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Posts posted by MadAmster

  1. 17 hours ago, Wignall12 said:

    Face?  ......

    Bovvered  ?    How do we know he was even a consideration ?   Perhaps he didn't fit the attitude criteria in maybe we were not even looking in that direction.   Cue all the doom and gloom merchants a forum botherers 

    It's a transfer rumour thread on a football forum. We have been rumoured to have been interested in the lad. he's gone elsewhere. Merely reporting that fact. 

  2. 5 hours ago, DiggerB said:

    Fair. What about his behaviour and remarks at Wrexham in the FA Cup? All because a non-league team and their supporters got a bit excited about their progressive to the latter stages. 


    Didn't see or hear those comments so I can't comment.

  3. 1 hour ago, Eoghan1884 said:

    Football insider writer Rodrick Stevenson reckons were pushing to sign Darnell Fisher and if we don’t succeed Dabo is second choice 

    Fisher was rumoured on FLW, 72 etc in January and Warne said  NO!

  4. 26 minutes ago, The Last Post said:

    It has no more substance than me telling you that I saw Bury beat Derby 6-0 in the FA Cup Final in 1903.

    The Telegraph pick up stories from yesterdays chip wrapper

    "Derby County are reportedly interested in signing Fankaty Dabo on a free transfer following his release by Coventry City"

    It's just something to fill the back pages with 🙄

    If only it was only a back page filler.... every time someone clicks on the link it generates advertising revenue for the DT.

    Apparently the player's full monicker is... Sheikh Mohammed Fankaty Dabo.

  5. 2 hours ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    Where does unsubstantiated, made up, not ITK, attention-seeking 💩 go? 

    Why, in this very thread Jimbo. It's for "those spotted in "B&Q" buying patio furniture. Any road up, FLW etc never say it's rumour so their crap should not be posted in a rumour thread 😉

  6. 3 hours ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    I thought this was the thread for that type of thing? Rumours from those sorts of sites/Twitter accounts/punters down Ben Osborn’s pub/my mate knows Warne’s milkman? The type of thing that is lacking the sort of credibility that would be placed in the actual transfer forum but might be worth a discussion to pass the time of silly season until anything more credible happens.  

    From "Twitter accounts" onwards (unless it's the FLW etc Twitter) I'm with you. I just hate those making money out of crap stories based on nothing much at all. They should be banned. All very reminiscent of Trump's "alternative facts". Shouldn't be allowed.

  7. Circumstances. Nobody seems to have taken that into account. We still have business plan with some limits we have to stick to. We may pay "moderate" transfer/loan fees. What we fans don't know is what moderate, in this case, actually means.

    I fully expect there will be a wage cap in there as well but will that be per person or the total wage bill.

    Is there a total spend clause in there? Last season it was £8M.

    Many clubs have, in the past, shown there are no must keep players. If the offer is right, selling your star man isn't necessarily a bad thing. Use the money wisely to bring in 3 or 4 good players resulting in a better team often works out well.

    Ergo, there are no must keep players in any squad.

    Of what we now have, I'd go for Wildsmith, Cashin, Smith, Bird, Knight, Sibs as  prefer to keep. Foz has been given a new contract so that's a no brainer.

    Barks and NML prefer to be wingers, not wing backs. I'd let Barks go, retain NML as a 10.

    Rooney can become a good player and it seems PW thinks so too so he'll stay.

    The rest don't excite me. Hourihane looks in decline and the rest are 2 a penny.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    What are genuine rumours 🤔

    I'd take that to be rumours heard that haven't been gained by reading the Jackanory like articles posted by FLW, 72 and similar so-called "news" outlets. IMO they know nothing but pump out the same old rubbish under enticing headlines in order to gain clicks to generate advertising revenue.

  9. 2 hours ago, Ambitious said:

    We will see - but I do concede that there is a marked difference between Rooney (and probably Rosenior) and Warne. Not to say Warne isn't a manager held in high esteem, because he is (relatively), but I made a comment on Haydon Roberts that the club, all things being equal financially, probably could've and should've won that signing.

    It's still very early days so let's see how it plays out - it will be important for Clowes to see how the people he's hired are selling the club. It's all a learning experience for him at the moment. If we aren't able to compete and it's not financial and for no good reason then it's something we need to look into - the standards of the club will continue to be raised (I'm sure) as we come out of this grace period from nearly going extinct.

    We'd all like to think that but you've got to look at it from the player's point of view. At what level does a player want to play? In the case of Roberts he might be looking at SBC or lower half PL, we don't know. However, as @Kokosnuss posted earlier in this thread, Warne has said QUOTE   "let's just see what league we're in"   UNQUOTE which may well suggest that he knew he wouldn't sign if we stayed down, so possibly we haven't offered him a deal in the knowledge there'd be little point in doing so. 

    It may well be that we only had a chance of signing the lad if he got no offers from SBC clubs. So many imponderables we fans don't know so making an informed decision becomes rather difficult. 

  10. 53 minutes ago, Papahet said:

    January shown that Warne hasn't got the contacts to pull a rabbit out the hat..

    Not allowed to pay transfer/loan fees. Wages cap. Outspoken meaning that he only wants players who fit both his requirements of a footballer and also his requirements of a man. Quite obviously, he didn't find players who cost zero, had modest wage demands, that played in the way he wants and were also of the right character.

