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Racism at Euro 2012

Brammie Steve

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I know meaning of racism, I have just expanded it a little because I think prejudice against other people is pretty much same thing regardless on reasons it exists. In my opinion it is just as bad if you treat people wrong based on their skin colour or some other thing say obesity.

I might be introverted person but maybe it is just that I'm an a**hole. 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ph34r' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ph34r:' />

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I know meaning of racism, I have just expanded it a little because I think prejudice against other people is pretty much same thing regardless on reasons it exists. In my opinion it is just as bad if you treat people wrong based on their skin colour or some other thing say obesity.

I might be introverted person but maybe it is just that I'm an a**hole. 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ph34r' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ph34r:' />

You're alright mate, give yourself a cuddle!

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About Racism. Before you read on you should know this. I don't want to offend anyone but I probably will. But really, really don't want to offend anyone.

I'm a racist. In my mind 99.99 percent of people I have met are racist. Most of these people are from Finland so perhaps it is just us.

I'm very prejudiced against almost every nationality. Especially of our neighbours from Sweden, Russia and Estonia. Also against people from Somalia, USA, Japan and, well you name it. And of course against people from other parts of Finland too.

The thing is I have made good friends from almost every kind of people I'm prejudiced against. And there isn't a place or a religion or skin colour that I would not believe could become one of my best friends over time. But I'm very suspicious of people who are not like me. Or actually who are not me. You have to prove yourself to me before I can drop my suspicion away. Most people I have met are like that. In my opinion.

That's why I find it so hard sometimes when people are so raged against racism. I think it is only natural. By this I don't mean I would accept people tossing bananas on the field if a black player is on the field. That's more of people being ****** than racist although they would be also racists. But being a racist for me doesn't mean you have to act hurtful against people you are suspicious of.

I dont want to accept any kind of hurtful deeds against any group of people even florest fans but I do believe it is some kind of normal state for people to be prejudiced against people they feel strangers.

Don't get too pissed against me but feel free to give your opinion about this. I believe I deserve what I will be getting from you guys.

Good post.

You've basically given a lecture on the the psychology of the human mind realised through a long process of evolutionary biology, probably without realising it! As I understand it and as Uttox analogises, the human brain is hardwired, that is to say genetically determined to challenge difference. It is a rudimentary survival strategy, much like a group of communal living apes attacking a "foreigner" infringing on its territory. We've come to a point in human history whereby our instincts are now offset by a moral code, in other words instead of meeting difference and change with hostility as a form of protectionism, it is now to be embraced. Whilst I don't want to get on to a religious debate, this also gives an offering of what "love" may actually constitute. Humans have lived in small communities with a small number of families for 99%+ of our existence as a species, the bond between the members of the group was a live-or-die bond, a mutual reliance for survival against the elements, neighbouring clans and also of the rather primitive and pesky homoerectus (neanderthal). Not being suspicious of unfamiliars would make you a freak of nature it appears. I don't personally credit humans with being anything other than highly intelligent apes, analysing our core behavourisms and interactions shows little difference.

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I don't think it's racism what Cisse is talking about. It's more like fear of unknown which has always been most important part of surviving (if you believe evolutionay psychologists). But you shouldn't mix hatred and fear. Hatred is unsophisticated and uncivilized act to fear and hatred against different race/age/etc is racism.

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Netherlands captain Mark van Bommel says the team's black players were subjected to monkey chants at an open training session in Poland.

He described the alleged abuse in Krakow as a "real disgrace".

Uefa said an incident had occurred but it was a protest about the city not being given any Euro 2012 matches, The Times reported.

However, Van Bommel said: "Open your ears. If you did hear it, and don't want to hear it, that is even worse."

The claims come on the opening day of the tournament, which is being co-hosted by Poland and Ukraine.

BBC sports news correspondent Dan Roan said 20,000 fans had turned up to watch the training session at the Stadion Miejski.

"The claims haven't been proven yet as there has been no confirmation from Uefa or the Dutch FA," he said.

"Some reporters said they did not hear the abuse but van Bommel said they needed to open their ears.

"This training session had occurred on Wednesday in the city of Krakow which is hosting three teams, including England.

"This is the last thing Uefa wants to hear and the news would have reached the England camp.

"They will train in front of several thousand fans on Friday and will be aware of what has happened."

Martin Lipton, from the Daily Mirror, is in Krakow and told BBC Radio 5 live there was a large number of Polish fans involved in the abuse.

He said: "As they were doing a lap on the pitch around 500 of the local fans started doing monkey chants at the black players.

"It became worse on the second lap, at which point Van Bommel took the players to the other side of the stadium. It's the only story in the Dutch press today."

The day before the alleged abuse, the Netherlands players had visited Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz, which is nearby.

Van Bommel said: "It is a real disgrace, especially after getting back from Auschwitz, that you are confronted with this.

"We will take it up with Uefa and if it happens at a match we will talk to the referee and ask him to take us off the field."

BBC's Panorama programme last month raised the issue of potential racism at Euro 2012 after filming supporters in Ukraine giving Nazi salutes and taunting black players with monkey noises.

Earlier this week Uefa president Michel Platini told BBC Sport that the issue was one for wider society, not simply football. He said referees had the power to stop games if there was racist abuse from the stands.

The tournament kicks off at 17:00 BST on Friday with hosts Poland playing Greece in the opening match in Warsaw.

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It's just been on RD - Platini has said any player who walks off the pitch if they are racially abused must be booked.

Really?? Is this really the society we live in when football must come before the basic human right of not having to be abused in this way?

It's disgusting.

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I believe players should stay on the pitch, because then it'd only mean the racists would win, but booking players who walk off the pitch because they're being taunted is absolutely disgraceful. What they should do personally, is ban any country who's racist, from qualifying for the championships or world cup, maybe even not let any of the country's club teams enter the champions league for 2-3 seasons. Maybe that might stop these racists and make them think twice about making monkey chants.

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I'm hoping thusfar this is press sensationalism but I've no reason to unsubstantiate the account before and a small number preceding it. I seriously hope the stadiums are clear of this, I'll be furious if any football is interupted because the authorities and UEFA have underestimated the issue.

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This is getting silly. What's that bellend platini going to say next? They were protesting against the dutch holding monkeys captive at Amsterdam zoo? It's ridiculous UEFA are so ignorant and refuse to accept that racism is an issue here.


Euro 2012: Uefa confirms 'isolated racist chanting' towards Dutch

Uefa has confirmed there were "isolated incidents of racist chanting" aimed at Netherlands players during an open training session.

But the governing body has not revealed whether it is investigating the incident in Krakow, Poland.

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