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Posts posted by MadAmster

  1. Once you've got them a fan ID, you can mark them as family/close friends. That then allows you to purchase multiple tickets in one go. I have my wife, 2 sons, bro in law and a friend and I can log in and purchase tickets for everybody in one go. If any of them fall into kids or wrinklies age ranges you can select the necessary ticket. 

    Ball ache first time round but once you've done it and marked them as friends/relatives it's really easy to get tickets for them. Also easier to get seated together.

  2. 2 hours ago, I DONT MIND said:

    Going from 1967 onwards:

    1. DAVID NISH (Criminal he only had 5 England Caps, but obviously his injuries played a big factor).

    2. Micky Forsyth (Underrated by most 325 appearances with half of them in the top flight.)

    3. John Robson (Would have been a fixture for years if we had not brought in Nish)

    4. Chris Powell ( Good player and a great guy)

    5. Craig Forsyth (Like namesake Micky you don't really miss him until he is not there)

    6. Steve Buckley (One of the Trench crew that brought us back from the brink in 84, local lad too and his dog is written in Derby Folklore!!)

    Thanks for saving me typing time. I'd go along with that selection.

  3. On 21/07/2023 at 09:45, sage said:

    I didn't say Cashin, but Bird and Sibley were given contracts in different times and there may not be much room between their current wage and the cap. 


    IIRC Bird was on 8K and Sibs around 6K. 12K max last season so there's wiggle room there. More so if, if I'm correct and the max is up on last year's.

  4. 23 hours ago, sage said:

    Was it 12k? Not sure we ever saw it in writing. Hourihane was paid 10k I heard and was the highest paid on the new players. 

    I'm not sure that has increased just we can now pay modest fees.

    I still don't get your comment on not being able to offer Sibs, Cash and Bird new deals on higher money than they are currently on. Why can't we offer them a new contract within the wage cap on more than they are currently on?

  5. 6 minutes ago, sage said:

    Oh I think we should extend their contracts but we won't be allowed to give them a pay increase this year.

    They are on a figure below last season's wages cap limit (£12K?)and I believe that figure has been raised this season but I don't know the new figure. Surely, we can extend contracts within the bounds of the cap which would mean we can give the 3 a raise? Seems logical but, there again, we are talking EFL 😉

  6. On 24/06/2023 at 03:04, Millenniumram said:

    At the risk of sounding like Mel Morris… money.

    McGoldrick was absolutely outstanding last season, ridiculously too good for this league. He was the key component of our attack, and integral to the way we played going forward. Without him, you really do struggle to see us scoring goals - and quality like him is rare out there. To lose him was a devastating blow.

    However, we must remember that our transfer embargo has now been lifted, and we can finally spend fees again. Think it’s been so long that it’s difficult for Derby fans to realise how big a difference that makes, being allowed to operate normally. We should have a big budget this season for this league, following the sales of Knight and Bielik. In almost all of our positions of need, you should be able to find sufficient quality to win promotion in free agents / loans. So I really would direct as much of our funds as required towards a McGoldrick replacement.

    Even if it means spending a fee barely heard of at this level, it is critical that we secure that top quality star up front to lead our attack - the cost will pale in comparison to promotion, which we won’t achieve if we f*** this up. It really is the most important signing we will make, so the recruitment team must get it right. It won’t be easy though.

    Lifted to an extent as we may pay "moderate" fees. What is a moderate fee? I'd guess at around £500K max in L1. That rules Clarke-Harris or any other goal machine well out of the picture. As I've posted before, we should have a tidy sum in the bank from last season. The budget was based on gates of 17K and we underspent on that budget. Average gates were 10259 above budget. At 20 notes a pop that's around £6M we should also have. Then there's the £3M from the Knight and Bielik sales plus the Season Ticket money. We have plenty in the bank but can't splash the cash till next summer and even then we won't spend anything we haven't got. As long as DC owns us we will remain within budget. Fans have to forget multi million pound buys for a good few years, IMO.

  7. 10 hours ago, sage said:

    Only one so far is Rooney.

    Bird and Sibley are probably our highest earners now along with Hourihane, so I can't see them getting much more. Cashin is the one likely to get a big increase. 


    All 3 are in the last year of their contracts. Get on 3 years now and, if PW decides to sell now, or in a year's time, any fee would be higher than with 1 year (or zero years) left.

  8. 15 hours ago, Bris Vegas said:

    A better manager like Neil Warnock would have easily gotten us promoted that season.

    With Waggy and Jack both not fit to start and good for 20 to 30 minutes each, according to the medical staff, I don't think Colin W or Fergie or even Old Big 'Ead could have won that Wembley game. Just my opinion based on the facts and that doesn't make it right but I think Lamps got it right and a late 1st half blunder by Roos blew the game plan out of the water.

  9. Took my two to the BBG just before it was demolished. A mere shadow of its former self. I've done the PP tour several times. Once a paid tour with the wife and kids. The other times, once when over for a game with a dozen blokes from my village and, as foreign visitors, we got a freebie. The other ones were when I brought UEFA B students over for a week's practical  at Moor Farm.

    I was fortunate enough to have Sid as guide on each tour. On one tour he said to me "You've done this so often, if I get tired, you can take over". Grand bloke, greatly missed.

    I'd recommend the tour to anyone.

  10. 14 hours ago, Rev said:

    The budget has to be whatever DC sets. 

    If he can't stretch to releasing more money from his own pocket, so be it, it needs no explanation.

    I think some people are under the impression we can spend whatever we bring in through transfers, and add it to a pot that already exists.

