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England v Ukraine


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I'm not the only one to find Spain boring to watch at times then. Its like watching a never ending tennis rally at times and you just want them to hit the winner and put you out of your misery.

I think people confuse Spain with Barcelona. I could watch Barca all day because they have far more cutting edge with Messi. They go for the jugula of teams a lot more efficiently. Spain on the other hand are disappearing up their own arses playing without a striker. It's as if Del Bosque is saying they're that good they don't need one, I'd rather play with an out of form striker than none. They have to play 400 passes across the 18 yeard line because there's no penatration.

I'd do the same. But for once, I think an England manager may know what he is actually doing Re. Milner. I'm convinced my small brain must be missing something and Milner is actually providing a function. Young, on the other hand, I fail to see any contribution...

Milner provides the function of sprinting up and down the right touchline, nothing more lol

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Quelle suprise: [url=

After last night’s match #GLT is no longer an alternative but a necessity.

— Joseph S Blatter (@SeppBlatter)

June 20, 2012
president Sepp Blatter on Twitter, regarding goal-line technology (GLT): "After last night's match ‪GLT‬ is no longer an alternative but a necessity."

Didn't say that when England were knocked out by Germany in a far bigger game. C**t.

Edit- And it was f***ing offside! Why are we lucky?

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Sort out that linesman first, terrible performance. The fact he missed the ball going over the line is testament to just how poor he was. Like I say before, in the space of a few minutes he made 2 very poor decisions that could've cost England if they scored the first one, or the second one given.

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There is no one in this tournament who are outstanding, everyone can be beaten including us. What roy is doing is making the best of what he has and he has done that for years and made a career out of it. Iam glad we finally have a manager who can work with his hand, he has made us solid, compact and difficult to beat. Everyone is moaning about young but he put in a couple of good balls and is getting better, he also tracked back a lot last night and when he is on form can be a spark. I really hope spain get knocked out, they are playing with no striker and have a back 4 which can be got at. I would have rather played spain than Italy, I think we could beat spain and they would be easier than Italy. Anyway let's bring on the quater finals.

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Quelle suprise: [url=

president Sepp Blatter on Twitter, regarding goal-line technology (GLT): "After last night's match ‪GLT‬ is no longer an alternative but a necessity."

Didn't say that when England were knocked out by Germany in a far bigger game. C**t.

Edit- And it was f***ing offside! Why are we lucky?

Sat in my mates lounge last night I said the f**kwit would come out with this. I'm surprised it won't be in place by Sunday. F**king silly old c**t!!!

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Blatter hates England. He has presided over corruption and bribery on an industrila scale yet preaches from his ivory tower to the footballing world.

To come over all Keeganesqe, (Kevin, not Michelle you filthy pigdogs) I would love it, just love it, to see his screwed up, sour lemon, prussian, mardarse, punchable little face if he has to present the Euro trophy to Steve Gerrard.......In fact, i may just have suffered a little seepage at the thought of it.....

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Sat in my mates lounge last night I said the f**kwit would come out with this. I'm surprised it won't be in place by Sunday. F**king silly old c**t!!!

I'll be surprised if he doesn't want it implemented retroactively.

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Drop Milner. He doesn't offer enough going forward in IMO. I've yet to see him put a good ball in the box (ALWAYS overhits it). It's no wonder Gerrard was switching to the right to put in decent crosses.

I really wish some governing body / watchdog would step in to sort out UEFA and FIFA. Take them to task over all the corruption.

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I guess if Milner was dropped Johnson would be slaughtered?

While that right hand side isn't pulling up any trees, it is balanced. I think Milner and Johnson are sort of a safe bet partnership.

On the left.... Its a good job Cole is a magnificent LB.

Strange, England are functional, defend well, create little and are through.

Holland, play pretty, defend ****e, create loads and are easily dispatched.

If you aren't wasteful like England aren't under Roy.... Always stand a chance.

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Was it over the line? I don't think so


It was offside anyway, I can't believe that this is the major talking point.

That linesman should be the talking point, was he Italian? It's like he backed out of cheating at the last minute. They had two brilliant chances and both of them were offside.


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I was alive in 1990 but not old enough to remmeber the game.. 1995 was pretty much when I first attended and 1996 is the first major that I remember clearly..