    This window, he may pay modest loan/transfer fees. My guess, and it's no more than that, is that we won't pay above £500K for a player. Wages could be slightly less modest than last years but still not extravagant. The way he works, the things he wants, they make it harder  for him to get a deal over the line. Partly because of his demands on the player/person and partly on the limitations we still have on transfers/wages.

    To those that think we might not have the pulling power anymore.... gates averaging over 27K will interest 99% of  players. The facilities at Moor Farm will have L1 level players salivating. IMO. We have the pulling power

  11. Let's face it, the online, so-called "news" outlets are, IMO, simply putting stories out on a daily or more frequent basis to get clicks to generate advertising revenue. Warne made a list of targets. The list including 2nd/3rd choices as well. That list went to the recruitment team and they are working on it. I very much doubt that the DT, FLW, realefl, the72 and others have seen who is, or isn't, on the list so everything they publish is mere speculation. I don't open their articles and therefore don't help their revenue stream.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Rampant said:

    Has anybody else had a problem cancelling RamsTV? 

    I can't log in to cancel it myself and I have sent emails to the correct address and have had no reply. They already owe me one month's payment after taking May's (I initially contacted them in April well ahead of the next due date) and I have not had any reply to my follow up emails.

    As well as being frustrating from my point of view, it also reflects poorly on the club as a whole when correspondence goes ignored. 

    My third email has been sent today but it's like battering your head against a wall. 

    Unprofessional and shoddy from Derby County.

    If you emailed derbytvsupport@streamamg.com then you have the correct address.


    Some might suggest you should take account of it being the closed season 😉   ... but that would be tongue in cheek.

  13. Pre season always used to be 6 weeks of hell. That would put us starting on Monday June 26th with a day of being weighed, measured, taking vitals like BP, heart rate etc and the hard work to begin on the Tuesday. I know that's before the July 1st date incoming players would be starting their contracts but those already with us shouldn't be affected. I also think other clubs wouldn't complain if a player they have let go but are still paying his wages to starts training with his new club 4 or 5 days early...

  14. On 03/06/2023 at 10:48, IlsonDerby said:

    He doesn’t own us though personally does he? His business owns us and his business makes 10s of millions in profit per year so his personal wealth won’t be impacted by this surely? 

    The pressures come from making sure it doesn’t consume his successful business his dad built up to protect that and all of his employees in that business I’d imagine. 

    Yes, he owns the company that owns DCFC. No way is he going to endanger the future of Clowes Developments.

    The business plan we had last year, budgeted on average gates of 17K. we got over 27K. At 20 notes a go that's almost £6M. The plan also had total spending limits, wage caps etc. We underspent on that, so that's more cash in the DCFC bank. Financially the club is currently sound. This season sees us have a little more freedom than last. We may pay modest transfer/loan fees. The wage cap has, I believe been increased. However, there is a revised business plan to which the EFL has agreed. That includes the budget limits for this coming season. We will, again, keep within those limits.

    In the post to which you referred I had mentioned his reported "worth" of £250M. That will have included Clowes Development, which he owns. 


  15. On 02/06/2023 at 15:54, Andicis said:

    That's the plan, for us to be self sufficient and competitive we will need investment to get there. It's fairly unlikely he will invest no money in the club. You're drawing your own conclusions here.

    As are you...

    I heard what he said to me and how it was said. Before retiring from teaching I also had a training company giving Communications, Business English and IT technical courses at companies. Yes, it's my conclusion on what was said and how it was said but that is one of my areas of expertise.

  16. 29 minutes ago, IlsonDerby said:

    You heard this from a reliable source? 
    I’d heard he was happy to fund us to X amount per season if needed.

    If you count RamsTV interviews with David Clowes as reliable, then, yes. Plus something he said to me in the Directors Lounge (actually, we were in the doorway) at Forest Green. The plan is for the club to be self sufficient, paying its own way. Remember, when it was first mooted that he would buy the club to save it, he was said to be worth £250M. Buying DCFC and PP cost him £50M. Most of what he had left will be in non-liquid assets rather than ready cash. He also said, when there was talk of him buying that his Dad had told him NOT to buy the club. DC is a canny man and won't be imposing further on his "worth" than he already has done.

  17. 2 hours ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

    Alternatively, 16 hours travel time one way (having travelled to Heathrow for the pleasure), probably not direct, to play a qualifier against Belize or some such. Sod that.

    You're obviously not a player at the end of his career being offered the chance of international football. Their next 4 games are against Mexico, Trinidad & Tobago, Cuba and Canada. The 5th will be against the winner of a qualifying match... Who'd turn down Mexico as your debut international game at the end of a career (except for your good self...)?

  18. 5 minutes ago, Oldben said:

    I agree with most of that. 

    The only question I have is, does dcfc get anything from the sale. I assume all money raised from the sale goes directly to Arsenal and that even then his sale will not be enough to completely pay of, the arsenal that the club owes.

    we get a sum of money from him and in a year he'd probably go for free. 


    It's all guesswork ben. We don't know how much owe still owe on him. In the past 6 months I've see folk posting figures between £1.5M and £6M. Let him go now and get either a transfer fee or a loan fee, which, if I understand how this works, will go to Arsenal to either reduce or pay off what we owe them. It will also free up his £20K a week wages which should be enough to pay 2 or 3 decent players' wages.

    Sell/loan now. Pay off / reduce the Arsenal debt and free up his wages. Makes perfect sense... not the Derby way though is it? 😉

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