10. Sad news. From my early teens and the very start of my Rams supporting career. A record signing if I recall. Brought some excitement to these young heartstrings, albeit maybe not as much as the initial anticipation. And a subsequent swap for Don Masson. So not perfect by any means... but still sad news. RIP sir, and thanks for at least helping me to get hooked. 🐏
  11. I honestly didn't know such a thing existed! Probably because past recipients are a tad embarrassed. 🤣 Still, no different to a silver at the olympics, I guess! 🤷‍♂️ From Google... Bolton with the trophy earned for a L1 second place/auto promotion to The Championship in 2017... https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/39682808
  12. Indeed... and a lot of us who would like to share the celebration with the players and club staff (And particularly a certain Mr Clowes, I'd imagine)... which usually comes in the form of a "Lap of honour"... which have been known to suffer a last minute cancellation in the past, due to too many (unauthorised) folk meandering about on the pitch! Whatever transpires, I strongly suspect that the old adage about not being able to please everyone will get a passing mention.
  13. A/ They also have a website, X Accounts, and access to media to advise BEFOREHAND, not to do it in the first place, and yet there are enough hints on the internet to suggest it's highly likely to be ignored. What makes you think their pleas would be heeded second time around, when emotions are running so much higher? 🤷‍♂️ B/ I never knew that, and stand corrected. 🍻
  14. That bold bit is where the problem lies, imo. I envisage the majority of the attendance (22k+) will scuttle off home having not had the chance to thank/congratulate/celebrate with the people that matter... players and staff. Shame really... but utterly not unexpected.
  15. Cod Almighty. Cloud 9. Heaven. or maybe The Codfather, son, and holy spirt!
  16. *Have ... said Daniel... probably never... but you get my drift! 👀
  17. 1. Go back and check out the words in bold. 2. Then go and say sorry to @Rev, for missing an absolutely cracking rifle-related pun. If you don't, you're gunner look a right pillock!
  18. I've just checked mine... laptop auto logged me in. There was nothing forcefully directing me to my account details (As there has been in the past, despite them already having my up to date details) but I clicked on the "My Account" tab anyway... (I think then a link to "Edit Profile)... where it immediately requested my Title, gender, and contact number. They were blank boxes, but are now showing as complete, so all good for me. It does however, appear to be a slightly different layout, so maybe they have updated the system at their end? Only guessing mind! 🤷‍♂️
  19. I renewed on day one... about an hour before receiving my personalised/specific renewal email. I've had two further ST reminder emails since, but are clearly generic, and not addressed specifically to me, so don't lay any money on such emails drying up!
  20. 1. Ain't nobody gonna be returning to their seats in time for a well spectated lap of honour. 2. Ain't nobody gonna be seeing any form of a trophy being lifted at Pride Park Stadium within the next 12 months at the very least... unless we get our hands back on the BCT next season!
  21. You need to re-read my username sonny... I'm a lot older than you think! 👀
  22. Ah, that'll be the time honoured tradition of a lap of honour by the players, staff (and their families), to the delight of all sides and corners of the stadium then. Couldn't agree more. Well said. 👍
  23. Must admit @angieram, that took be by complete surprise... particularly the entire last line. Drinking to excess and snorting coke is apparently becoming a tradition at away matches for some, and also apparently leads to all sorts of boisterous behavior that some would quite likely describe as "Football fun". I have to admit, this is based on what I've read, not witnessed. It's been "a tradition" for eons, for Forest fans to lob liquid waste and/or coinage of the realm from the upper tier to the away fans below. Knowing this tradition, should the latter just stay away, or at the very least, stay back under the upper tier, where they are somewhat sheltered? The fact remains, DCFC, football clubs in general, and the laws of this country dictate that pitch invasions by fans should not be tolerated, let alone be seen as football fun and consequently applauded. So much so, DCFC have aired this, ahead of these final two matches... As an aside, I'd be interested to hear what the likes of our very own Martin Taylor would have to say on that last line. And many more players besides, of course. EDIT: Apologies, this was written/posted before seeing your latest response in this thread, which admittedly was considerably less surprising to me. 🍻
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