Since then we haven't faced Italy in a major.. And even a 3rd place playoff is more like a friendly given that none can win the tournament and the game has little importance..

I don't moan, I'm just not a deluded goon like Smiffy who seems to think that scoring more goals makes you the better team regardless of what's happened in the past.. Roy is being painted out as some kind of hero despite having an easy draw and struggling in each game..

And are you serious about Germany not beating Greece? The gap between the two teams is huge.. It's not a case of Barcelona and Chelsea, this is Barcelona and Wolverhampton Wanderers.. Bring on the Italians, I'm predicting an absoloute bore-fest with next to no attempts on goal and the Italians to dominate either way.. But we'll probably get lucky with them missing a penalty, having a clear goal rled out and us scoring a tap-in again after a triple deflection (sorry I mean fantastic ball from Gerrard)

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Did I hear last night that England have the highest chance conversion rate of the tornament? 23% i think the commentator said on MOTD.....

Yes the rugby team is doing well, but lets get back to the football team.
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I was alive in 1990 but not old enough to remmeber the game.. 1995 was pretty much when I first attended and 1996 is the first major that I remember clearly..

Since then we haven't faced Italy in a major.. And even a 3rd place playoff is more like a friendly given that none can win the tournament and the game has little importance..

I don't moan, I'm just not a deluded goon like Smiffy who seems to think that scoring more goals makes you the better team regardless of what's happened in the past.. Roy is being painted out as some kind of hero despite having an easy draw and struggling in each game..

And are you serious about Germany not beating Greece? The gap between the two teams is huge.. It's not a case of Barcelona and Chelsea, this is Barcelona and Wolverhampton Wanderers.. Bring on the Italians, I'm predicting an absoloute bore-fest with next to no attempts on goal and the Italians to dominate either way.. But we'll probably get lucky with them missing a penalty, having a clear goal rled out and us scoring a tap-in again after a triple deflection (sorry I mean fantastic ball from Gerrard)

So what if thats how we get through, who cares ?

Apart from you of course, who will go onto tell us how the best team scored fewer goals, the rules should be changed, football is the loser, Gerrard didnt mean to beat that man with a great bit of skill putting the defence under pressure with a super ball in, whilst we sit back enjoying the win and supping a nice cold pint to celebrate.

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I was alive in 1990 but not old enough to remmeber the game.. 1995 was pretty much when I first attended and 1996 is the first major that I remember clearly..

Since then we haven't faced Italy in a major.. And even a 3rd place playoff is more like a friendly given that none can win the tournament and the game has little importance..

I don't moan, I'm just not a deluded goon like Smiffy who seems to think that scoring more goals makes you the better team regardless of what's happened in the past.. Roy is being painted out as some kind of hero despite having an easy draw and struggling in each game..

And are you serious about Germany not beating Greece? The gap between the two teams is huge.. It's not a case of Barcelona and Chelsea, this is Barcelona and Wolverhampton Wanderers.. Bring on the Italians, I'm predicting an absoloute bore-fest with next to no attempts on goal and the Italians to dominate either way.. But we'll probably get lucky with them missing a penalty, having a clear goal rled out and us scoring a tap-in again after a triple deflection (sorry I mean fantastic ball from Gerrard)

I suppose that if we happen to win this tournament it will be because our way has been paved with gold in the form of inferior opponents and a whole gang of referees' decisions going in our favour. I don't suppose it will have anything to do with a manger who knows his job and a squad willing and able to play together as a winning team.
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So, we've played the arrogant French. Gave them to much respect and drew 1-1. We've played against Sweden who so badly wanted to beat us and should definitely be considered as rivals from now on. We've played the home nation Ukraine, struggled against them in the hostile atmosphere, they tried to break us down but failed. Could so easily have been gifted a lucky goal, the guy who might have had the assist was in an offside position when the ball was played to him.

T'was The Group of Death: B.

Roll on the Italians (eh Bris) and lets see what that game brings us. We've seen 3 very different performances from England so far, I predict another one! Would rather have got the Spanish to be honest, can't see them breaking down our defence with that tippy tappy crap and no strikers. They've only got one style of play and they are no Barcelona.

Italians struggle to score and are susceptible to a mistake or two. Hope Balotelli starts, he might get sent off.

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