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Posts posted by Maharan

  1. 1 hour ago, Rampant said:

    It would be a decent touch - and a thank you to the club for sticking by him - if he agrees to stay and, when possible, sign a 12 month extension to increase the fee we get in the summer or next January.

    He’s not going to sign for the amount of money he could be offered by Derby. And I wouldn’t blame him one little bit. 

  2. 8 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

    I must say the football creditor rule needs getting rid off it’s just so unfair on everyone else who is owed money and it would make football clubs be a lot more careful as well 

    That would create huge problems for transfer business surely? Everyone would want paying up front. 

  3. 11 minutes ago, Eddie said:

    Not really.

    At the moment, you get like Millwall and the Gumps are doing (and what Wigan did, but I don't blame them one bit because we shafted them in the past in the same way) - trying it on, offering a handful of rice to a starving man.

    If we go out of business, then all player registrations revert back to the EFL and any players picked up by other clubs from that source will have prices set by some tribunal or other. Now in theory, you would expect that money to be passed on, via the Receiver, to the creditors. In addition, there is no wage bill from that point onwards.

    In practice, I expect Middlesbrough and Wycombe to register some sort of claim with the EFL at that stage - at which point, the whole thing will explode in their faces as the creditors take them, and the EFL to court, win and the two clubs themselves and the EFL are hounded out of business on the back of a groundswell of public opinion.*

    *ok, that last paragraph might be a little fanciful, but I wouldn't put it past them.


    Ah, you were doing so well too! 

  4. 42 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

    He’s not like Anya he’s playing and contributing - if he moves on in the summer that’s his choice and that’s the same for all but 8 players I think - the players are enjoying this season and yes money comes into it but if we survive as a club some might just want to stay whatever league we are in.

    It’s a tricky one for players. Do they take long term security, or hang on until the end of their contract. An injury between now and the end of the season would be catastrophic for their future earnings 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Bobby said:

    I see we are linked with Tom Lawrence today, can’t believe it’s true as he’s massively earning more than our maximum which is reported to be about 10K a week.

    Depends on what he’s willing to accept I suppose. 10k for a longer term contract might be acceptable to him 

  6. 19 minutes ago, jimtastic56 said:

    So now we are waiting for a last minute “Angel” loan to appear. The problem is-it more debt that has to be paid back with interest. I know we always tend to over-rate our own players but are you telling me Bird, Knight and Sibley are not worth £3 million each?

    Exactly. It’s just more debt that’s being accrued. 

  7. 5 hours ago, Eddie said:

    I think they are realising that unless some serious money comes in, we're finished. Selling our prized assets for a pittance doesn't cut it anywhere near enough.

    Surely something is better than nothing! If it all goes pear shaped the creditors get nothing (or at least very little) from player fees. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    Two things from that open letter:

    1) It’s similar in tone to the statements Mel put out when we were charged over the stadium sale. We lapped those up so we shouldn’t be surprised that Boro fans are doing the same.

    2) I, for one, would actually like confirmation if we’ve agreed a deal with HMRC. If we haven’t then we’ve been disingenuous in putting the sole blame on Boro and Wycombe.

    Could not agree with you more 

  9. 2 minutes ago, duncanjwitham said:

    I’m worried we’re already past that point, and we’re on the risk of being kicked out anyway for not paying football creditors 100%.

    I agree that we might be beyond that point, but I’d have thought a points deduction would be the outcome rather than expulsion. 

  10. 1 minute ago, Hanny said:

    Interesting take.

    I suppose I read that statement as reference to the two claims. As EFL is (rightly) stating any one can bid/buy Derby right now. Of course that means accepting the two claims (which are not clear what they are). That would be bad business to buy without clarity. Which is Where I believe the stalemate stems from. It's like walking up to a house for sale, and having the sellers say: I'm not stopping you from buying our house...but you can't go inside and look at it, you cant inspect it/etc. Just finish the paperwork/pay us, and we will hand you the keys...nobody is buying that house. ?‍♂️

    Yeah, I get what you’re saying, but to me it reads like coming out of admin might have to be via a restructuring rather than a CVA. That might incur another points deduction 

  11. Just now, RadioactiveWaste said:

    Yes, I thought that, along with the talk earlier in the week of restructuring (the cross-class-cram-down) it's a very real possibility that none of the bids meet all the obligations for an EFL approved CVA exit from administration.

    It might be AA and Ashley bids meet absolutely minimum for a CVA with their proposals to MSD and HMRC, but 100% will not entertain ww&boro payoffs.


    Yeah, I kind of feel like that. Restructuring might be the only way forward 

  12. One interesting point from the administration update which seems to have been overtaken by the shitstorm of updates;

    ‘The uncertainty around the possibility of further sanctions from the EFL in the event the chosen bid does not deliver the financial compensation to pass the EFL rules around payment to both football creditors and other creditors.’ 

    I wonder if that’s a general statement because none of the bids meet the minimum thresholds to comply with EFL rules?

  13. 7 minutes ago, duncanjwitham said:

    Honestly, his entire testimony and evidence is an absolute horror-show from the EFL's point of view.  With their valuer massively overstating his own experience, making basic mistakes (confusing cost-per-seat with cost-per-square-meter at one stage), refusing to show where he got values from, deliberately hiding evidence that disagreed with his position, and more.  Anybody that has any doubts about why we won the stadium value charge needs to read that entire section.

    It definitely makes for interesting reading. Cheers for sharing the link earlier 

  14. Just now, Indy said:

    Others will put me right - but I don’t think so. I think it was based on replacement cost worked out on cost per seat using a figure appropriate for a second division club with reasonable prem aspirations. So not as expensive per seat as Emirates, but not as cheap as Chesterfield, for example. 

    The EFL came armed with figures based on Morecambe’s ground and were laughed out of court. 

    Okay, cheers. I wasn’t sure. 

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