    Probably not the case, no matter how constrained our business was last season, and how much extra income we've achieved through season tickets, the great attendance figures last season, and the like, I'll bet we still lost money in League One. 

    This is the reality that MM left us with.

    We probably have a healthy bank balance. We underspent last season's budget that was based on average gates of 17K. Whatever the underspend was, we have that. We also got income from the 10,259 extra folk through the gate each game, over and above the budget. At 20 notes a pop (average) that's around £6M which we also should still have. We're not spending it on £3M for a Clarke-Harris or similar as that probably wouldn't be viewed as a "moderate" fee. It's not rocket science.

  11. 6 hours ago, sage said:

    These are artificial constraints and are a punishment still. I agree we need to be sustainable and not splash silly wages and fees, but spending £1.5m on a 24 yr old on 8k a week is more sustainable than buying three 31 year olds for £500k each on 10k a week. Especially if we have raised money through sales and sold 21k season tickets. 

    Imagine if we had unearthed another Bellingham and sold him for £30m and could only spend £500k.  

    You can thank Mel for that. All clubs exiting Admin are put under restrictions for the first 2 years, having to keep to an agreed business plan. This is our 2nd year. It's not that often that clubs get the type of reduction we have had this season. Those were the rules when Mel put us into Admin. Those are still the rules today. You're right when you say it's a punishment. One we were aware of the second Mel put us into Admin. 

    Just be glad we are allowed to pay "moderate fees" and the wage cap has been increased.

  12. 4 hours ago, sage said:

    So we have a budget that we can't spend?

    That's the size of it, as I read the situation. We could buy half a dozen players at 500K each but we can't pay the same £3M out for ONE player. 500k is my guess at what would be seen as a "moderate fee" in L1. The upshot of last season, plus this season, is that we are going to have a very healthy bank balance next summer. Next season we will be allowed to spend. However, David Clowes is adamant that DCFC is going to be a sustainable entity from here on in. There will be no 5 million pound+ signings. That's not the plan. The plan is to utilise what we have and no more than that. DC and PW are intent on building a TEAM and expensive signings on huge wages can be detrimental to a TEAM.

    @Collo_DCFC11 Clarke-Harris hasn't been on the club's radar at all. Posh said they want £5M for him. Not going to happen. The £2M to £3M you mention might. Having said that, it won't be DCFC paying that money. The club is only allowed to spend moderate fees. In these times £3M, or even £2M, can't be viewed as moderate in L1


  13. On 16/07/2023 at 23:25, i-Ram said:

    Everything clicked last year? Perhaps if McGoldrick had been available during Rosenior’s tenure we would have got to the playoffs

    1971/72 would be my go. Suspect we only used 15 players that season. Of course that was before ACLs and metatarsals were a thing.

    14 players used in 71/72. Metatarsals weren't a thing because players wore proper boots rather than carpet slippers which offer no protection whatsoever. ACL? IIRC it was exactly that injury that ended Brian Clough's playing career.

  14. 1 hour ago, Carnero said:

    It's the 18th July and the transfer window closes 1st September, there's plenty of time to spend £ on the right forward when they become available.

    As a L1 club, if it is players from higher up that we want, such as Ladapo & Godden, then unfortunately we have to sit and wait for Ipswich & Coventry to conclude their own transfer business first.

    Patience Daniel san.

    Spot on. Keepers, defenders, midfielders etc are all there to be had. Strikers are at a premium. It's not the money that's the obstacle. We have that. We didn't overspend last season's budget so we have that money. We have the money from selling Bielik and JK. We have the money from the 27k+ gates we had last season when the budget was based on 17k. At 20 notes a pop that's getting on for £6M. 

    The one striker we got in thus far is still recovering from an op he had at the back end of last season. Look across the EFL. How many strikers have changed club this summer, so far? Not many. We are hampered, not by lack of money but by the "moderate fee" we are allowed to pay. My guess is 500k max. We are also hampered, as you rightly say, by clubs unwilling to sell strikers they want to replace until they have the replacement in place. That last situation is also hampering the clubs we want to take strikers off.

    I said at the start of the window we'd probably not get a striker in until mid August. The one we got is recovering from an op.

    We also have another hindrance. PW's wish list for a player. That includes how good he is at the job, how well he runs himself into the ground and whether he is the right kind of character PW wants around the place. It is a hindrance but one I'm happy to have. 

  15. 1 hour ago, Old Spalding Ram said:

    The good old half turn left and right “doggies”!

    Word at the time ( many years ago) was that the best exponent of this pre season lung buster was no other than a certain Derek Hales!

    …………………….no further comment required. 😃

    Derek Hales. The first in a long line of strikers DCFC have bought and then played them out of position and/or not to their strengths. 

  16. The way it looks, Collo will get many more chances this season than last, provided he's in the box to take them. The odd run out wide to create space for oncoming midfielders is a good tactic but he did it way too often IMO. Stay central and the chances, and hopefully the goals, will come.

  17. According to their site, it was Barnsley that informed the EFL of whatever Conway and Lee did that was against regulations. Under those circumstances, I would think the club will get no fine, no points deducted, maybe "please be more careful in future" warning.


    Taken from Barnsleyfc.co.uk

    The charges announced by the EFL today are the result of an investigation initiated by the club following an internal review into the shareholdings of former directors Paul Conway and Chien Lee.

    After bringing the issue to the attention of the EFL, the club has fully cooperated with the investigation at every stage and will continue to do so, as appropriate.

    The steps taken by the club to instigate and then ensure a thorough investigation into the issue underline Barnsley FC's commitment to compliance with the EFL's regulations.

    The club will await the EFL's sanctioning decision and will comment further in due course.

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